28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Qweak: First Direct Measurement of the Proton's Weak Charge

30 Aug 2016, 18:10
Amfitrion I (Makedonia Palace)

Amfitrion I

Makedonia Palace

Section E: QCD and New Physics Section E


Wade Duvall (Virginia Tech)


The Qweak experiment, which ran for two and a half years at Jefferson Lab,
will precisely determine the weak charge of the proton by measuring the
parity-violating asymmetry in elastic e-p scattering at 1.1 GeV using a
longitudinally polarized electron beam and a liquid hydrogen target at a
low momentum transfer of $Q^2 = 0.025 \left(\textrm{GeV/c} \right)^2$. The
weak charge of the proton is predicted by the Standard Model and any
significant deviation would indicate physics beyond the Standard Model.
The technical challenges and experimental apparatus for measuring the weak
charge of the proton will be discussed, as well as the method of
extracting the weak charge of the proton. The results from a small subset
of the data, that has been published, will also be presented. Furthermore
an update will be given of the current status of the data analysis and of
several of ancillary experiments performed.


Wade Duvall (Virginia Tech)

Presentation materials