Bruce Mellado Garcia(University of the Witwatersrand), Daniela Rebuzzi(Pavia University), Junichi Tanaka(University of Tokyo), Markus Schumacher(Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Michael Duehrssen-Debling(CERN), Nikolaos Rompotis(University of Washington), Reisaburo Tanaka(LAL-Orsay)
This workshop is intended to follow up the recent progresses in (N)NLO MCs and Tools in Higgs physics to prepare for LHC RUN-2 at 13/14TeV which will start in spring 2015. After reviewing the lessons from RUN-1, 1) recent theoretical progresses in (N)NLO MCs and Tools and 2) MC validation status and wish lists by the experimental collaborations will be discussed, followed by the round table discussions.