TCAD and Surface Damage
- Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB))
Ranjeet Dalal
(University of Delhi)
11/21/14, 9:00 AM
The TCAD modeling of radiation damage for the silicon sensors not only provides understanding of the radiation damage, it is also helpful in the sensor design optimization. But radiation damage simulation of silicon sensors must be carried out by simultaneous incorporation of appropriate bulk and surface damages since both the strip and pixel sensors undergo these degrading effects. The use of...
Timo Hannu Tapani Peltola
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
11/21/14, 9:20 AM
Recent developments in the simulation work group suggest the possibility to reproduce the experimentally observed surface properties of
proton irradiated silicon strip sensors by the implementation of interface traps at the Si/SiO2 interface. This could offer an alternative for
the non-uniform 3-level model applied in Synopsys Sentaurus package, where a shallow acceptor level is added to...
Vagelis Gkougkousis
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
11/21/14, 9:40 AM
N-in-N, N-in-P and p-Spray implants with varied parameters are simulated and compared with Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy measurements in an attempt to understand device characteristics and calibrate the simulation framework. A very good agreement is observed for the intermediate and high doses, while corrections are implemented for measurements performed through the screen oxide layer. Using...
Marcela Mikestikova
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
11/21/14, 10:00 AM
The electrical characteristics of different types of end-cap miniature silicon strip sensors, ATLAS12A, were evaluated before and after proton and gamma irradiation. We report on the bulk damage aspects, including the increase of leakage current and evaluation of the full depletion voltage as well as the surface damage, including the decrease of inter-strip resistance, changes in inter-strip...
Ioannis Kopsalis
(University of Hamburg)
11/21/14, 10:50 AM
For the proper simulation and understanding of segmented silicon sensors the surface boundary conditions and the charge density distribution in the SiO2 layer (and other insulator layers if present), as well as at the Si-SiO2 interface have to be known. It has been observed previously, that the boundary conditions on the sensor surface change with relative humidity, RH. A simulation example of...
Miguel Ullan Comes
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
11/21/14, 11:10 AM
Results from the newly fabricated Low Resistance (LowR) Strip Sensors will be presented. In this third batch fabricated at CNM-Barcelona, new technological solutions have been implemented to obtain the needed low resistivity in the strips in order to obtain a full protection versus beam losses. As a first technological alternative, a Titanium Silicide (TiSi2) layer has been created on top of...
Marko Mikuz
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
11/21/14, 11:30 AM
Electric field in silicon irradiated with neutrons up to 1e17 n_eq/cm^2 was investigated by edge-TCT. Methods for absolute determination of electric field were developed. From the v(E) dependence mobility degradation with fluence was extracted. A simple field structure was observed, consistent with a SCR and "ENB", a region that does not contribute to leakage current and the electric field is...
Juozas Vaitkus
(Vilnius University (LT))
11/21/14, 11:50 AM
Vladimir Eremin
(Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Scienc)
11/21/14, 11:55 AM