4th (and final) WP12 Annual Review meeting at NCBJ, Swierk, Poland
Narodowe Centrum Badan Jadrowych (NCBJ), Swierk, Poland
Following our successful previous Annual WP12 Meetings at CEA Saclay, DESY and Daresbury Laboratory, it's my great pleasure to welcome you all to our 4th 'and final' Annual Meeting of the EuCARD-2 WP12 – Innovative Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies – to be held over 14-15 March 2017 at Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych, Świerk, Poland where we will review the status of the R&D work for the following EuCARD-2 WP12 task activities:
• Thin films
• Normal Conducting High Gradient Cavities
• SRF HOM Beam Diagnostics
• RF photocathodes
WP12 4th Annual Meeting Registration
- Antoine Mollard
- Boris Militsyn
- Claire Antoine
- Guillaume Rosaz
- Jacek Sekutowicz
- Jerzy Lorkiewicz
- Jochen Teichert
- Juliette Plouin
- Katsiaryna Ilyina
- Liangliang Shi
- Marek Jacewicz
- Muhammad Aburas
- Nicoleta Baboi
- Nirav Joshi
- Oliver Kugeler
- Peter Mcintosh
- Robert Nietubyc
- Rong Xiang
- Samuel Smith
- Sebastian Keckert
- Thomas Flisgen
- Ursula van Rienen