International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, ISVHECRI 2014
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
The 18th meeting of the International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2014), will be held at CERN, Geneva, 18 August to 22 August 2014.
ISVHECRI is a biennial conference series launched in 1980 at Nakhodka (Russia) dedicated to very high energy cosmic ray research. A specific aspect of the ISVHECRI series is to focus on high energy hadron collisions of cosmic ray particles and related topics including all directions of very, and extremely, high energy cosmic ray studies with air showers. These Symposia highlight the accelerator studies of hadronic interactions at very high energies and the consequent interpretation of the cosmic ray data as well as the understanding of hadronic interactions from cosmic ray data. This series brings together cosmic ray physicists and scientists involved with the high energy accelerators and colliding beam facilities, including the LHC and RHIC. The ISVHECRI meeting at CERN will be an ideal opportunity for cosmic-ray and particle physicists engaged in accelerator experiments to directly discuss problems of mutual interest.
Topics coverd in this Symposium:
• Recent accelerator data and results • Hadronic cross sections
• Multiparticle production • Hadronic-interaction models
• Extensive air showers • High-energy cosmic-ray data
• Exotic phenomena • Muon and neutrino fluxes
The Symposium will consist of plenary sessions, including invited review talks, as well as highlight talks and posters selected from the submitted abstracts.
The scientific part of the meeting will start in the afternoon of Monday 18 August, with registrations open from the morning.
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