The flavor of Higgs

Drory Auditorium (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Drory Auditorium

Weizmann Institute of Science

Aielet Efrati, Liron Barak (CERN - PH/UAT), Yotam Soreq (W)
The beginning of a new era at the LHC, marked by the recent discovery of a Higgs boson, promises new insights into the puzzle of Flavor Physics. We will review and discuss key aspects related to Higgs fermion couplings. The workshop will cover both phenomenological and experimental topics, addressing analyses of current data as well as prospects for the upcoming LHC run.

The workshop is sponsored by the five Research Schools at the Feinberg Graduate School of the Weizmann Institute of Science:
- André Deloro Research School of Physical Science
- Solo Dwek and Maurizio Dwek Research School of Chemical Science
- Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science
- Ekard Research School of Biological Science
- Moross Research School of Mathematics and Computer Science
and by the I Core Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and The Israel Science Foundation (grant No. 1937/1)

  • Adam Falkowski
  • Aielet Efrati
  • Aleksandr Azatov
  • Aleksandr Azatov
  • alexander kagan
  • Alexander Madsen
  • Aliaksandr Pranko
  • Andrea Gabrielli
  • Andrea Giammanco
  • Andreas Hoecker
  • Andrey Popov
  • Andrรฉ David
  • Aurelio Juste
  • Avital Dery
  • Daniel Aloni
  • Daniela Rebuzzi
  • Don Hochman
  • Eilam Gross
  • Emmanuel Stamou
  • Erez Etzion
  • Fabio Maltoni
  • Giacinto Piacquadio
  • Gideon Bella
  • Giuliano Panico
  • Iftah Galon
  • Ira Hammerman
  • James Edward Ferrando
  • Jana Schaarschmidt
  • Jernej F. Kamenik
  • Joachim Brod
  • jonathan cohen
  • Kirill Prokofiev
  • Liron Barak
  • Loic Quertenmont
  • Markus Schumacher
  • Matthias Komm
  • Michael Geller
  • Michael Pitt
  • Michael Spannowsky
  • Michael Spira
  • mihailo backovic
  • Niv Ierushalmi
  • Oren Slone
  • Seung J. Lee
  • Shaouly Bar-Shalom
  • Shikma Bressler
  • Shlomit Tarem
  • Tim Stefaniak
  • Tomer Volansky
  • Yevgeny Kats
  • Yevgeny Kats
  • Yoram Rozen
  • Yossi Nir
  • Yotam Soreq
  • Yuval Grossman
    • Open Session Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Dr Gilad Perez (Weizmann Institute)
      • 1
        Opening announcement
      • 2
        Opening - experimental
        Speaker: Andreas Hoecker (CERN)
      • 3
        Opening - theory
        Speaker: Yuval Grossman (Cornell)
    • Coffee break Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Flavor tagging and identification Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Mihailo Backovic (Weizmann Institute of Science)
      • 4
        Flavor tagging and identification
        Speaker: Giacinto Piacquadio (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
    • Lunch Astro Lobby

      Astro Lobby

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Higgs couplings Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Eilam Gross (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
      • 5
        Higgs couplings - theory
        Speaker: Michael Spira (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
      • 6
        Higgs couplings - experimental
        Speaker: Andrรฉ David (CERN)
      • 7
        Higgs couplings - discussion
    • Coffee break Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Monte-Carlo Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Mihailo Backovic (Weizmann Institute of Science)
      • 8
        Speaker: Fabio Maltoni (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
    • Reception Accelerator Tower

      Accelerator Tower

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Monte-Carlo Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Yevgeny Kats (Weizmann Institute)
      • 9
        Speaker: Fabio Maltoni (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
    • Single top and Higgs Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Yevgeny Kats (Weizmann Institute)
      • 10
        single top and Higgs in CMS: quantum interference and the sign of the top Yukawa
        Speaker: Andrea Giammanco (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
    • Coffee break Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • ttH/tH Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Yevgeny Kats (Weizmann Institute)
      • 11
        th/tth - theory
        Speaker: Michael Spannowsky
      • 12
        th/tth - experimental
        Speaker: Aurelio Juste Rozas (Universitat Autรฒnoma de Barcelona (ES))
      • 13
        th/tth - discussion
    • Lunch Astro Lobby

      Astro Lobby

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Excursion to Jerusalem
    • Asymmetric lepton-flavor violating Higgs decays Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Erez Etzion (Tel Aviv University (IL))
      • 14
        Asymmetric lepton-flavor violating Higgs decays
        Speaker: Shikma Bressler (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
    • Coffee break Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Higgs and LFV Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Erez Etzion (Tel Aviv University (IL))
      • 15
        Higgs and LFV - theory
        Speaker: Jernej F. Kamenik (Jozef Stefan Institute)
      • 16
        Higgs and LFV - experimental
        Speaker: Aliaksandr Pranko (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
      • 17
        Higgs and LFV - discussion
    • lunch Astro Lobby

      Astro Lobby

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Higgs width and couplings to heavy flavors Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Jana Schaarschmidt (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
      • 18
        Higgs width and heavy flavors - theory
        Speaker: Adam Falkowski (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
      • 19
        Higgs width and heavy flavors - experimental
        Speaker: Daniela Rebuzzi (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 20
        Constraints on the Higgs width from off-shell production and decays to Z-boson pairs
        Speaker: Loic Quertenmont (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
      • 21
        Higgs width and heavy flavors - discussion
    • Excursion and dinner in Tel Aviv
    • Higgs and CPV Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Emmanuel Stamou (W)
      • 22
        An Exclusive Window onto Higgs Yukawa Couplings
        Speaker: Yotam Soreq (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
      • 23
        b Polarization as a Probe of New Physics
        Speaker: Yevgeny Kats (Weizmann Institute)
    • Coffee break Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Higgs and CPV Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Emmanuel Stamou (W)
      • 24
        Higgs and CPV - theory
        Speaker: Joachim Brod (TU Munich)
      • 25
        Higgs and CPV - experimental
        Speaker: Kirill Prokofiev (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
      • 26
        Higgs and CPV - discussion
    • Lunch Astro Lobby

      Astro Lobby

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • top-pair final state Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Seung Lee (KAIST)
      • 27
        top pair - theory
        Speaker: Aleksandr Azatov (CERN)
      • 28
        top pair - experimental
        Speaker: James Edward Ferrando (University of Glasgow (GB))
      • 29
        top pair - discussion
    • Coffee break Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

    • Summary session Drory Auditorium

      Drory Auditorium

      Weizmann Institute of Science

      Convener: Seung Lee (KAIST)
      • 30
        Summary - theory
        Speaker: Giuliano Panico (CERN)
      • 31
        Summary - experimental
        Speaker: Markus Schumacher (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))