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12–17 Sept 2016
Szczecin, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Varying constants quantum cosmology

12 Sept 2016, 17:10
Room 7

Room 7

Szczerbcowa 4, 70-503 Szczecin


Katarzyna Leszczyńska (University of Szczecin)


In the talk I will focus on quantum cosmology minisuperspace models based on the Wheeler–DeWitt equation which apart from standard matter and 3-geometry configuration degrees of freedom allow those related to the variability of physical constants – varying speed of light (VSL) c and varying gravitational constant G. The probability of tunneling of the universe “from nothing” to the Friedmann phase will be discussed and its dependence on these extra degrees of freedom and on the matter content.

Primary author

Katarzyna Leszczyńska (University of Szczecin)

Presentation materials