August 28, 2016 to September 4, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Details of Payments

Important Note: Please, use the code CONF12 and the Name of the participant for all payments. 

Important Note: to simplify the process of the payments identifications we kindly ask you to attach the confirmation of your payment to the registration form or send it to

CERN internal payments: CERN Team account T223500

Bank transfer:
Alpha Bank: Branch 702 - 43, Vassilisis Olgas str.-Thessaloniki 
Account Holder: Androniki Bai
Account No: 7020 0200 2011 088
IBAN: GR85 0140 7020 7020 0200 2011 088

with a message : CONF12, Name of the participant

In case a payment is done by bank transfer, please note that we must receive the full amount clear of all bank charges. If you have any questions, please, contact:
NB EVENTS Conference services
114, Tsimiski str. GR 546 22 Thessaloniki Greece

Tel: +30-2310-223461
Fax: +30-2310-221408

Payment of the fee in cash is possible by request, in this case no late fee penalty applies if the cash payment is done within the first 2 days after arrival