August 28, 2016 to September 4, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Veroia, 27/08 (English)

Science event for the public at the Public Library, Veroia, 27-08-2016  

On Saturday 27th of August, at the Veroia Public Library in the morning in the evening, a programme of activities, addressed to the public of all ages, will bring them in contact with the most advanced cutting-edge research related to the understanding of nature and the laws that govern our universe. The event is organized by the 12th International Conference “Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum” which takes place in Thessaloniki from 28th August to 3rd September (

In the morning (11:30-14:00), the visitors of the Public Library will have the opportunity to follow presentations and projections, perform simple physics experiments and analyze real data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, under the guidance of Greek and foreign researchers.

Four years ago at the LHC, the Higgs boson was discovered after fifty years of research. Last summer the LHC - after two years of intensive upgrade - started recording physics data from proton collisions in nearly twice the energy it had before. The upgraded LHC will perform precision studies of the Higgs boson and look for new particles possibly produced in these unexplored energies.

The public will have the opportunity to "discover" the Higgs boson using the HYPATIA software (created by the University of Athens), exploit the way the ALICE experiment searches for the gluon-quark plasma, which was present at the earliest moments of the Big Bang, and ask questions and get answers by distinguished scientists.

In the evening (19:00-20:30) at the Public Library, the soprano K.Petrou accompanied by the pianist T.Dorigo will perform a two part program. In between the brief performances, Prof. Emanuel Tsesmelis from CERN and University of Oxford will deliver a public lecture in Greek entitled CERN and search for new physics” and will answer questions plus discuss with the audience.


Program of the event

Public Library

11:30 -14:00 Introduction to CERN by its researchers, exhibition, presentations and projections

19:00 First part of musical performance by K.Petrou

19:15 Public lecture by Prof. E.Tsesmelis “CERN and search for new physics”

20:00 Second part of musical performance by K.Petrou

20:15 Questions and discussion with the public