Slow Extraction Workshop 2017
Following the success of the 2016 Slow Extraction Workshop (GSI, Germany), CERN is organising a 2017 edition.
The 2017 workshop will be held at CERN, and will address topical issues associated with Slow Extraction, as well as providing a forum for discussing between experts in this specialised domain.
The Slow Extraction Workshop 2017 is organised under the auspices of ICFA and ARIES (the successor of EuCARD2). It is supported by the CERN Physics Beyond Colliders study.
Adriano Garonna
Alexander Gerbershagen
Alexander Wastl
Andrea Longhin
Antonio Perillo Marcone
Bernd Lorentz
Brennan Goddard
Christoph Hessler
Christoph Wiesner
Claude Krantz
David Ondreka
Edmundo Lopez Sola
federico roncarolo
Francesca Galluccio
Francesco Maria Velotti
Francois Meot
Gerard Alain Tranquille
Giuliano Franchetti
Hannes Bartosik
Hans Stockhorst
Italo Mannelli
Ivan Strasik
Jan Borburgh
Jean-Paul Burnet
Jens Spanggaard
Jocelyn Tan
Johannes Bernhard
Keith Kershaw
Kevin Brown
Kristóf Brunner
Lau Gatignon
Linda Stoel
luciano falbo
Luigi Salvatore esposito
Marco Calviani
Mariusz Sapinski
Masahito Tomizawa
Matthew Alexander Fraser
Mauro Pivi
Mei May Bai
Michelangelo Pari
Peter Forck
Peter Schmid
Rahul Singh
Richard Jacobsson
Ryotaro Muto
Sergey Ivanov
Simone Gilardoni
Simone Montesano
Simone Savazzi
Stefan Sorge
Verena Kain
Vladimir Nagaslaev
walter scandale
Yann Dutheil
Welcome coffee & registration 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin
Session 1: Workshop motivation and Slow Extraction at existing and new facilities 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium MeyrinConvener: Brennan Goddard (CERN)
Welcome address and workshop objectives 20+5’
A short welcome will be followed by a presentation of the workshop objectives, including the follow-up from the 2016 event held at GSI. The Workshop timetable will be given, and the session chairs introduced. Logistical details for the coffee breaks, lunch breaks, Workshop dinner and CERN visit will be listed for reference.
Speaker: Brennan Goddard (CERN) -
Requirement for slow extraction by future fixed target and beam dump experiments 20+5’Speaker: Richard Jacobsson (CERN)
JPARC-MR SE Overview 20+5’Speaker: Masahito Tomizawa (
FNAL SE Overview and plans for Mu2e 20+5’
An overview of the FNAL Slow Extraction program will be given with an emphasis on the plans and implementation of the slow extraction for the future Mu2e experiment.
Speaker: Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) -
Coffee break
CERN-SPS SE Overview 20+5’Speaker: Verena Kain (CERN)
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IHEP SE Overview 20+5’
The report overviews stochastic SE system employed at the U-70 proton synchrotron in Protvino (Russia). The beam fraction extracted is driven diffusively along momentum axis (upward, traversing empty RF buckets en route) to the 3rd integer horizontal resonance. To this end, a baseband phase noise over a non-random carrier in an auxiliary RF system is applied. Spill flattop and suppression of its lower-frequency ripples is managed with a dedicated feedback circuit.
Speaker: Sergey Ivanov (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))
Session 2: Existing and new loss reduction methods 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium MeyrinConveners: Kevin Brown (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Matthew Alexander Fraser (CERN)
Simulating slow-extraction 15+5'Speaker: Dr Francois Meot (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Dynamic bump and Hardt condition 15+5'Speaker: Linda Susanne Stoel (Vienna University of Technology (AT))
Separatrix folding with multipoles 15+5'Speaker: Kevin Brown (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Massless septum for loss reduction 15+5'Speaker: Mr Kristof Brunner
Passive diffuser studies and design 15+5'
A passive scattering device (diffuser) can be used to reduce septum beamloss. The talk describes the underlying physics processes, and investigates the dependence on the diffuser geometry, material and location. Numerical simulations to quantify the expected performance gain for the optimum configuration are presented, and the progress with the realisation of a prototype for deployment in the SPS presented.
Speaker: Brennan Goddard (CERN) -
Coffee break
Crystals for loss reduction at IHEP & CERN 15+5'Speaker: Walter Scandale
Crystal shadowing studies for septa 15+5'Speaker: Francesco Maria Velotti (CERN)
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Slow extraction efficiency measurement 15+5'
The high efficiency of most slow extraction systems make quantifying the exact amount of beam lost in the process extremely challenging. This is compounded by the lack of time structure in the extracted beam, as is typically requested by high energy physics users, and the difficulty in accurately calibrating d.c. intensity monitors at count rates of ~ 1E13 Hz. Common techniques used to quantify the slow extraction efficiency and their accuracies will be briefly reviewed before recent measurements and studies carried at the SPS are presented and the difficulties encountered are discussed.
Speaker: Matthew Alexander Fraser (CERN) -
Translation vs. diffusion -driven 3rd integer extraction 15+5'
The talk discusses pro et contra for implementing either translational of diffusive fluxes to feed the 3rd order resonance for a slow extraction. The outcomes are applicable to both momentum or amplitude techniques of forcing beam edge to the extraction mechanism, and are supported by observations and experience gained at the U70 proton synchrotron.
Speaker: Sergey Ivanov (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))
Session 3: Beam quality and improving spill structure 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium MeyrinConveners: Sergey Ivanov (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP)), Verena Kain (CERN)
Experimental requirements on spill quality 15+5'
We will present a short overview of the experimental requirements on the spill quality with an emphasis on the CERN North Area experiments. Together with a short introduction of categories of users at CERN, the main characteristics of the experiments concerning instantaneous intensity, monitoring and impact of non-flat spill structures will be discussed. Finally, a list of possible inprovements concludes the talk.
Speaker: Johannes Bernhard (CERN) -
Planned measures for improving SIS18 spill quality 15+5'Speaker: Dr Peter Schmid
Stochastic noise extraction 15+5'Speaker: Dr Bernd Alfred Lorentz (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Spill control at the Marburg Ion-Beam Therapy Centre 15 + 5`
At the p/12C6+ synchrotron of the Marburg Ion-Beam Therapy Centre we use slow extraction by transverse noise (KO-) excitation. The system is equipped with a Dynamic Intensity Control (DIC) loop allowing fast modulation of the spill rate during extraction. By careful adjustment of the exciter noise spectrum relative to the small-amplitude particle tune and the extraction tune, it is possible to optimise the response of the system to the DIC set-point. Presently, an experiment involving a fast air-core-quadrupole (ACQ) magnet is being developed in order to measure the effects of fast coherent tune shifts on the spill structure. The experiments will allow to study the interplay of the ACQ with the KO exciter and DIC.
Speaker: Dr Claude Krantz (Marburger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum) -
Feedback and feedforward spill control 15+5'Speaker: Masahito Tomizawa (
Machine reproducibility / stability and spill quality 15+5'Speaker: Francesco Maria Velotti (CERN)
Coffee break
Measurements of the spill structure on a wide time range at GSI 15+5'Speaker: Peter Forck (GSI)
Simulation of micro- and milli- second spill structure 15+5'Speaker: Stefan Sorge
Magnet power supplies and slow extraction 15+5'Speaker: Jean-Paul Burnet (CERN)
Spill quality for NASA facility at AGS 15+5'Speaker: Kevin Brown (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Spill control for CNAO slow extraction 15+5'
After a short overview of CNAO machine, the presentation shows how the spill is controlled during extraction:
momentum-amplitude extraction, HEBT chopper, RF phase jump, Empty bucket channelling, Empty sweeping Bucket channelling, Air core quad feedback.
Each topic is first presented under the theoretical point of view, then the results in CNAO machine are shown.Speaker: L. Falbo
Session 4: Hardware: reducing loss, activation and dose 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium MeyrinConvener: Masahito Tomizawa
Activation and radiation damage at Slow extraction 15+5'Speaker: Edil Mustafin (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI))
Activation monitoring and prediction models 15+5'
The unavoidable beam loss intrinsic to the slow extraction process activates the extraction region and its equipment, which is particularly troublesome with the high energy and intensity of the 400 GeV proton beam at the CERN SPS. Although the radiation dose to equipment has an impact on availability, the cool-down time required to limit the dose to personnel carrying-out maintenance also poses important restrictions, and will ultimately limit the number of protons that can be slow extracted in the future. In view of recent requests for higher intensities this year and into the next decade, a study was launched to model the build-up and subsequent cool-down of the induced radioactivity of the SPS slow extraction extraction straight (LSS2) as a function of the proton flux and extraction efficiency. A model based on a simple empirical relationship has been developed and shown to reliably predict the measured radioactivity. The empirical model is described, its strengths and limitations discussed, and its application as a predictive tool demonstrated.
Speaker: Matthew Alexander Fraser (CERN) -
Remote handling experience and prospects 15+5'Speaker: Keith Kershaw (CERN)
Low-Z septa (C wires, Ti cathodes, tanks) 15+5'
In the framework of the CERN Beam Dump Facility (BDF) it is mandatory to limit the activation of the slow extraction equipment installed in the SPS to allow reasonable intervention times in case of need, as well as to limit dose for maintenance personnel in general. The talk will explore possibilities to limit the residual activation of the extraction equipment, the electrostatic septa in particular, by choosing suitable construction materials. The talk will conclude with a proposal for an innovative low activation test facility
Speaker: Jan Borburgh (CERN) -
Alignment of septa and optimised operational set-up 15+5'Speaker: Ryotaro Muto
Coffee break
Instrumentation of DC beams: intensity and beam profile 15+5'Speaker: Peter Forck (GSI)
Tomography for bunch distribution reconstruction 15+5'Speaker: Mr Alexander Wastl (Vienna University of Technology)
Session 5: Session summaries and discussion 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium MeyrinConveners: Brennan Goddard (CERN), Giuliano Franchetti, Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Coffee and free discussion 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin
Session 6: Discussion: Follow-up from 1st Workshop, proposals for collaboration 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium MeyrinConvener: Giuliano Franchetti
Session 7: Discussion: Outlook and priorities for 3rd Workshop 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium MeyrinConvener: Vladimir Nagaslaev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Visit: septum laboratory and CERN Control Centre 6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin