12:00 PM
Dynamical phases in Non-equilibrium CFTs
Diptarka Das
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
Field theoretic treatment of gravitational waves
Subhendra Mohanty
2:55 PM
BSM searches in experimentally challenging regions of phase space
Swagata Mukherjee
(Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
3:20 PM
Analytic approaches in conformal bootstrap
Apratim Kaviraj
3:45 PM
Oh Carroll!
Arjun Bagchi
4:10 PM
--- Tea ---
4:30 PM
Troubles mounting for Multipolar Dark Matter
Poulami Mondal
4:55 PM
Unitarity bound on dark matter in low-temperature reheating scenarios
Sudipta Show
5:20 PM
Phantom dynamical dark energy for the late phase acceleration of the universe
Sarath N.