28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Domain wall network as QCD vacuum: confinement, chiral symmetry, hadronization

2 Sept 2016, 17:55
Amfitrion I (Makedonia Palace)

Amfitrion I

Makedonia Palace

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Section A


Dr Sergei Nedelko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, BLTP)


An approach to QCD vacuum as a medium describable in terms of statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous Abelian (anti-)self-dual gluon fields is briefly reviewed. These fields play the role of the confining medium for color charged fields as well as underline the mechanism of realization of chiral $SU_{\rm L}(N_f)\times SU_{\rm R}(N_f)$ and $U_A(1)$ symmetries. Hadronization formalism based on this ensemble leads to manifestly defined quantum effective meson action. Strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions of mesons are represented in the action in terms of nonlocal $n$-point interaction vertices given by the quark-gluon loops averaged over the background ensemble. New systematic results for the mass spectrum and decay constants of radially excited light, heavy-light mesons and heavy quarkonia as well as electromagnetic form factors are presented. Interrelations between the present approach, models based on ideas of soft wall AdS/QCD, results of functional renormalization group and DSE results, and the picture of harmonic confinement are outlined.

S.N. Nedelko and V.E. Voronin,
``Regge spectra of excited mesons, harmonic confinement and QCD vacuum structure,''
Phys. Rev. D 93, no. 9, 094010 (2016)
[arXiv:1603.01447 [hep-ph]].

S.N. Nedelko and V.E. Voronin,
``Domain wall network as QCD vacuum and the chromomagnetic trap formation under extreme conditions,''
Eur. Phys. J. A 51, no. 4, 45 (2015)
[arXiv:1403.0415 [hep-ph]]

B.V. Galilo and S.N. Nedelko,
``Impact of the strong electromagnetic field on the QCD effective potential for homogeneous Abelian gluon field configurations,''
Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 094017
[arXiv:1107.4737 [hep-ph]].


Dr Sergei Nedelko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, BLTP)


Mr Vladimir Voronin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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