1. Opening of the meeting, choosing the chair and secretary, and two persons for counting votes:
- meeting started 17:10
- chair Sami Räsänen, secretary Matti Heikinheimo, vote counters Tapio Lampén and Henning Kirschenmann
2. Accepting the agenda
- accepted
3. Choosing the board
- current board members: Sami (chair), Matti, Henning, Hannu Paukkunen and Eija Tuominen
- Eija moved to VTT, asked to step down. Otherwise old board continues.
- Erik Brücken was selected as new member
4. Activity of the division 2022-2023
- researchers night, both in Helsinki and Jyväskylä
- participation to physics days in Tampere (talks/posters)
- particle cosmo meet in Tampere
- CoE retreat in Konnevesi
- IPPOG master classes
- we were selected to organize 2025 Spåtind
5. Meetings organized in Finland 2022-2023
- particle physics day, Jyväskylä 2023
6. Meetings to be organized in Finland 2023-2024:
- physics days, particle physics day in Helsinki, Jyväskylä summer school, QCD summer school in Saariselkä, Nordic detector course (?), CoE retreat in Konnevesi, master classes in Helsinki and perhaps also in Jyväskylä, researchers night.
7. RECFA and PECFA representative report
- Kati Lassila-Perini gave rapport via Zoom
- check who controls the PP-findiv list, use that for communication. Add ppday participants automatically.
- Kati’s term ended in RECFA, Panja Luukka elected next representative
- Mikko Voutilainen gave few words from PECFA; discussions around FCC and muon collider; FCC plans coming more concrete
- Mikko’s term in PECFA ends, Henning elected next representative
8. ECFA ECR representatives report:
- Henning brought news from early career researchers (ERC)
- ERC September meeting was successful, large participation
- Henning steps down, Mikael Myllymäki suggested as next representative Confirm availability
9. AOB
- the call for new PECFA, RECFA, ECFA ECR members should be advertised via email in advance
- interested persons should contact any of the board members to express interest
- board finds a candidate before the meeting
- in future, pay attention to division meeting agenda; announce selections also there
- Next year a new representative for PECFA will be selected, as Tuomas Lappi’s term will end
- Open position for beamline for schools CERN competition. Ask Kenneth Österberg for details.
10. Closing the meeting
- meeting closed 17:58