Integrability, duality and beyond

Rooms: 5, 7, 130 and 140 (Facultade de Física, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)

Rooms: 5, 7, 130 and 140

Facultade de Física, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Rúa de José María Suárez Núñez, s/n, 15705 Santiago de Compostela
Riccardo Borsato (Galician Institute of High Energy Physics - IGFAE), Falk Hassler (University of Oviedo), Yolanda Lozano (University of Oviedo), J. Luis Miramontes (Galician Institute of High Energy Physics - IGFAE)

The conference will bring together experts working on different topics of string theory, including integrable deformations, non-abelian/Poisson-Lie T duality and double field theory. The schedule of the talks will allow for extended time dedicated to discussions among participants.

The conference is funded by the Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence of IGFAE (University of Santiago de Compostela), and it is organised by

Riccardo Borsato (IGFAE)

Falk Hassler (Oviedo)

Yolanda Lozano (Oviedo)

J. Luis Miramontes (IGFAE)


Conference venue: Facultade de Física. When entering the main door, take the stairs next to the Foucault pendulum up to the next level. Rooms 5, 7, 130 and 140 have been reserved for the seminars and for discussions.

Lunch: the suggestion is to go together to the canteen Fonseca, where tables will be reserved. Full menu (2 dishes) 5.70 euros, half menu (1 dish) 5.20 euros. Water, bread and dessert included. Both cash and cards accepted.

Social dinner: we will have a social dinner at the restaurant "Don Gaiferos" on Tuesday 4th June at 21.00. Confirmation of attendance required.

  • Alejandro Vilar López
  • Alfonso Ramallo
  • Ana Garbayo Peón
  • Arkady Tseytlin
  • Ben Hoare
  • Carlos Nuñez
  • Dan Thompson
  • David Berman
  • David Vázquez Rodríguez
  • Emanuel Malek
  • Falk Hassler
  • Filip Jurukovic
  • Fiona Seibold
  • J. Luis Miramontes
  • José Edelstein
  • José J. Fernández-Melgarejo (cancelled)
  • José Manuel Penín
  • José Manuel Sánchez de Santos
  • Kostas Sfetsos
  • Linus Wulff
  • Marc Magro
  • Riccardo Borsato
  • Saskia Demulder
  • Sibylle Driezen
  • Yolanda Lozano
    • Welcome
    • Seminar
      • 1
        Yang-Baxter deformations of the AdS3 string as marginal deformations of the WZW-model

        The Yang-Baxter deformations of the (bosonic) AdS3xS3 string will be classified and shown to correspond, via a field redefinition, to marginal current-current deformations of the WZW-model.

        Speaker: Linus Wulff (Masaryk University of Brno)
    • Coffe break
    • Seminar
      • 2
        The Many Facets of Poisson-Lie T-duality

        Poisson-Lie T-duality was originally introduced to identify
        the dynamics of closed strings probing different target spaces. But nowadays it also has become a crucial ingredient in the construction of integrable, two-dimensional sigma-models. After reviewing this intriguing connection from a worldsheet perspective, I will switch to the target space. There we are going to see that Poisson-Lie T-duality naturally appears in the context of gauged SUGRAs and consistent truncations which help to construct new AdS vacua.

        Speaker: Falk Hassler (University of Oviedo)
    • Lunch break
    • Seminar
      • 3
        Double and exceptional field theory
        Speaker: David Berman (Queen Mary University of London)
    • Coffe break
    • Seminar
      • 4
        Aspects of gauge-strings duality

        We discuss some recent developments in the duality between gauge fields and strings. In particular, focusing on conformal field theories in diverse dimensions and with different amounts of supersymmetry, we comment on their string duals, the calculation of various physical observables and the possibility of finding classical integrability on the dual string wolrdsheet.

        Speaker: Carlos Nuñez (Swansea University)
    • Seminar
      • 5
        Integrable deformations of the AdS5 x S5 superstring: resolving some puzzles

        Recent explorations of the AdS5 x S5 superstring and its integrable deformations have greatly improved our understanding of integrable string sigma models. However, they have also led to a number of puzzles. In this talk we will focus on two particular deformations, the eta and lambda deformations, and their Poisson-Lie duals. In these models the symmetry algebra is q-deformed. We will review the construction of the deformed models and discuss the latest developments in the resolution of one particular puzzle: when do the deformed backgrounds solve the type IIB supergravity equations of motion. To conclude, we will recall some of the puzzles that remain unanswered.

        Speaker: Ben Hoare (ETH Zurich)
    • Coffe break
    • Seminar
      • 6
        Integrable 2d sigma models: RG flow and deformations

        I will discuss some examples of deformations of 2d metrics under
        RG flow. Based on on-going work with Ben Hoare and Nat Levine.

        Speaker: Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial College London)
    • Lunch break
    • Seminar
      • 7
        Exploring the landscape of eta-deformed AdS superstrings

        I will focus on integrable eta deformations of AdS superstrings with the deformation encoded in an operator R satisfying the modified classical Yang-Baxter deformation. Such R-matrices include those of Drinfel'd-Jimbo type, whose action is dictated by the choice of Dynkin diagram and associated Cartan-Weyl basis. Superalgebras admit inequivalent Dynkin diagrams and thus allow for different deformations. Focussing on the AdS2xS2xT6 case, I will present all possible backgrounds and show that only the R-matrix associated with the fermionic Dynkin diagram is unimodular, giving rise to a supergravity background. While this resolves one of the main puzzles of eta-deformed superstrings, others remain including the behavior in the maximal deformation limit. Extending to the bi-Yang-Baxter deformation of the AdS3xS3xT4 superstring I will show how, in this case, the maximal deformation limit can be related to the mirror model.

        Speaker: Fiona Seibold (ETH Zurich)
    • Seminar
      • 8
        T-duality equivalences beyond string theory

        It is a known fact that the leading order low-energy effective action of string theory is symmetric under T-duality transformations (Buscher rules), and although these are such that geometric properties of solutions may change substantially they still preserve the Hawking temperature and entropy of black holes. The question naturally arises whether or not this holds when one includes higher-order corrections. In this work we present a two parameter family of actions constructed using DFT techniques which contains the first-order corrected actions of string theories for some values of the parameters, and derive the corrected T-duality rules. Then we show that temperature and entropy of solutions with black hole horizons are preserved under the corrected rules, and this is so even for values of the parameters which do not correspond to effective string theory actions, indicating that T-duality might also provide physical equivalences in cases which do not have a known sigma model.

        Speaker: Alejandro Vilar López (IGFAE (Santiago de Compostela))
    • Coffe break
    • Seminar
      • 9
        Spin-2 excitations in Gaiotto-Maldacena solutions

        In this talk, I will present the results for the computation of the spin-2 excitations for a class of N=2 supersymmetric solutions of type IIA supergravity found by Gaiotto and Maldacena. The mass spectrum of these excitations can be derived by solving a second order partial differential equation. In our work, we consider as specific exampkes the Abelian and non-Abelian T-dual versions of AdS5xS5 and we study the mass spectra. For the modes that do not 'feel' the non-Abelian T-duality transforamtion, we can provide analytical formulas for the masses, while for the rest we can only derive the spectra numerically. The numerical values that correspond to large masses are compared with WKB formulas. We also find a lower bound for the masses.

        Speaker: José Manuel Penín Ascariz (IGFAE (Santiago de Compostela))
    • Seminar
      • 10
        Quantum info from symmetry, geometry and the effective action

        A well known gauging procedure allowed for the systematic construction of exact deformations of current algebra theories with large classes of them being integrable. We present a modification of this construction allowing for the determination of the anomalous dimension of arbitrary composite operators in these theories exactly in the deformation couplings. In our approach loop computations are completely avoided.

        Speaker: Kostas Sfetsos (University of Athens)
    • Coffe break
    • Seminar
      • 11
        From 1 to N

        I shall first review the interpretation of integrable sigma-models as realizations of affine Gaudin models. It will then be explained how to obtain new classical integrable field theories by assembling two affine Gaudin models into a single one. Finally, the application of this method to couple together an arbitrary number of principal chiral model fields on the same Lie group, each with a Wess-Zumino term will be presented.

        Speaker: Marc Magro (ENS Lyon)
    • Lunch break
    • Seminar
      • 12
        Exceptional Geometry of supersymmetric AdS vacua and their consistent truncations

        I will show how exceptional field theory (ExFT) can be used to construct supersymmetric AdS vacua of 10-/11-d SUGRA and their consistent truncations. I will focus on the class of infinitely-many supersymmetric AdS_7 vacua of massive IIA and AdS_6 vacua of IIB and show how ExFT immediately leads to the "minimal" consistent truncation around these vacua in which only the gravitational supermultiplet is kept. I will also show that there are no consistent truncations with vector multiplets for the AdS_7 vacua with Roman's mass and give precise differential conditions for the AdS_6 vacua of IIB to allow consistent truncations vector multiplets.

        Speaker: Emanuel Malek (AEI Potsdam)
    • Coffe break
    • Seminar
      • 13
        Integrable deformations and Generalised Dualities

        I will outline some recent progress in understanding classes of integrable deformations of strings relevant to e.g. the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring. These so-called eta and lambda-deformations exhibit a rich structure of Poisson-Lie symmetries and corresponding notions of Poisson-Lie and non-Abelian T-duality. I will explain how these symmetries become natural when harnessing the power of generalised geometry. I will outline recent results concerning the open string sector of lambda-deformations and the interplay of integrable D-branes with PL and non-Abelian dualisation.

        Speaker: Dan Thompson (Swansea University)