3 January 2018 to 1 December 2018
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Slow Control Conference Warsaw 2018.11.09

Design of cooling system for equipment installed in RACK's 42U and 47U 19", and constructions for cable, fibre optic and pipe routes

9 Nov 2018, 09:50
Conference Slow Control Warsaw 2018 Slow Control Warsaw 2018 SCS 2018 / CZiITT


Bartlomiej Juruc


The designed cooling system must be closed and operate with a liquid and gas cooling carrier. The designed elements include: servo housings, liquid cooler modules and carrier transport profiles. The aim of the project is to adapt and design the required structures to existing dimensions of RACK's, minimize the complexity of individual elements and maximize the ease of their mutual assembly.
The second project are constructions for cable, fiber optic and tubular routes. The priority in the design and implementation of routes is to ensure maximum safety of the cables. The strength of the structure also counts - maximum stability with minimum weight must be ensured
Both projects are made using 3D CAD Autodesk Inventor software.

Temat: OK

Primary authors

Bartlomiej Juruc Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology) Krystian Rosłon Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology) Adam Kwaśnik Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)

Presentation materials