INFIERI 7th Workshop

Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional (Lisbon)

Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


Aurore Savoy Navarro (CNRS-IN2P3 and INFN-Pisa), Joao Varela (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part), Michele Gallinaro (LIP Lisbon), Nuno Leonardo (LIP)

Seventh INFIERI Workshop

Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa

Campo Grande 83, 1749-081 Lisboa Portugal

Tuesday, April 12: Parallel Sessions: take place in 'Auditorio' (ground floor) and 'Workshop room' a.k.a. 'Sala de formação' (1st floor)

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, April 13-15: Plenary Sessions : take place in 'Auditorio'

All the sessions are recorded on Youtube.

Confidentiality Clause: Please note that all the content presented at this workshop is subject to Intellectual Property Rights; a confidentiality agreement (here posted) has to be signed by the invited people and/or the partners that didn't signed the Consortium Agreement. 

Workshop Banquet:  Wednesday, April 13th, 20:00 (Restaurante "Sacramento" in Chiado)

Public outreach event (in Portuguese): Thursday, April 14th, 17:30, Instituo Superior Tecnico,, Anfiteatro do Complexo Interdisciplinar, "Technologies from Particle Physics and Society. "

INFIERI front site

Workshop page at LIP

Woskshop poster


Agenda Preliminary
Public Outreach Event
    • 1
      Even if no fee to be paid, thanks to the invitation by LIP for the Banquet, all the participants are kindly requested to register to the workshop when arriving at the workshop on Tuesday or on Wednesday morning (9-9:30 am); for those arriving later please contact Ms Morcel (INFIERI-EPM) at your arrival. Confidentiality Clause: Please note that all the content presented at this workshop is subject to Intellectual Property Rights; a confidentiality agreement (here posted) has to be signed by the invited people and/or the partners that didn't signed the Consortium Agreement.
    • WP1: Intelligent front-ends: (Parallel Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The WP1 and WP5 sessions are closely linked at this present stage of the project, this is reflected in the series of talks in each of these sessions.

      Conveners: Aurore Savoy Navarro (CNRS/IN2P3 & INFN-Pisa), Garret Cotter (University of Oxford), Rigoberto Chil (LIM)
    • WP3: Data transmission and applications: (Parallel Session) Workshop room (Biblioteca Nacional)

      Workshop room

      Biblioteca Nacional

      In this session some of the ongoing work is being submitted to patent therefore the related information is not available for Intellectual Property matters. It impacts some R&D work at SSSA therefore not reported here.

      Conveners: Antonio Pellegrino (NIKHEF (NL), University of Groningen (NL)), Giulio Cossu (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
    • 2
      Coffee break
    • WP4: Intelligent advanced processing: (Parallel Session) Workshop room (Biblioteca Nacional)

      Workshop room

      Biblioteca Nacional

      The WP4 and WP6 sessions will be closely linked at this present stage of the project and this is reflected in the list of talks included in each session.

      Conveners: Ian Tomalin (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)), Tim Greenshaw (Liverpool University)
    • WP2: Advanced 3D interconnects technologiees and applications: (Parallel Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      Convener: Patrick Pittet (INL-CNRS)
    • 3
    • Medical Physics: (Parallel Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      Convener: Jan Visser (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
    • WP6 for HEP and Astro: (Parallel Session) Workshop room (Biblioteca Nacional)

      Workshop room

      Biblioteca Nacional

      The WP4 and WP6 parallel sessions will be closely linked at this present stage of the project and this is reflected in the list of talks included in each session.

      Conveners: Fabrizio Palla (Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT)), Ian Tomalin (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)), Tim Greenshaw (Liverpool University)
    • 4
      Coffee break Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


    • EU Fellows Meeting Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The EPM and Network coordinator attended part of this session and discussed with the Fellows some EU related matters. The presented slides and related Minutes are included in the restricted access area of the INFIERI website dedicated to these matters.

    • 5
      Registration (cont'd) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      Even if no fee to be paid, thanks to the invitation by LIP for the Banquet, all the participants are kindly requested to register to the workshop when arriving at the workshop on Tuesday or on Wednesday morning (9-9:30 am); for those arriving later please contact Ms Morcel (INFIERI-EPM) at your arrival. Confidentiality Clause: Please note that all the content presented at this workshop is subject to Intellectual Property Rights; a confidentiality agreement (here posted) has to be signed by the invited people and/or the partners that didn't signed the Consortium Agreement.
    • WP1: Intelligent front-ends: (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The WP1 and WP5 sessions are closely linked at this present stage of the project, this is reflected in the series of talks in each of these sessions.

      Convener: Joao Varela (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
    • 12
      Coffee break Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


    • WP1: Intelligent front-ends: (Plenary Session, cont'd) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The WP1 and WP5 sessions are closely linked at this present stage of the project, this is reflected in the series of talks in each of these sessions.

      Convener: Jan Visser (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
    • 16
      Lunch Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


    • WP2: Advanced 3D interconnects technologiees and applications: (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      Convener: Fabrizio Palla (Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))
    • 22
      Coffee break
    • WP8: Outreach and dissemination: (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      Convener: Nuno Leonardo (LIP)
      • 23
        WP8 Overview and status of related deliverables
        Summary of Dissemination, Outreach events, Brochures, Youtube presentations, lectures and events will be summarized.
        Speaker: Franco Ligabue (Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))
      • 24
        INFIERI Flagship projects & WP's Deliverables: where do we stand, what still has to be achieved
        At this stage of INFIERI we will present the current status on the deliverables of all WP's including WP7 ad WP8 of the INFIERI programme especially stressing the flagships of this project.We will conclude on how to achieved all the scientific and technological objectives to which we are committed to.
        Speaker: Aurore Savoy Navarro (CNRS/IN2P3 & INFN-Pisa)
    • INFIERI Managerial Board Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      This is a joint SB and EC Collaboration Board with an agenda as circulated among the members of these two boards.
      The documents presented or discussed in this session are of restricted access and therefore only accessible to the members of the Board in the dedicated restricted area of the INFIERI website. They must not be circulated.

      Convener: Aurore Savoy Navarro (CNRS/IN2P3 and INFN-Pisa)
      • 25
        EPM Summary report
        The slides presented and discussed at this meeting are included in the website in the restricted access of the WP9
        Speaker: Myriam Morcel (CNRS UMR 7164)
    • 27
      Banquet Restaurante "Sacramento" in Chiado

      Restaurante "Sacramento" in Chiado

    • WP3: Data transmission and applications: (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      In this session some of the ongoing work is being submitted to patent therefore the related information is not available for Intellectual Property matters. It impacts some R&D work at SSSA therefore not reported here.

      Conveners: Antonio Pellegrino (NIKHEF (NL), University of Groningen (NL)), Giulio Cossu (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
      • 28
        Report from SSSA perspective

        Some INFIERI related R&D work at SSSA is being submitted to patent therefore no report here available.

        Speaker: Giulio Cossu (SSSA-Pisa)
      • 29
        Review of WP3 latest achievements
        Speaker: Antonio Pellegrino (NIKHEF (NL), University of Groningen (NL))
      • 30
        Progress report status: perspectives and achievements
        Some part of this work is submitted to patent therefore not reported here.
        Speaker: Wahajat Ali (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna-Pisa)
      • 31
        Progress Report on Pixel Detector for LHCb VELO Upgrade
        Speaker: Elena Dall'Occo (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
    • 32
      Coffee break
    • WP4: Intelligent advanced processing: new accelerator, firmware, and real-time algorithms (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The WP4 and WP6 sessions will be closely linked at this present stage of the project and this is reflected in the list of talks included in each session.

      Convener: Michele Gallinaro (LIP Lisbon)
      • 33
        Example of Academics and Industrial collaboration in HPC
        This is an invited Talk part of the High Performance Computing WP4 sessions.
        Speaker: Rogerio Iope (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))
      • 34
        Progress report on WP4 activity at INFN-Pisa
        Speaker: eleftheria kostara (infn)
      • 35
        Progress report on WP4 at UC3M
        Speaker: Georgios Konstantinou (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
    • 36
    • 37
      PET developments at LIP/Lisbon and PETsys spinoff Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      This is an invited talk and part of the Outreach events organized during this workshop
      Speaker: Stefaan Tavernier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))
    • WP4: Intelligent advanced processing: new accelerators, firmware, and real-time processing (Plenary Session, cont'd) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The WP4 and WP6 sessions will be closely linked at this present stage of the project and this is reflected in the list of talks included in each session.

      Convener: Garret Cotter (University of Oxford)
    • 42
      Coffee break
    • WP7: INFIERI, Training and industrial partnership: (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      This session will be organized as a round Table where each of the full and associated Industrial representatives will briefly present their contributions and ideas about their role in this interdisciplinary Network.

      Convener: Un Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR))
      • 43
        Thales TRT and INFIERI
        Speaker: Francois Duhem (TRT-Thales)
      • 44
        Philips Eindhoven and GmbH and INFIERI
        The slides related to this session are included in the slides of Sven Prevhral on friday morning. And here below the message received from our Philips Partners: "Philips is internally recognizing the value of the program, and Pedro and I are happy and honored to participate, we have several opportunities in Hamburg and Eindhoven available to interested candidates."
        Speakers: Pedro Rodrigues (Philips Research), Sven Prevrhal (PHILIPS GmbH)
      • 45
        Review of the contributions by the Industrial Partners

        The Network Coordinator has given a summary of the contributions of both the Full and Associated Industrial Partners in the project in terms of Training (Secondments, Workshops and Schools) as well as to the participation to the achievements of the technological deliverables. She stressed the instrumental participation of some of the Industrial partners to these matters including the associated Industrial partners thus not EU funded.

    • 46
      Public outreach event

      Aceleradores de Partículas - Tecnologias e Oportunidades
      Paulo Gomes (CERN, Responsável pelo sistema de controlo do vácuo nos aceleradores do CERN)

      Tecnologias de Informação:
      A física de partículas é pioneira em várias das tecnologias mais utilizadas na sociedade
      Clara Gaspar (CERN, Responsável pelo sistema de controle da experiência LHCb no CERN)

      Detectores de Partículas e Aplicações Médicas: De que forma os detectores de partículas servem no diagnóstico de doenças
      José Carlos Silva (LIP, Responsável Sistemas Electrónicos ECAL/CMS no CERN)

      Clara Gaspar
      Jose Carlos Silva
    • INFIERI Managerial Board: (cont'd) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      This is a joint SB and EC Collaboration Board with an agenda as circulated among the members of these two boards.
      The documents presented or discussed in this session are of restricted access and therefore only accessible to the members of the Board in the dedicated restricted area of the INFIERI website. They must not be circulated.

      Convener: Aurore Savoy Navarro (CNRS/IN2P3 and INFN-Pisa)
      • 47
        EPM Summary report
        Speaker: Myriam MORCEL (CNRS UMR 7164)
      • 48
        Discussions on the Agenda topics
        Speaker: SB/EC/YRP
    • WP6: Large test bench systems and where do we stand: (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The WP4 and WP6 sessions will be closely linked at this present stage of the project and this is reflected in the list of talks included in each session.

      Convener: Ian Tomalin (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
    • 55
      Coffee break Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


    • WP5: Transversal tools: (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      The WP1 and the WP5 sessions are closely linked at this stage of the project and this is reflected in the series of talks in these sessions.

      Convener: Patrick Pittet (CNRS-INL)
      • 56
        L1 Pixel based trigger: summary of the results on Physics and performances studies
        Speaker: Un Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR))
      • 57
        L1 Pixel trigger and the electron Brem
        Speaker: Junho Kim (Seoul National University (KR))
      • 58
        The L1 Pixel Trigger for selecting LFV tau-> 3 mu's at Phase 2
        Speaker: Daniele Vadruccio (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
    • 59
      Lunch Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


    • Youtube Presentation of the EU fellows activities: Presentation of Youtube contributions by EU Fellows (Plenary Session) Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional

      Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional


      Each of the EU fellows will summarize in about 5 minutes maximum her/his activities within the INFIERI project as recorded by YOUTUBE.

      A total of 17 Youtubes are expected by: Benedetta Nodari (CNRS-Paris), Matteo Vignetti (CNRS-INL), Michele Doni and Elena Dall'Occo (FOM-NIKHEF), Daniele Vadruccio (LIP), Elefetheria Kostara, Stamatis Poulios and Giacomo Fedi (INFN-Pisa), Georgios Konstantinou (UC3M), Andrea de Franco (Oxford), Wahajat Ali (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna), Luigi Calligaris (STFC-RAL) and Davide Cieri (STFC-Bristol), Thomas Dey (former INFIERI-ER at Philips-Eindhoven), Wilder Lopes (THALES-TRT), Laurel Kaye and Chenfan Zhang (Liverpool).

      The awards for the three best Youtubes presented at the previous INFIERI workshop in Pisa will be given in Lisbon.

      Convener: Franco Ligabue (SNS and Universita di Pisa/INFN (IT))