12–17 Sept 2016
Szczecin, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Varying constants and cyclic universes

12 Sept 2016, 16:40
Room 7

Room 7

Szczerbcowa 4, 70-503 Szczecin


Konrad Marosek (University of Szczecin)


Using the method of regularization of singularities due to varying constants, I will first discuss some proposals to construct the cyclic models of the universe which can be connected by standard and non-standard singularities. Then, on the footing of thermodynamics and the 2nd law I will discuss the cyclic multiverse models having different values of the fundamental constants which can potentially exchange their entity due to quantum effects and quantum entanglement.


Konrad Marosek (University of Szczecin)


Adam Balcerzak Mariusz Dabrowski (University of Szczecin)

Presentation materials