August 28, 2016 to September 4, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

CANCELLED: Dual parametrization of the GPDs v.s. the Mellin - Barnes transform approach and the J = 0 fixed pole

Not scheduled
Aristotelis II (Makedonia Palace)

Aristotelis II

Makedonia Palace

Section B: Light Quarks Section B


Kirill Semenov-Tian-Shansky


The dual parametrization of of generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and the
Mellin-Barnes integral approach represent two frameworks for handling the double
partial wave expansion of GPDs in the conformal partial waves and in the cross-channel
${\rm SO}(3)$ partial waves. We explicitly show the complete equivalence of these two independently developed GPD representations. This provides additional insight into the GPD properties and their physical interpretation. We discuss the relation between the $J=0$ fixed pole contribution into the Compton scattering amplitude and the $D$-term form factor. We argue that in the Bjorken limit
the $J=0$ fixed pole universality hypothesis of S.Brodsky is equivalent to the conjecture
that the $D$-term form factor is given by the inverse moment sum rule. This implies
that the $D$-term is an inherent part of the corresponding GPD. We also briefly discuss
applications for GPD modeling and map the phenomenologically successful Kumericki-Mueller
GPD model to the dual parametrization framework.



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