27 June 2021 to 1 July 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

X-Ray Spectroscopy @ MHz Frame Rates

28 Jun 2021, 09:20
Zoom (Online)



Invited presentation Front end electronics and readout Invited lectures


Matthew Veale (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)


In 2006 the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory began the development of the High Energy X-ray Imaging Technology (HEXITEC) detector system. Over the subsequent decade the system has delivered exceptional spectroscopic performance of < 1 keV for hard X-ray energies (2 - 200 keV) using Cd(Zn)Te sensors. With a frame rate of 10 kHz the current system is able to deliver this spectroscopic performance up to photon fluxes of 10$^4$ ph s$^{-1}$ mm$^2$.

As light sources across the world undergo upgrades, gains in source brightness of the order of $\times 100$ and an increase in the number of high energy beam lines (>10 keV) mean that many of today's detector technologies, like HEXITEC, will be unable to support future science programmes. To meet these needs will require a new generation of detector technologies running at higher frame rates and making use of high-Z sensor materials.

In 2018 we began work on an upgrade of the HEXITEC detector system with the aim of delivering a spectroscopic imaging capability at future light sources. The HEXITEC$_{MHz}$ system aims to deliver the same high resolution spectroscopy but at a continuous frame rate of 1 MHz. At these rates spectroscopic imaging will be possible for hard X-rays at fluxes in excess of 10$^6$ ph s$^{-1}$ mm$^2$.

In this lecture I will review the current status of the HEXITEC technology, provide an update on the development of the HEXITEC$_{MHz}$ system as well as the work we have been doing to characterise the sensor materials that will be at the heart of these new imaging systems.

Primary authors

Ben Cline (STFC) Matthew Veale (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Lawrence Jones (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Lydia Jowitt (Science and Technology Facilities Council (UKRI)) Marcus Julian French (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Mark Lyndon Prydderch (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Matthew Hart (STFC) Matthew Wilson (STFC) Paul Seller (RAL) Rhian Wheater (STFC) Thomas Gardiner (STFC)

Presentation materials