ZPW2018 - Flavours: light, heavy and dark

from Monday 15 January 2018 (09:00) to Wednesday 17 January 2018 (17:00)
University of Zurich (KOL-F-118)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Jan 2018
16 Jan 2018
17 Jan 2018
Registration (until 09:30) (KOL-F-118)
Dark Matter and Heavy Neutral Leptons - Gino Isidori (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) (until 11:00) (KOL-F-118)
09:30 DM theory (I) - Patrick Fox   (KOL-F-118)
10:00 DM theory (II) - Felix Yu (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)   (KOL-F-118)
10:30 Exotic NP searches - Lesya Shchutska (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (ETHZ) (CH))   (KOL-F-118)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Dark Matter and Heavy Neutral Leptons - Nicola Serra (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) (until 12:30) (KOL-F-118)
11:30 Heavy Neutral Leptons: a theoretical overview - Stefan Antusch (University of Basel)   (KOL-F-118)
12:00 Searches for NP at the intensity frontier - Andrei Golutvin (Imperial College London)   (KOL-F-118)
b->sll - Dario Buttazzo (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) (until 10:30) (KOL-F-118)
09:00 LHCb results on b->sll decays - Konstantinos Petridis (University of Bristol (GB))   (KOL-F-118)
09:40 Fits to b->sll data (I) - Dr Joaquim Matias (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)   (KOL-F-118)
10:05 Fits to b->sll data (II) - Luca Silvestrini (INFN Rome)   (KOL-F-118)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
b->sll (until 12:35) (KOL-F-118)
11:00 Non-local effects in exclusive b → sll decays - Danny van Dyk (TU München)   (KOL-F-118)
11:30 Enhanced electromagnetic corrections in Bs -> mu+ mu- - Martin Beneke (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))   (KOL-F-118)
11:50 Round Table: theory errors on the anomalies [Hurth, Guadagnoli, Gambino] - Tobias Hurth (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (KOL-F-118)
High-pT searches - Stefano Pozzorini (until 10:30) (KOL-F-118)
09:00 Leptoquark and Z'/W' searches at CMS - Yuta Takahashi (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (KOL-F-118)
09:30 Parton Distributions in the high-precision LHC era - Dr Juan Rojo (VU Amsterdam and Nikhef)   (KOL-F-118)
10:00 Precision calculations for high-pT - Jonas Lindert (University of Durham (GB))   (KOL-F-118)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Summary - Thomas Gehrmann (until 13:00) (KOL-F-118)
11:00 Clockwork: Structure and Phenomenology - Yevgeny Kats (CERN)   (KOL-F-118)
11:45 Summary and Outlook - Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz)   (KOL-F-118)
R(D), R(D*) and Lepton Flavor Violation - S Fajfer (Univ. of Ljubljana and Inst. J. Stefan) (until 15:40) (KOL-F-118)
14:00 Experimental status of RD, RD* - Gregory Max Ciezarek (CERN)   (KOL-F-118)
14:40 Theory predictions for RD, RD* - paolo gambino (università di torino)   (KOL-F-118)
15:10 Flavor Physics from Lattice QCD - Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab)   (KOL-F-118)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
R(D), R(D*) and Lepton Flavor Violation - Federico Mescia (until 17:10) (KOL-F-118)
16:10 LFV theory - Prof. Paride Paradisi (University of Padova and INFN)   (KOL-F-118)
16:40 LFV experiments - André Schöning (Heidelberg University)   (KOL-F-118)
NP models for the anomalies: an appetiser (until 17:50) (KOL-F-118)
17:10 A Pati-Salam model for the B decay anomalies - Monika Blanke   (KOL-F-118)
17:30 Flavor anomalies: model independent & RPV3 considerations - AMARJIT Soni (BNL)   (KOL-F-118)
Models for B anomalies - Nazila Mahmoudi (LPC Clermont & CERN) (until 15:30) (KOL-F-118)
14:00 Implications of B anomalies: from EFTs to models - Dr David Straub (Technische Universität München)   (KOL-F-118)
14:30 EFT analysis of B-physics anomalies - Jorge Martin Camalich (CERN)   (KOL-F-118)
15:00 LFU violation in B-decays: Model building attempts and lessons - Admir Greljo (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)   (KOL-F-118)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Models for B anomalies - Giancarlo D'Ambrosio (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT)) (until 18:10) (KOL-F-118)
16:00 The large structure of the universe and cannibals - Martin Schmaltz   (KOL-F-118)
16:30 B-physics anomalies from warped extra dimensions - Mariano Quiros Carcelen (ICREA - Institucio catalana de recerca estudis avancats (ES))   (KOL-F-118)
16:50 Round table: UV completions and high-pT physics [ Barbieri, Kamenik, Nardecchia] - Jernej F. Kamenik (Jozef Stefan Institute) Riccardo Barbieri (S) Marco Nardecchia   (KOL-F-118)