Day of Femtoscopy (A femtoszkópia napja)

Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building (Károly Róbert Campus)

Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

Károly Róbert Campus

H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36
Máté Csanád (Eötvös University, Budapest), Tamas Novak (MATE KRC, Gyöngyös), Tamás Csörgő (Wigner RCP, Budapest and SzIE KRC, Gyöngyös)

9th Day of Femtoscopy: dedicated to open issues in Femtoscopy

A Mixed Format Meeting:  Due to good earlier experiences with such a format

Hosted by: MATE Institute of Technology, Gyöngyös Károly Róbert Campus, Mátrai út 36, H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary.

Date: October 30-31, Monday-Tuessday, 2023

Local Organizing Committee:

  • T. Csörgő (Wigner RCP and SzIE KRC, chair),  
  • M. Csanád (Eötvös University, co-organizer)  
  • G. Kasza (MATE KRC and Wigner RCP)
  • T. Novák (MATE KRC, co-organizer)
  • I. Szanyi (Wigner RCP, MATE KRC and Eötvös University)


for the Femtoscopy Laboratory, MATE Institute of Technology, Károly Róbert Campus (MATE KRC).

Short URL:

Registration fee: Waived for all online-only participants.  25 kHUF (including VAT) for regular (physically participating) colleagues.

Coffee breaks and lunch: We encourage online participants to order some pizza for lunch, prepare their coffee in the coffee breaks, and spend online time together with the other participants during these breaks for informal discussions. The Károly Róbert Cafeteria and Restaurants are both open and will serve the regular participants. We will organize dinner for the regular participants in the Pizzeria Il Caminetto in Gyöngyös, Kossuth street. 

DoF'23 is partially supported by: NKFIH K133046 grant (Hungary), by the Circles of Knowledge Club and by the MATE KKP (Programme for Research Excellence of MATE)..

  • Andras Ster
  • Balazs Korodi
  • György Csaba Barkó
  • Gábor Kasza
  • Istvan Szanyi
  • Kyoichiro Ozawa
  • Laszlo Jenkovszky
  • Marton Nagy
  • Mate Csanad
  • Sándor Lökös
  • Tamas Csorgo
  • Tamas Novak
  • Wesley Metzger
  • Zoltán Lakner
9th Day of Femtoscopy 2023
Zoom Meeting ID
Tamas Csorgo
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
  • Monday 30 October
    • Welcome, Opening and Odderon: Single diffractive dissociation and Odderon at CERN LHC Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Károly Róbert Campus

      H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36

      English language section

      Convener: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 1
        Cross-checking Odderon signals at small -t and a strong form of Pomeranchuk's theorem
        Speaker: Prof. Tamás Csörgő (EKE KRC and Wigner RCP, Budapest and Gyöngyös, Hung)
      • 2
        Dip structures in proton diffractive dissociation
        Speakers: Laszlo Jenkovszky, Laszlo Jenkovszky (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
      • 3
        Dip-bump structures in elastic pp scattering and single diffractive dissociation
        Speaker: István Szanyi (Eötvös Loránd University)
    • 10:30
      (Online) Coffee Break Chat (Online)



      Please try to bring your coffee to your computer and stay connected for informal discussions during this online coffee break.

    • Diffraction at TeV energies: Odderon and single diffractive dissociation at LHC - Part 2 Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Károly Róbert Campus

      H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36
    • 12:30
      (Online) Lunch Break Chat (Online)



      ONLINE Lunch break - if possible, please bring your pizza or lunchbox to your computer and stay connected for informal discussions during the lunch break.

    • Levy Femtoscopy: Bose-Einstein Correlations in PHENIX, CMS and NA61 Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Károly Róbert Campus

      H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36
      • 7
        Femtoscopy with Lévy sources from SPS through RHIC to LHC
        Speaker: Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)
      • 8
        A novel method for calculating Bose-Einstein correlation functions with Coulomb final-state interaction
        Speaker: Marton Nagy (Eotvos Lorand University (HU))
      • 9
        Evaluation of the thermal photon radiation from the CKCJ solution of relativistic hydrodynamics
        Speaker: Gábor Kasza
      • 10
        Event-by-event Investigation of the Two-Particle Source Function at 2.76 TeV with EPOS
        Speaker: Mr Balázs Kórodi (Ohio State University, Columbus)
    • 15:30
      (Online) Coffee Break 2 Chat (Online)



      Please bring your coffee to your computer and stay connected for informal discussions during this online coffee break

    • Discusssion section:: Open projects and applications of Levy stable distributions and their generalizations Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Károly Róbert Campus

      H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36
      • 11
        ISMD open issues
        • Awards
        • Press
        • Proceedings
        • Reports
        Speaker: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 12
        Open topics in diffraction

        Discussion of already evaluated but not yet puiblished projects on diffraction and odderon search in particular

        Speaker: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 13
        Open topics in hydro

        Discussion of open projects in exact analytic solutions of
        - non-relativistic hydro
        - relativistic hydro

        Speaker: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 14
        Open projects in Levy analysis in high energy particle and heavy ion physics
        Speaker: Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)
      • 15

        Any other open projects (already started but not published yet)
        Discussion for all

    • 18:00
      (Online) Dinner of the Day of Femtoscopy

      Location: Il Caminetto Pizzeria, Gyöngyös, Kossuth u.

  • Tuesday 31 October
    • PHENIX Femtoscopy - restricted Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Károly Róbert Campus

      H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36
    • 10:00
      (Online) coffee break Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Károly Róbert Campus

      H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36
    • Discussion and brainstorming on new projects and new applications of (generalized) Levy-stable distributions Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Rector's Council Room, Floor 1, main building

      Károly Róbert Campus

      H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary, Mátrai út 36
      • 16
        Welcome by the Director of MATE Károly Róbert Campus

        Welcome by Professor Zoltán Bujdosó, director of MATE Károly Róbert Campus

        Speaker: Dr Zoltán Bujdosó
      • 17
        Model-independent femtoscopic methods with possible practical applications
        Speaker: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 18
        Open questions in Agriculture, Life Sciences and Economy
        Speaker: Prof. Zoltán Lakner
      • 19
        Discussion on possible new projects
        Speakers: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU)), Zoltán Lakner