Garzoglio Gabriele
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
In 2005, the DZero Data Reconstruction project processed 250 tera-bytes of data on
the Grid, using 1,600 CPU-years of computing cycles in 6 months. The large
computational task required a high-level of refinement of the SAM-Grid system, the
integrated data, job, and information management infrastructure of the RunII
experiments at Fermilab. The success of the project was in part due to the...
Lars Schley
(University Dortmund, IRF-IT, Germany)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
This paper discusses an architectural approach to enhance job scheduling in data
intensive applications in HEP computing. First, a brief introduction to the current
grid system based on LCG/gLite is given, current bottlenecks are identified and
possible extensions to the system are described. We will propose an extended
scheduling architecture, which adds a scheduling framework on top...
Silvio Pardi
13/02/2006, 11:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
The INFN-GRID project allows experimenting and testing many different and innovative
solutions in the GRID environment. In this research ad development it is important to
find the most useful solutions for simplified the managment and access to the resources.
In the VIRGO laboratory in Napoli we have tested a non standard implementation based
on LCG 2.6.0 by using a diskless solution...
Mieczyslaw Krasny
(LPNHE, Uviversity Paris)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Online Computing
Traditionally, in the pre-LHC muti-purpose high-energy experiements the
diversification of their physics programs has been largely decoupled from the process
of the data-taking - physics groups could only influence the selection criteria of
recorded events according to predefined trigger menus. In particular, the
physics-oriented choice of subdetector data and the implementation of refined...
Andreas Wildauer
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
The design of a general jet tagging algorithm for the ATLAS detector reconstruction
software is presented.
For many physics analyses, reliable and efficient flavour identification, 'tagging',
of jets is vital in the process of reconstructing the physics content of the event.
To allow for a broad range of identification methods emphasis is put on the
flexibility of the framework. A...
Rosa palmiero
(INFN and University of Naples)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The Grid technology is attracting a lot of interest, involving hundreds of
researchers and software engineers around the world. The characteristics of Grid
demand the developing of suitable monitoring system able to obtain the significant
information in order to make management decision and control system behaviour. In
this paper we are going to analyse a formal declarative interpreted...
William Tomlin
13/02/2006, 11:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
The collaboration between BARC and CERN is driving a series of enhancements to ELFms
[1], the fabric management tool-suite developed with support from the HEP community
under CERN's coordination. ELFms components are used in production at CERN and a
large number of other HEP sites for automatically installing, configuring and
monitoring hundreds of clusters comprising of thousands of...
Sven Karstensen
(DESY Hamburg)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
The next generations of large colliders and their experiments will have the advantage
that groups from all over the world will participate with their competence to meet
the challenges of the future. Therefore it’s necessary to become even more global
than in the past, giving members the option of remote access to most controlling
parts of this facilities. The experience in the past has...
Joachim Flammer
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
gLite is the next generation middleware for grid computing. Born from the
collaborative efforts of more than 80 people in 12 different academic and industrial
research centers as part of the EGEE Project, gLite provides a bleeding-edge, best-
of-breed framework for building grid applications tapping into the power of
distributed computing and storage resources across the Internet....
Alexander Borissov
(University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
HERMES experiment at DESY has performed extensive measurements on diffractive
production of light vector mesons (rho^0, omega, phi) in the intermediate energy
region. Spin density matrix elements (SDMEs) were determined for exclusive
diffractive rho^0 and phi mesons and compared with results of high energy
experiments. Several methods for the extraction of SDMEs have been applied on...
Cristian Stanescu
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - Sezione Roma III)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The data taking of ARGO-YBJ experiment in Tibet is operational with 54 RPC clusters
installed and is moving rapidly to more than 100 clusters configuration. The paper
describes the processing of this phase experimental data , based on a local computer
farm. The software developed for the data management, job submission and information
retrieval is described together to the...
Alessandra Forti
(Univ.of Milano Faculty of Art), Dr
Chris Brew
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Event production and processing
For the BaBar Computing Group
We describe enhancements to the BaBar Experiment's distributed Monte Carlo generation
system to make use of European and North American GRID resources and present the
results with regard to BaBar's latest cycle of Monte-Carlo production. We compare job
success rates and manageability issues between GRID and non-GRID production and
present an investigation...
Michael Ernst
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The IT Group at DESY is involved in a variety of projects ranging from Analysis of
High Energy Physics Data at the HERA Collider and Synchrotron Radiation facilities to
cutting edge computer science experiments focused on grid computing. In support of
these activities members of the IT group have developed and deployed a local
computational facility which comprises many service nodes,...
Vardan Gyurjyan
13/02/2006, 11:00
Online Computing
Software agent based control system is implemented to control experiments running on
the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab. Within the CLAS experiments DAQ, trigger,
detector and beam line control systems are both logically and physically separated,
and are implemented independently using a common software infrastructure. CLAS
experimental control system (ECS) was designed, using earlier...
Alexei Sibidanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000
electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). The main aspects of physical program of
the experiment are study of known and search for new vector mesons, study of the
ppbar a nnbar production cross sections in the vicinity of the threshold and...
Alexander Zaytsev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP))
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000
electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). The main aspects of physical program of
the experiment are study of known and search for new vector mesons, study of the
ppbar a nnbar production cross sections in the vicinity of the threshold and...
Sergey Pirogov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000
electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). The main aspects of physical program of
the experiment are study of known and search for new vector mesons, study of the
ppbar a nnbar production cross sections in the vicinity of the threshold...
Elliott Wolin
(Jefferson Lab)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Online Computing
cMsg is a highly extensible open-source framework within which one can deploy
multiple underlying interprocess communication systems. It is powerful enough to
support asyncronous publish/subscribe communications as well as synchronous
peer-to-peer communications. It further includes a proxy system whereby client
requests are transported to a remote server that actually connects to the...
Nayana Majumdar
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
The three dimensional electrostatic field configuration in a multiwire proportional
chamber (MWPC) has been simulated using an efficient boundary element method (BEM)
solver set up to solve an integral equation of the first kind. To compute the charge
densities over the bounding surfaces representing the system for known potentials,
the nearly exact formulation of BEM has been implemented...
Monica Verducci
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
The size and complexity of LHC experiments raise unprecedented challenges not only in
terms of detector design, construction and operation, but also in terms of software
models and data persistency. One of the more challenging tasks is the calibration of
the 375000 Monitored Drift Tubes, that will be used as precision tracking detectors
in the Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment. An...
Andreas Heiss
13/02/2006, 11:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
GridKa, the German Tier-1 center in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), supports
all four LHC experiments, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb as well as currently some
non-LHC high energy physics experiments. Several German and European Tier-2 sites
will be connected to GridKa as their Tier-1. We present technical and organizational
aspects pertaining the connection and support of the Tier-2s...
Moreno Marzolla
(INFN Padova)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Efficient and robust system for accessing computational resources and managing job
operations is a key component of any Grid framework designed to support large
distributed computing environment. CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And
Management) is a simple, minimal system designed to provide efficient processing of a
large number of requests for computation on managed resources....
Johannes Elmsheuser
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat München)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Data Analysis
The German LHC computing resources are built on the Tier 1 center at Gridka in
Karlsruhe and several planned Tier 2 centers. These facilities provide us with a
testbed on which we can evaluate current distributed analysis tools. Various aspects
of the analysis of simulated data using LCG middleware and local batch systems have been
tested and evaluated. Here we present our experiences with...
Patrick Skubic
(University of Oklahoma)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Hadron Collider experiments in progress at Fermilab’s Tevatron and under construction
at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will record many petabytes of data in
pursuing the goals of understanding nature and searching for the origin of mass.
Computing resources required to analyze these data far exceed the capabilities of any
one institution. The computing grid has long been...
Ashok Agarwal
(Univeristy of Victoria)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The heterogeneity of resources in computational grids, such as the Canadian GridX1,
makes application deployment a difficult task. Virtual machine environments promise
to simplify this task by homogenizing the execution environment across the grid. One
such environment, Xen, has been demonstrated to be a highly performing virtual
machine monitor. In this work, we evaluate the...
Thomas Kuhr
Ulrich Kerzel
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The German Grid computing centre "GridKa" offers large computing and storing
facilities to the Tevatron and LHC experiments, as well as BaBar and Compass. It has
been the first large scale CDF cluster to adopt and use the FermiGrid software "SAM"
to enable users to perform data-intensive analyses. The system has been operated on
production level for about 2 years. We review the challenges...
Yoshiji Yasu
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
Recent Information Technology (IT) grows quickly and it is not so easy for us to
adopt the software from IT into data acquisition (DAQ) because the software from the
IT sometimes depends on OSs,languages and communication protocols. The dependency is
not convenient to construct data acquisition software and then an experimental group
makes their own DAQ software according to their own...
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
We want to do a short communication to present our first experience in C# and mono
within an OpenScientist context. Mainly attempt to integrate Inventor within a C#
context then within the native GUI API coming with C#. We want to point out too the
perspectives, for example within AIDA.
Daniela Rebuzzi
(Istituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
The Muon Digitization is the simulation of the Raw Data Objects (RDO), or the
electronic output, of the Muon Spectrometer. It has been recently completely
re-written to run within the Athena framework and to interface with the Geant4 Muon
Spectrometer detector simulation.
The digitization process consists of two steps: in the first step, the output of the
detector simulation, henceforth...
Laurence Field
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Event production and processing
Since CHEP2005, the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) has grown from 30 sites to over 160
sites and this has increased the load on the informations system. This paper
describes the recent changes to information system that were necessary to keep pace
with the expanding grid. The performance of the a key component, the Berkley Database
Information Index (BDII), is given special attention. During...
Laurence Field
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
This paper describes the introduction of Relation Grid Monitoring Architecture
(R-GMA) into the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) as a production quality monitoring system
and how, after an initial period of production hardening, it performed during the LCG
Service Challenges. The results from the initial evaluation and performance tests are
presented as well as the process of integrating R-GMA...
Ariel Garcia
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The LHC's Computing Grid (LCG) middleware interfaces at each site with local
computing resources provided by a batch system. However, currently only the
PBS/Torque, LSF and Condor resource management systems are supported out of the box
in the middleware distribution. Therefore many computing centers serving scientific
needs other than HEP, which in many cases use other batch systems like...
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
We want to do a short communication of a job done at LAL about integrating the
graphviz library within the OnX environment. graphviz is a well known library good at
visualizing a scene containing boxes connected by lines. The strength of this library
is in the routing algorithms that permit to connect boxes. For example, graphviz is
used by Doxygen to produce class diagrams. We want to...
Valeria Bartsch
(FERMILAB / University College London)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Event production and processing
CDF has recently changed its data handling system from the DFC (Data File Catalogue)
system to the SAM (Sequential Access to Metadata) system. This change was done as a
preparation for distributed computing because SAM can handle distributed computing
and provides mechanisms which enable it to work together with GRID systems.
Experience shows that the usage of a new data handling system...
Surya Pathak
(Vanderbilt University)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Storing and accessing large volumes of data across geographically separated locations
or cutting across labs and universities in a transparent, reliable fashion is a
difficult problem. There is urgency to this problem with the commissioning of the LHC
around the corner (2007). The primary difficulties that need to be over come in order
to address this problem are policy driven secure...
Laurence Dawson
(Vanderbilt University)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Introducing changes to a working high-performance computing environment is typically
both necessary and risky. Testing these changes can be highly manpower intensive.
L-TEST supplies a framework that allows the testing of complex distributed systems
with reduced configuration. It reduces setting up a test to implementing the specific
tasks for that test. L-TEST handles three jobs that must...
Pavel Nevski
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
During last few years ATLAS has ran a serie of Data Challenges producing simulated
data used to understand the detector performace. Altogether more than 100 terabytes
of useful data are now spread over few dozens of storage elements on the GRID. With
the emergence of Tier1 centers and constant restructuring of storage elements there
is a need to consolidate the data placement in a more...
Ofer Rind
(Brookhaven National Laboratory), Ms
Zhenping Liu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The Brookhaven RHIC/ATLAS Computing Facility serves as both the tier-0 computing
center for RHIC and the tier-1 computing center for ATLAS in the United States. The
increasing challenge of providing local and grid-based access to very large datasets
in a reliable, cost-efficient and high-performance manner, is being addressed by a
large-scale deployment of dCache, the distributed disk...
Donald Holmgren
13/02/2006, 11:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
As part of the DOE SciDAC "National Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge
Computing" and DOE LQCD Projects, Fermilab builds and operates production
clusters for lattice QCD simulations for the US community. We currently operate two
clusters: a 128-node Pentium 4E Myrinet cluster, and a 520-node Pentium 640 Infiniband
cluster. We discuss the operation of these systems and examine...
Sylvain Reynaud
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
It is broadly admitted that grid technologies have to deal with heterogeneity in both
computational and storage resources. In the context of grid operations, heterogeneity
is also a major concern, especially for worldwide grid projects as LCG and EGEE.
Indeed, the usage of various technologies, protocols and data formats induces
complexity. As learned from our experience on participating...
Armando Fella
(INFN, Pisa)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The increasing instantaneous luminosity of the Tevatron collider will soon cause the
computing requirements for data analysis and MC production to grow larger than the
dedicated CPU resources that will be available. In order to meet future demands, CDF
is investing in shared, Grid, resources. A significant fraction of opportunistic Grid
resources will be available to CDF before LHC era...
Andrew Cameron Smith
(CERN, University of Edinburgh)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
LHCb's participation in LCG's Service Challenge 3 involves testing the bulk data
transfer infrastructure developed to allow high bandwidth distribution of data across
the grid in accordance with the computing model. To enable reliable bulk replication
of data, LHCb's DIRAC system has been integrated with gLite's File Transfer Service
middleware component to make use of dedicated network...
Arthur Kreymer
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The SAM data handling system has been deployed successfully by the Fermilab D0 and
CDF experiments, managing Petabytes of data and millions of files in a Grid working
environment. D0 and CDF have large computing support staffs, have always managed
their data using file catalog systems, and have participated strongly in the
development of the SAM product. But we think that SAM's long term...
Marian ZUREK
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
gLite is the next generation middleware for grid computing. Born from the
collaborative efforts of more than 80 people in 12 different academic and industrial
research centers as part of the EGEE Project, gLite provides a bleeding-edge,
best-of-breed framework for building grid applications tapping into the power of
distributed computing and storage resources across the Internet....
john kennedy
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The presented monitoring framework builds on the experience gained during the ATLAS
Data Challenge 2 and Rome physics workshop productions. During these previous
productions several independent monitoring tools were created. Although these tools
were created to some degree in isolation they provided a good degree of complementary
functionality and are taken as a basis for the current...
A.J. Wilson
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
R-GMA is a relational implementation of the GGF's Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA).
In some respects it can be seen as a virtual database (VDB), supporting the
publishing and retrieval of time-stamped tuples. The scope of an R-GMA installation
is defined by its schema and registry. The schema holds the table definitions and,
in future, the authorization rules. The registry holds a list...
Andrew McNab
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
GridSite provides a Web Service hosting framework for services written as native
executables (eg in C/C++) or scripting languages (such as Perl and Python.) These
languages are of particular relevance to HEP applications, which typically have large
investments of code and expertise in C++ and scripting languages.
We describe the Grid-based authentication and authorization environment...
Grigory Trubnikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
BETACOOL program developed by JINR electron cooling group is a kit of algorithms
based on common format of input and output files. The program is oriented to
simulation of the ion beam dynamics in a storage ring in presence of cooling and
heating effects. The version presented in this report includes three basic
algorithms: simulation of r.m.s. parameters of the ion distribution...
Sven Hermann
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe is one of the largest science and engineering research
institutions in Europe. The resource centre GridKa as part of this science centre is
building up a Tier 1 centre for the LHC project. Embedded in the European grid
initiative EGEE, GridKa also manages the ROC (regional operation centre) for the
German Swiss region. The management structure of the ROC and its...
Tony Chan
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The operation and management of a heterogeneous large-scale, multi-purpose computer
cluster is a complex task given the competing nature of requests for resources by a
large, world-wide user base. Besides providing the bulk of the computational
resources to experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC), this large
cluster is part of the U.S. Tier 1 Computing Center for the...
13/02/2006, 11:00
Online Computing
For any large experiment with multiple sub-systems and their respective experts
spread throughout the world, real-time and near-real-time information accessible to a
wide audience is critical to efficiency and success. Large and varied amounts of
information about the current and past state of facilities and detector systems are
necessary, both for current running, and for eventual data...
Szymon Gadomski
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The Swiss ATLAS Computing prototype consists of clusters of PCs located at the
universities of Bern and Geneva (Tier 3) and at the Swiss National Supercomputing
Centre (CSCS) in Manno (Tier 2). In terms of software, the prototype includes ATLAS
off-line releases as well as middleware for running the ATLAS off-line in a
distributed way. Both batch and interactive use cases are supported....
Jukka Klem
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
Projects like SETI@home use computing resources donated by the general public for
scientific purposes. Many of these projects are based on the BOINC (Berkeley Open
Interface for Network Computing) software framework that makes it easier to set up
new public resource computing projects. BOINC is used at CERN for the LHC@home
project where more than 10000 home users donate time of their...
Fons Rademakers
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
Providing all components and designing good user interfaces requires from developers
to know and apply some basic principles. The different parts of the ROOT GUIs should
fit and complete each other. They must form a window via which users see the
capability of the software system and understand how to use them. If well-designed,
the user interface adds quality and inspires confidence...
Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Cambridge), Dr
Raluca-Anca Muresan
(Oxford University)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
The LHCb experiment will make high precision studies of CP violation and other rare
phenomena in B meson decays. Particle identification, in the momentum range from
~2-100 GeV/c, is essential for this physics programme, and will be provided by two
Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors. The experiment will use several levels of
trigger to reduce the 10MHz rate of visible interactions to...
Timur Perelmutov
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
dCache is a distributed storage system currently used to store and deliver data on a
petabyte scale in several large HEP experiments. Initially dCache was designed as a
disk front-end for robotic tape storage file systems. Lately, dCache systems have
been increased in scale by several orders of magnitude and considered for deployment
in US-CMS T2 centers lacking expensive tape robots. This...
Rene Brun
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
ROOT 2D graphics offers a wide set of data representation and visualisation techniques.
Over the years, responding to user comments and requests, these have been improved
and enriched. The current system is very flexible and can easily be tuned to meet
user imagination. We present a patchwork demonstrating the wide variety of output
which can be produced.
Rene Brun
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
Overview and examples of:
-Common viewer architecture (TVirtualViewer3D interface and TBuffer3D shape
hierarchy) used by all 3D viewers.
-Significant features in the OpenGL viewer - in pad embedding, render styles,
composite (CSG/Boolean) shapes and clipping.
Stefan Roiser
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
Reflex is a package, which enhances C++ with reflection capabilities. It was
developed in the LCG Applications Area at CERN and recently it was decided that it
will be tightly integrated with the ROOT analysis framework and especially with the
CINT interpreter. This strategy will unify the dictionary systems of ROOT/CINT and
Reflex into a common one. The advantages of this move for...
David Malon
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
ATLAS has deployed an inter-object association infrastructure that allows the
experiment to track at the object level what data have been written and where, and to
assign both object-level and process-level labels to identify data objects for later
retrieval. This infrastructure provides the foundation for opportunistic run-time
navigation to upstream data, and in principle supports both...
Sinisa Veseli
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
SAMGrid presently relies on the centralized database for providing several services
vital for the system operation. These services are all encapsulated in the SAMGrid
Database Server, and include access to file metadata and replica catalogs, dataset
and processing bookkeeping, as well as the runtime support for the SAMGrid station
services. Access to the centralized database and DB Servers...
Sinisa Veseli
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
SAMGrid is a distributed (CORBA-based) HEP data handling system presently used by
three running experiments at Fermilab: D0, CDF and MINOS. User access to the SAMGrid
services is provided via Python and C++ client APIs, which handle the low-level CORBA
calls. Although the use of SAMGrid API's is fairly straightforward and very well
documented, in practice SAMGrid users are facing numerous...
Marcin Nowak
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
The ATLAS event data model will almost certainly change over time. ATLAS must retain
the ability to read both old and new data after such a change, regulate the
introduction of such changes, minimize the need to run massive data conversion jobs
when such changes are introduced, and maintain the machinery to support such data
conversions when they are unavoidable. In database literature,...
Philip Clark
(University of Edinburgh)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
ScotGrid is a distributed Tier-2 computing centre formed as a collaboration between
the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Glasgow, as part of the UK's national
particle physics grid, GridPP. This paper describes ScotGrid's current resources by
institute and how these were configured to enable participation in the LCG service
challenges. In addition, we outline future development plans...
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
The muon spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment aims at reconstructing very high
energy muon tracks (up to 1 TeV) with a transverse momentum resolution better than
10 %. For this purpose a resolution of 50 micrometer on the sagitta of tracks has to
be achieved. Each muon track is measured with three wire chambers stations placed
inside an air core toroid magnet (the chambers seat around...
(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
One of the world's largest time projection chambers (TPC) has been used at STAR for
reconstruction of collisions at luminosities yielding thousands of piled-up
background tracks resulting from few hundreds pp minBias background events or several
heavy ion background events, respectively.
The combination of TPC tracks and trigger detector data used for tagging of tracks
are sufficient to...
Walter Lampl
(Department of Physics, University of Arizona)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Event processing applications
The event data model for the ATLAS calorimeters in the reconstruction software is
described, starting from the raw data to the analysis domain calorimeter data. The
data model includes important features like compression strategies with insignificant
loss of signal precision, flexible and configurable data content for high level
reconstruction objects, and backward navigation from the...
Tony Chan
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Monitoring a large-scale computing facility is evolving from a passive to a more active
role in the LHC era, from monitoring the health, availability and performance of the
facility to taking a more active and automated role in restoring availability, updating
software and becoming a meta-scheduler for batch systems. This talk will discuss the
experiences of the RHIC and ATLAS U.S. Tier...
13/02/2006, 11:00
Online Computing
The BESIII “readout” is meant an interface between DAQ framework and FEEs. As a part
of DAQ system, the readout plays a very important role in the process of data
acquisition. The principle functionality of Readout Crate is to receive, repack,
buffer and forward the data coming from FEEs to Readout PC. The implementation is
based on commercial components: VMEbus PowerPC based single board...
Garzoglio Gabriele
13/02/2006, 11:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The SAM-Grid system is an integrated data, job, and information management
infrastructure. The SAM-Grid addresses the distributed computing needs of the
experiments of RunII at Fermilab. The system typically relies on SAM-Grid services
deployed at the remote facilities in order to manage the computing resources. Such
deployment requires special agreements with each resource provider and it...
Igor Sfiligoi
(INFN Frascati)
13/02/2006, 11:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The CDF software model was developed with dedicated resources in mind. One of the
main assumptions is to have a large set of executables, shared libraries and
configuration files on a shared file system. As CDF is moving toward a Grid model,
this assumption is limiting the general physics analysis to only a small set of CDF
friendly sites with the appropriate file system installed.
13/02/2006, 11:00
Software Components and Libraries
We want to do a short communication of a job done at LAL to visualize, within the OnX
interactive environment, HEP geometries accessed through the VGM abstract interfaces.
VGM and OnX had been presented at the Interlaken CHEP'04.
paolo branchini
13/02/2006, 11:00
Online Computing
We describe a VLSI implementation based on FPGA of a new greedy algorithm for
approximating minimum set covering in ad hoc wireless network applications.
The implementation makes the algorithm suitable for embedded and real-time architectures.
Andreas Joachim Peters
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The LHC experiments at CERN will collect data at a rate of several petabytes per year
and produce several hundred files per second. Data has to be processed and
transferred to many tier centres for distributed data analysis in different physics
data formats increasing the amount of files to handle. All these files must be
accounted for, reliably and securely tracked in a GRID environment,...
Davide Rebatto
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
In current, widely deployed management schemes, intensive computing farms are locally
managed by batch systems (e.g. Platform LSF, PBS/Torque, BQS, etc.). When approached
from the outside, at the global (or 'grid') level, these local resource managers
(LRMS) are seen as services providing at least a basic set of job operations, namely
submission, status retrieval, cancellation and security...
Sankhadip Sengupta
(Undergraduate student,Aerospace Engineering,IIT Kharagpur,Kharagpur,India)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
This paper addresses the growing usages of high performance computing in modern
computational fluid dynamics to simulate the flow-induced vibrations of cylindrical
structures necessary to enhance the Reactor Safety in Nuclear plants. The study is
essential to prevent the damage of steam tubes causing an accident due to the release
of reactor coolant containing radioactive materials out of...
Gian Luca Rubini
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
One of the most interesting challenges of the 'computing Grid' is how to
administer grid resources allocation and data access, in order to obtain
an effective and optimized computing usage and a secure data access. To
reach this goal, a new entity has appeared, the Virtual Organization (VO),
which represents a distributed community of users, accessing a
distributed computing environment....
Enrico Pasqualucci
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Roma)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Online Computing
The ATLAS DAQ and monitoring software are currently commonly used to test detectors during the
commissioning phase. In this paper, their usage in MDT and RPC commissioning is described, both at the
surface pre-commissioning and commissioning stations and in the ATLAS pit. Two main components are
heavily used for detector tests.
The ROD Crate DAQ software is based on the ATLAS ReadOut...
Toby Burnett
(University of Washington)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
We have developed a package that trains and applies boosted classification trees, a
technology long used by the statistics community, but only recently being explored by
We will discuss its design (Object-Oriented C++), and show two examples of its use:
to detect single top production in DZERO events, and for background rejection in GLAST.
Gordon Watts
(DZERO Collaboration)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
DØ, one of the collider detectors at Fermilab's Tevatron, depends on efficient and
pure b-quark identification for much of its high-pT physics program. DØ currently has
two algorithms, one based on impact parameter and the other on explicit
reconstruction of the B hadrons decay vertex. A third, combined algorithm is under
development. DØ certifies all of its b-quark tagging algorithms...
Gene Oleynik
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
Fermilab provides a primary and tertiary permanent storage facility for its High
Energy Physics program and other world wide scientific endeavors. The lifetime of
the files in this facility, which are maintained in automated robotic tape
libraries, is typically many years. Currently the amount of data in the Fermilab
permanent store facility is 3.3 PB and growing rapidly.
Alessandra Forti
(University of Manchester)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The HEP department of the University of Manchester has purchased a 1000 nodes cluster.
The cluster will be accessible to various VOs through EGEE/LCG
grid middleware. One of the interesting aspects of the equipment bought is that each
node has 2x250 GB disks leading to a total of aproximately 4TB of usable disk space.
The space is intended to be managed using dcache and its resilience...
Jose Hernandez
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
CMS has chosen to adopt a distributed model for all computing in order to cope with
the requirements on computing and storage resources needed for the processing and
analysis of the huge amount of data the experiment will be providing from LHC startup.
The architecture is based on a tier-organised structure of computing resources, based
on a Tier-0 centre at CERN, a small number of...
Sridhara Dasu
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The University of Wisconsin campus research computing grid is an offshoot of Condor
project, which is providing middle ware for many world-wide computing grids. The Grid
Laboratory of Wisconsin (GLOW) and other UW based computing facilities exploit Condor
technologies to provide research computing for a variety of fields including high
energy physics projects on the UW campus. The...
Andrea Valassi
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
In April 2005, the LCG Conditions Database Project delivered the first production
release of the COOL software, providing basic functionalities for the handling of
conditions data. Since that time, several new production releases have extended the
functionalities of the software. As the project is now moving into the deployment
phase in Atlas and LHCb, its priorities are the...
Daniele Spiga
(INFN & Università degli Studi di Perugia)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Data Analysis
CMS is one of the four experiments expected to take data at LHC. Order of some
PetaBytes of data per year will be stored in several computing sites all over the
world. The collaboration has to provide tools for accessing and processing the data
in a distribuited environment, using the grid infrastructure. CRAB (Cms Remote
Analysis Builder) is a user-friendly tool developed by INFN within...
Andreas Gellrich
(for the Grid team at DESY)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
DESY is one of the world-wide leading centers for research with particle accelerators
and a center for research with synchrotron light. The hadron-electron collider HERA
houses four experiments which are taking data and will be operated until mid 2007.
DESY has been operating a LCG-based Grid infrastructure since 2004 which was set up
in the context of the EU e-science Project...
Kilian Schwarz
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Data Analysis
The D-Grid initiative, following similar programs in the USA and the UK,
shall help to set up a nationwide German Grid infrastructure. Within work
package 3 of the HEP community Grid distributed analysis tools under usage
of grid resources shall be developed.
A starting point is the analysis framework ROOT. A set of abstract ROOT classes
(TGrid ...) provides the user interface to...
Santiago Gonzalez De La Hoz
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Data Analysis
The ATLAS production system provides access to resources across several grid flavors.
Based on the experiences from the last data challenge the system has evolved. While
key aspect of the old system are kept (Supervisor and executors), new implementations
of the components aim for a more stable and scalable operation. An important aspect
is also the integration with the new data management...
Natalia Ratnikova
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
Packaging and distribution of experiment-specific software becomes a complicated task
when the number of versions and external dependencies increases. In order to run a
single application, it is often enough to create appropriate runtime environment
that ensures availability of required shared objects and data files. The idea of
distributing software applications based on runtime...
Andrey Bobyshev
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
An ACL (access control list) is one of a few tools that network administrators
are often using to limit access to various network objects, e.g. restrict access
to the certain network areas for specific traffic patterns. The ACLs are also used
to control forwarding traffic, e.g. for implementing so-called policy based routing.
Nowadays demand is to do update of ACLs dynamically by...
Jens Jensen
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Components and Libraries
The most commonly deployed library for handling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is OpenSSL. The library is used by the client to
negotiate connections to the server. It also offers features for caching parts of
the information that is required, thus speeding up the process and the cost of
renegotiation. Those features are generally not used fully.
Brian Davies
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
The ESLEA (Exploitation of Switched Lightpaths for E-science Applications) project
has been working to put switched optical lightpath technology to the service of key
large scientific projects. Central to the activity is the provision of services to
ATLAS experiment. The project is facing the practical problems of finding the best
way of interfacing the power (but also the...
David Colling
(Imperial College London), Dr
Olivier van der Aa
(Imperial College London)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The LCG [1] have adopted a hierarchical Grid computing model which has a Tier 0
centre at CERN, national Tier 1 centres and regional Tier 2 centres. The roles of the
different Tier centres are described in the LCG Technical Design Report [2] and the
levels of service required from each level of Tier centre is described in the LCG
Memorandum of Understanding [3] . Many of the Tier 2 centres...
Natascia De Bortoli
(INFN - Naples)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Monitoring activity plays an essential role in Grid Computing: it deals with the
dynamics, variety and geographical distribution of Grid resources in order to measure
important parameters and provide relevant information of a Grid system related to
aspects such as usage, behaviour and performance. One of the basic requirements for a
monitoring service is the capability of detection and...
David Colling
(Imperial College London)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
While remote control of, and data collection from, instrumentation was part of the
initial Grid concept most recent Grid developments have concentrated on the sharing
of distributed computational and storage resources. The GRIDCC project is working
to bring instrumentation back to the Grid alongside compute and storage resources.
To this end we have defined an Instrument Element (IE)...
Livio Fano'
(INFN - Universita' degli Studi di Perugia)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
The CMS detector is a general purpose experiment for the LHC. At the designed maximum
luminosity more than 10**9 events/second will be produced, while the data acquisition
system will be able to manage 100 Hz bandwidth. The trigger strategy for CMS is
organised in 2 steps: a first level hardware trigger is implemented taking advantage
of the fast response dectors, as the mu-chambers and...
Lucas Taylor
(Northeastern University, Boston)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Components and Libraries
IGUANA is a well-established generic interactive visualisation framework
based on a C++ component model and open-source graphics products. We
describe developments since the last CHEP, including: the event display
toolkit, with examples from CMS and D0; the generic IGUANA visualisation
system for GEANT4; integration of ROOT and Hippoplot with IGUANA; and a
new lightweight and portable...
Andrey Bobyshev
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
To satisfy the requirements of US-CMS, D0, CDF, SDSS and other experiments, Fermilab
has established an optical path to the StarLight exchange point in Chicago. It gives
access to multiple experimental networks, such as UltraScience Net, UltraLight,
UKLight, and others, with very high bandwidth capacity but generally sub- production
level service. The ongoing LambdaStation project is ...
Matthew Hodges
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
In preparation of the Grid for LHC start-up, and as part of the early production
service (under the UK GridPP project), we calculate efficiencies for jobs submitted
to the RAL Tier-1 Batch Farm. Early usage of the Farm was characterised by high
occupancy, but low efficiency of Grid jobs, but improvement has been observed over
the last six months. This behaviour has been examined by...
Colin Morey
(University of Manchester)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The HEP department of the University of Manchester has purchased a 1000 nodes
cluster. The cluster will be accessible to various VOs through EGEE/LCG grid
middleware. In this talk we will describe the management, security and monitoring
setup we have chosen for the administration of the cluster with minimum effort and
mostly from remote. From remote power up to centralised installation and...
Michael Gronager
(Copenhagen University)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
LCG and ARC are two of the major production-ready Grid middleware solutions being
used by hundreds of HEP researchers every day. Even though the middlewares are based
on same technology, there are substantial architectural and implementational
divergencies. An ordinary user faces difficulties trying to cross the boundaries of
the two systems: ARC clients so far have not been capable...
Akram Khan
(Brunel University)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The LCG-RUS project implemented the Global Grid Forum's Resource Usage Service
standard and made grid resources for LHC accountable in a common schema (GGF-URWG).
This project is a part of UK e-Science programme with the purpose of staging grid
computing from e-Research to computational market. The LCG-RUS is a complementary
work for the precedor MCS (Market for Computational Service) RUS...
Bruno Hoeft
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
Besides a brief overview of the GridKa private and public LAN network, the
integration into the LHC-OPN network as well as the links to the T2 sites will be
presented in the view of the physical network layout as well as there higher
protocol layer implementations. Results about the feasibility discussion of
dynamical routes for all connections of FZK including all different types the...
Jeremy Coles
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Based on experiences from the last 18 months of UK Particle Physics Grid (GridPP)
operation, this paper examines several key areas for the success of the LHC Computing
Grid. Among these is the necessity of establishing useful metrics (from job level to
overall operational), accurate monitoring at both the grid and local fabric levels,
and mechanisms to rapidly address potentially or...
David Evans
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The Shahkar Runtime Execution Environment Kit (ShREEK) is a threaded workflow
execution tool designed to run and intelligently manage arbitrary task workflows
within a batch job. The Kit consists of three main components, an executor that runs
tasks, a control point system to allow reordering of the workflow during execution
and a thread based pluggable monitoring framework that offers...
Andrey Shevel
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (Russia))
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
High Energy Physics analysis is often performed on midrange computing clusters
(10-50 machines) in relatively small physics groups (3-10 physicists). Such
clusters are usually built from commodity equipment and are running under one
of several Linux flavors. In an enviornment of limited resources, it is
important to choose "right" cluster architecture to achieve maximum performance.
Iosif Legrand
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
The MonaLISA (Monitoring Agents in A Large Integrated Services Architecture) system
provides a distributed service for monitoring, control and global optimization of
complex grid systems and networks for high energy physics, and many other fields of
data-intensive science. It is based on an ensemble of autonomous multi-threaded,
agent-based subsystems which are registered as dynamic...
Harald Vogt
(DESY Zeuthen)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Online Computing
Building a software repository of simulation and reconstruction tools for a future
International Linear Collider (ILC) detector we started with applications based on
code used in the LEP experiments with Fortran and C as programming languages. All
future software development for the ILC is done using modern OO languages, mainly C++
and Java. But for comparisons and providing a smooth...
Muon detector calibration in the ATLAS experiment: online data extraction and data distribution
Enrico Pasqualucci
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Roma)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Online Computing
In the ATLAS experiment, fast calibration of the detector is vital to feed prompt
data reconstruction with fresh calibration constants. We present the use case of the
muon detector, where an high rate of muon tracks (small data size) is needed to
accomplish calibration requirements. The ideal place to get data suitable for muon
detector calibration is the second level trigger, where the...
Barbara Mascialino
(INFN Genova), Prof.
Gerard Montarou
(Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand), Dr
Maria Grazia Pia
Petteri Nieminen
(ESA), Prof.
Philippe Moretto
Riccardo Capra
(INFN Genova), Dr
Sebastien Incerti
Ziad Francis
(Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
The extension of Geant4 simulation capabilities down to the electronvolt scale
is required for precision studies of radiation effects on electronics and
detector components, and for micro-/nano-dosimetry studies in various
experimental environments.
A project is in progress to extend the coverage of Geant4 physics to this energy
range. The complexity of the problem domain is discussed...
Frank van Lingen
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
Abstract: We describe a set of Web Services, created to support scientists in
performing distributed production tasks (e.g. Monte Carlo). The Web Services
described in this paper provide a portal for scientists to execute different
production workflows which can consist of many consecutive steps. The main design
goal of the Web Services discussed is to provide controlled access for...
Julius Hrivnac
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Components and Libraries
Efficient and friendly access to the large amount of data distributed
over the wide area network is a challenge for the near future LCG experiments.
The problem can be solved using current standard open technologies and tools.
A JDBC standard solution has been chosen as a base for a comprehensive
system for the relational data access and management. Widely available
open tools have been...
Jiri Chudoba
(Institute of Physics, Prague)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
Many computing farms use as a local batch system management PBSPro or its free
version OpenPBS, respectively Torque and Maui products. These packages are delivered
with graphical tools for a status overview, but summary and detailed reports from
accounting log files are not available. This poster describes set of tools we are
using for an overview of resources consumption in a last few...
Giacomo Govi
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Components and Libraries
The LCG POOL project has recently moved its focus on the developments of storage
back-ends based on Relational Databases. Following the requirements of the LHC
experiments, POOL has developed a framework for object persistency into relational
schemas. This presentation will describe the main functionality of the package,
explaining how the mechanism provided by POOL allows to...
Maria Cristina Vistoli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The production and analysis frameworks for LHC experiments are demanding advanced
features in the middleware functionality and a complete integration with the
experiment specific software environment. They also require an effective and
distributed test platform where the integrated middleware functionality is verified
and certified. The deployment in a production infrastructure of such...
Hans von der Schmitt
(MPI for Physics, Munich),
Rob McPherson
(University of Victoria, TRIUMF)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
Commissioning of the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) includes, as partially overlapping phases, subsystem standalone
work, integration of systems into the full detector, cosmics data taking,
single beam running and finally first collisions. These tasks require
services like DAQ with data recording to Tier0 and distributed data
management, databases,...
Anzar Afaq
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
The idea of an application database server is not new. It is a key element in
multi-tiered architectures and business application frameworks. We present here a
paradigm of developing such an application server in a complete schema independent
way. We introduce a Generic Query Object Layer (QOL) and set of Database/Query
Objects (D/QO) as the key component of the multi-layer Application...
Leandro Franco
(IN2P3/CNRS Computing Centre)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Managing the temporal disk space used by jobs in a farm can be an operational issue.
Efforts have been put on controlling this space by the batch scheduler to make sure
the job will use at most the requested amount of space, and that this space is
cleaned up after the end of the job. ScratchFS is a virtual file system that
addresses this problem for grid as well as conventional jobs at the...
Aatos Heikkinen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
B tagging is an important tool for separating the LHC Higgs events with associated b
jets from the Drell-Yan background. We extend standard neural network (NN) approach
using multilayer perceptron in b tagging [1] to include self-organizing feature maps.
We demonstrate the use of the self-organizing maps (SOM_PAK program package) and the
learning vector quantization (LVQ_PAK). A...
Sanjay Ranka
(University of Florida)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Grid computing is becoming a popular way of providing high performance computing for
many data intensive, scientific applications. The execution of user applications must
simultaneously satisfy both job execution constraints and system usage policies. The
SPHINX middleware addresses both these issues. In this paper, we present performance
results of SPHINX on Open Science Grid. The...
Randolph J. Herber
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
(For the SAMGrid Team)
SQLBuilder's purpose is to translate selection criteria in a high-level form to SQL
query statements. The internal design is intended to permit easy changes to the
selection criteria available and to permit retargeting the specific dialect of SQL
generated. The initial target language will be Oracle 9i SQL. The input language
will be defined in a formal grammar...
Luca Magnoni
Riccardo Zappi
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
LHC analysis farms - present at sites collaborating with LHC experiments - have been
used in the past for analyzing data coming from an experiment’s production center.
With time such facilities were provided with high performance storage solutions in
order to respond to the demand for big capacity and fast processing capabilities.
Today, Storage Area Network solutions are commonly deployed...
Timothy Adam Barrass
(University of Bristol)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
Distributed data management at LHC scales is a staggering task, accompanied by
equally challenging practical management issues with storage systems and wide-area
networks. CMS data transfer management system, PhEDEx, is designed to handle this
task with minimum operator effort, automating the workflows from large scale
distribution of HEP experiment datasets down to reliable and scalable...
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
The purpose of the Teraport project is to provide computing and network
infrastructure for a university-based, multi-disciplinary, Grid-enabled analysis
platform with superior network connectivity to both domestic and international
networks. The facility is configured and managed as part of larger Grid
infrastructures, with specific focus on integration and interoperability with...
Elena Slabospitskaya
(State Res.Center of Russian Feder. Inst.f.High Energy Phys. (IFVE))
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) can be used to represent a set of programs where the
input, output or execution of one or more programs is dependent on one or more other
programs. We developed a basic test suite for DAG jobs. It consists of 2 main parts:
a) functionality tests are using of CLI (in Perl). The generation of the DAG with
arbitrary structure and different JDL-attributes for...
Predrag Buncic
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The ALICE Computing Team has developed since 2001 a distributed computing environment
implementing a Grid paradigm under the name of AliEn. With the evolution of the
middleware provided by various large grid projects in Europe and in the US (EGEE,
OSG, ARC), a number of services provided by AliEn are now provided and maintained by
the corresponding Grid infrastructures. AliEn has therefore...
Antonio Sidoti
(INFN Roma1 and University "La Sapienza")
15/02/2006, 09:00
Online Computing
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC proton-proton collider at CERN will be faced with
several technological challenges. A three level trigger and data acquisition system
has been designed to reduce the 40 MHz bunch-crossing frequency, corresponding to an
interaction rate of 1GHz at the design instantaneous luminosity to about ~100 Hz
allowed by the permanent storage system. The capability to...
Paolo Meridiani
(INFN Sezione di Roma 1)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
The design goal of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter is to reach an excellent
energy resolution; several aspects concur to the fulfillment of this ambitious goal.
An enormous quantity of hardware monitoring data will be available, together with a
laser monitoring system that will be able to follow quasi on-line the change of
transparency of the crystals due to radiation damage. This...
Alberto Ribon
(CERN), Dr
Andreas Pfeiffer
(CERN), Dr
Barbara Mascialino
(INFN Genova), Dr
Maria Grazia Pia
Paolo Viarengo
(IST Genova)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Components and Libraries
Statistical methods play a significant role throughout the life-cycle of high energy
physics experiments. Only a few basic tools for statistical analysis were available
in the public domain FORTRAN libraries for high energy physics. Nowadays the
situation is hardly unchanged even among the libraries of the new generation.
The present project in progress develops an object-oriented...
Paul Millar
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
Continuing the UK's strong involvement with Grid computing, the GridPP2 project
(2004--2007) has established a group to investigate the use of metadata within HEP
Grid computing. Three posts (based at Glasgow) are dedicated to metadata, but the
group includes others working for CERN, various LHC experiments, EGEE and further
afield. An important aspect of the group's work is to provide a...
Stefano Veneziano
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Roma 1)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Online Computing
The ATLAS Level-1 Barrel system is devoted to identify muons crossing the two outer
Resistive Plate Chambers stations of the Barrel spectrometer, passing a set of
programmable pT thresholds, to find their position with a granularity of Delta EtaX
Delta Phi=0.1X0.1, and to associate them to a specific bunch crossing number. The
system sends this trigger information to the Central Trigger...
Robert Gardner
(University of Chicago)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
The Midwest U.S. ATLAS Tier2 facility being deployed jointly by the University of
Chicago and Indiana University is described in terms of a set of functional
capabilities and opertional provisions in support of ATLAS managed Monte Carlo
production and distributed analysis of datasets by individual physicist-users. We
describe a two-site shared systems administration model as well as the...
Homer Alfred Neal
(University of Michigan)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
We will report on a set of studies we have conducted to assess the feasibility of
measuring the polarization of lambda_b hyperons in the CERN ATLAS experiment by
making the first successful adaptation of the generation package EvtGen for
polarized spin-1/2 particles. The simulations were based on the EvtGen
version of ATLAS, a product of ATLAS EvtGen project, reported in other ATLAS...
Chris Perkins
15/02/2006, 09:00
Online Computing
We describe a new, high-speed trigger network for the STAR detector at RHIC to be
used during the upcoming 2006 run and thereafter. The STAR Trigger Data Pusher (STP)
replaces the off-the-shelf Myrinet network used in the STAR trigger system during the
first five RHIC runs. The STP will lower latencies and increase bandwidth through the
trigger system. Custom electronics provide...
Lorenzo Moneta
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Components and Libraries
Aiming to provide and support a coherent set of libraries, the mathematical
functionality of the ROOT project has been reorganized following a merge of the ROOT
and SEAL activities. Two new libraries, coded in C++, have been released in ROOT
version 5: MathCore (basic functionality) and MathMore (functionality for advanced
users). We present the structure and design of these new...
Krzysztof Wrona
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY),Germany)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
The HERA luminosity upgrade and enhancements of the detector have led to considerably
increased demands on computing resources for the ZEUS experiment. In order to meet
these higher requirements, the ZEUS computing model has been extended to support
computations in the Grid environment.
We show how to use the Grid services in the production system of a real experiment
and point out the...
Heidi Alvarez
(Florida International University), Dr
Paul Avery
(University of Florida)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
Florida International University (FIU), in collaboration with partners at Florida
State University (FSU), the University of Florida (UF), and the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech), in cooperation with the National Science
Foundation, are creating and operating an interregional Grid-enabled Center for
High-Energy Physics Research and Educational Outreach (CHEPREO) at FIU,...
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Software Components and Libraries
DØ is a traditional High Energy Physics collider experiment located at the Tevatron
at Fermilab. Similar to recent past and most future experiments almost all computing
work is done on Linux using standard open source tools like the gcc compiler, the
make utility, and ROOT. I have been using the Microsoft platform for quite some time
to develop physics tools and algorithms. Once developed...
Aatos Heikkinen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Event processing applications
We present an investigation to validate Geant4 [1] Bertini cascade
nuclide production by proton- and neutron-induced reactions on various target
elements [2].
The production of residual nuclides is calculated in the framework of an
intra-nuclear cascade, pre-equilibrium, fission, and evaporation model [3].
A 132 CPU Opteron Linux cluster running the NPACI Rocks Cluster
Distribution [4,...
Alessandra Forti
(University of Manchester)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation
With the development of the grid and the acquisition of large clusters
to support major HEP experiments on the grid. Has triggered different requests
One is from local physicist from the major VOs to have privileged access to their
resources and the second is to support smaller groups that will never have access to
this amount of resources. Unfortunately both these categories of users up...
Francesco Maria Taurino
(CNR/INFM - INFN - Dip. di Fisica Univ. di Napoli "Federico II")
15/02/2006, 09:00
Computing Facilities and Networking
Virtualization is a methodology of dividing the resources of a computer into multiple
execution environments, by applying one or more concepts or technologies such as
hardware and software partitioning, time-sharing, partial or complete machine
simulation, emulation, quality of service, and many others. These techniques can be
used to consolidate the workloads of several under-utilized...
Gerardo GANIS
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Data Analysis
XrdSec is the security framework developed in the context of the XROOTD project. It
provides a high-level abstract security interface for client-server applications.
Concrete implementations of the interface can be written for any security protocol as
plugin libraries, where all technical details about the protocol are confined.
Clients and server administrators can configure the system...
Andrew Hanushevsky
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
15/02/2006, 09:00
Distributed Event production and processing
Server clustering is an effective method in increasing the pool of resources
available to applications. Many clustering mechanisms exist; each with its own
strengths as well as weaknesses. This paper describes the mechanism used by xrootd to
provide a uniform data access space consisting of an unbounded number of independent
distributed servers. We show how the mechanism is especially...