August 28, 2016 to September 4, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Scientific Programme

Scientific Focus

The conference covers a broad range topics related to strong interactions and QCD and it is organized in the seven sections detailed below.

The state of art and open challenges of the physics of each section has been highlighted in QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives arXiv:1404.3723 [hep-ph] (EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C Volume: 74 Issue: 10 Article Number: 2981) - a document largely nurtured in this series of conference and in part inspired by the 10th anniversary edition of the conference.

Conference Sections

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement

Mechanisms of quark confinement (vortices, monopoles, calorons...) and the structure of the vacuum in non-Abelian gauge theories. Chiral symmetry breaking, and the Dirac spectrum in the low-momentum region. Studies of ghost and gluon propagators. Confining strings and flux tubes, their effective actions. Renormalons and power corrections. Interface between perturbative and non-perturbative physics.
Conveners: D. Antonov (Heidelberg), M. Faber (TU Vienna), J. Greensite (San Francisco State U)
Key speakers: Massimo D'Elia, David Dudal, Gernot Eichmann, Roman Hoellwieser, Ralf Hofmann, Kenichi Konishi, Axel Maas, Owe Philipsen, Hugo Reinhardt, Edward Shuryak, Lorenz von Smekal, Hideo Suganuma, Guy de Teramond, Daniel Zwanziger

Focus Subsection: Emergent gauge fields and chiral fermions

Chiral Fermions and anomalous hydrodynamic effects in condensed matter systems, quantum simulators of QCD, topological phenomena in condensed matter systems.
Conveners: T. Schaefer (NC State U), V. Shevchenko (NRC Kurchatov I.) 
Key speakers: Cristina Diamantini, Dmitri Kharzeev, Antti Niemi, Tin Sulejmanpasic


Section B: Light Quarks

Chiral and soft collinear effective theories; sum rules; lattice; Schwinger-Dyson equations; masses of light quarks; light-quark loops; phenomenology of light-hadron form factors, spectra and decays; structure functions and generalized parton distributions; exotics and glueballs; experiments.
Conveners: J. Goity (Hampton U.), B. Ketzer (Bonn U.), H. Sazdjian (IPN Orsay), N. G. Stefanis (Ruhr U. Bochum), H. Wittig (JGU Mainz)
Key speakers: Dina Alexandrou, Reinhard Beck, Edmond Berger, Raul Briceno, Sara Collins, Achim Denig, Max Hansen, Chueng Ji, Gerhard Mallot, Sergey Mikhaylov, Daniel Mohler, Herve Moutarde, Ignazio Scimemi, Kyrill Semenov-Tian-Shansky, Adam Szczepaniak, Peter Tandy, Lewis Tunstall, Qiang Zhao, Tanja Horn


Section C: Heavy Quarks

Heavy-light mesons, heavy quarkonia, heavy baryons, heavy exotics and related topics: phenomenology of spectra, decays, and production; effective theories for heavy quarks (HQET, NRQCD, pNRQCD, vNRQCD, SCET); sum rules for heavy hadrons; lattice calculations of heavy hadrons; heavy-quark masses determination; experiments. 
Conveners: G. Bodwin (Argonne NL), P. Pakhlov (ITEP, Moscow), J. Soto (U. Barcelona), A. Vairo (TU Munich)
Key speakers: Feng-Kun Guo, Antonio Polosa, Zhi-Guo He, Hong-Fei Zhang, Hee Sok Chung, Clara Peset, Jan Piclum, Alexi Bazabov, Simon Eydelman, Beijiang Liu, Gunner Bali, Gastao Krein, Shoji Hashimoto, Joan Soto


Section D: Deconfinement


QCD at finite temperature; quark-gluon plasma detection and characteristics; jet quenching; transportation coefficients; lattice QCD and phases of quark matter; QCD vacuum and strong fields; heavy-ion experiments.
Conveners: C. Allton (Swansea U.), E. Iancu (CEA/DSM/Saclay), M. Janik (WUT), P. Petreczky (BNL), A. Vuorinen (U. Helsinki), Y. Foka (GSI)
Key speakers:
Liliana Apolinario, Roberta Arnaldi,
Matthias Berwein, Piotr Bozek, Tomas Brauner, Jorge Casalderrey Solana, Panos Christakoglou, Magdalena Djordjevic, Wojciech Florkowski, Anthony Frawley, Jacopo Ghiglieri, Umut Gursoy, Tuomas Lappi, Wei Li, Denes Molnar, Ayan Mukhopadhay, Jean-Ives Ollitrault, Thomas Peitzmann, Alexander Rothkopf, Chichiro Sasaki, Soeren Schlichting, Christian Schmidt, Sayantan Sharma, Michael Strickland, Nan Su, Dionysis Triantafyllopoulos, Wilke van der Schee, Johannes Weber, Yan Zhu


Section E: QCD and New Physics

Physics beyond the Standard Model with hadronic physics precision experimental data and precision calculations.
Conveners: W. Detmold (MIT), M. Gersabeck (U. Manchester), F. J. Llanes-Estrada (UC Madrid), E. Mereghetti (Los Alamos NL), J. Portoles (IFIC, Valencia)
Key speakers:
Peter Stoffer, Peter Sebastian Jäger, Marcin Chrzaszcz, Zhaofeng Liu, Susan Gardner, Wade Duvali, Jordy de Vries, Martin Jung, Robin Roth, Michael Wagman, Achim Schwenk, Rajan Gupta, Peter Fierlinger, Martha Constaninou, Tim Hobbs, Roman Zwicky, Lars Hofer, Ralph Massarczyk, W. Rodejohann, Javier Mendez, Tom Blake, Massimo d'Elia, Anoine Chalepain, Mikhail Gorchteyin


Section F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics

Nuclear matter; nuclear forces; quark matter; neutron and compact stars.
Conveners: M. Alford (Washington U. in St.Louis), D. Blaschke (U. Wroclaw), T. Cohen (U. Maryland), L. Fabbietti (TU Munich), A. Schmitt (U Southampton)
Key speakers: Nicolas Chamel, Stefano Gandolfi, Or Hen, Ulf Meissner, Giuseppe Pagliara, Naoki Yamamoto, Aleksi Vuorinen


Section G: Strongly Coupled Theories

Hints on the confinement/deconfinement mechanisms from supersymmetric and string theories; strongly coupled theories beyond the Standard Model; applications of nonperturbative methods of QCD to other fields.
Conveners: D. Espriu (U. Barcelona), Z. Fodor (BU Wuppertal), E. Kiritsis (APC and U. Crete), F. Sannino (CP3-Origins), A. Weiler (TU Munich)
Key speakers: Bipasha Chakraborty, Miguel Costa, Nick Evans, Mads Fradsen, Ioannis Iatrakis, Francesco Nitti, Daniel Nogradi, Tassos Petkou, Claudio Pica, Katz Sandor, Juanjo Sanz-Cillero, Kimmo Tuominen

Future Perspectives, Upgrades, Instrumentation 

On Saturday, 3 September a plenary session is dedicated to Future Prespectives. 
In addition some parallel sessions are devoted to Upgrades and Instrumentation.

Probing QCD and facilities, future experiments, planned upgrades, performance studies, simulation and analysis methods, instrumentation and new technologies
onvenersL. Musa (CERN), S. Leontsinis (U. Colorado), P. Di Nezza (INFN Frascati)C. Sturm (GSI)
Key speakers:
Pasquale Di Nezza, Stefano Panebianco, Domenico Di Bari, Theodoros Geralis, Iouri Vassiliev, Alessandro Polini, Grigori Feofilov, Philipp Klaus, Ivan Kisel, Stina Karin Schoenning

Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century 

Machine learning techniques; data fitting and extraction of signals; new developents in unfolding methods; averaging and combination of results
Conveners: T. Dorigo (INFN, Italy)
Key speakers:
 Sergey Gleyzer, Eilam Gross, Luca Lista, Francisco Matorras, Harrison Prosper, Bruno Scarpa, Stefan Schmitt, Kai Yi, Sebastian Wertz

Satellite Workshop: Accelerators Revealing the QCD Secrets

Starting from today’s accelerators the workshop will discuss requirements of future facilities for QCD studies.
Conveners: Y. Foka (
GSI, Germany), E. Tsesmelis (CERN, Switzerland), O. Kester (GSI, Germany)
Key speakers: Mirko Pojer, Ioannins Papaphilippou, Isabel Bejar Alonso, John Jowett, Frank Zimmerman, Wolfram Fischer, Christoph Montag, Aschenauer Elke-Caroline