August 28, 2016 to September 4, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Registration Fees

Registration fee type

Early registration, EUR 
(up to July 12, 2016)

Late registration, EUR,
after July 12, 2016)
Regular 390 440
Student 280 330
Accompanying person 100 120

Registration fee of conference participants includes: proceedings, conference facilities, coffee breaks, conference social dinner and excursion, welcome reception and finger food at the poster session.

Registration fee of accompanying persons includes: conference social dinner, excursion, welcome reception and finger food at the poster session..

Registration deadline - July 28, 2016.

For the CERN payments only via internal TID (correspondingly Regular / Student / Accompanying):
the Early registration fee is 422 CHF / 303 CHF / 108 CHF
the Late  registration fee is 476 CHF / 357 CHF / 130 CHF

No late fee penalty applies if the cash payment is done within the first 2 days after arrival.