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27 June 2021 to 1 July 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Presentation guidelines

Poster presentation guidelines

The poster sessions will be held in the platform. You can explore how this works in our concept space: . When stepping inside the 'private space' (the darker area) in front of your poster, you immediately watch a preview of your poster and are able to open the full poster (by pressing 'x'), while having a videochat with everyone in that area. We believe this is as close as it gets to a physical poster session.

To upload this presentation, 3 files are needed:

  • The miniature which is displayed on the map, used to attract people. This should be a .png or .jpg of 72x44 pixels (W x H)
  • The preview, which is displayed at the bottom of the screen when you enter the private area. This should be a .png or .jpg with a width of 440pixels. The displayed height is 98 pixels, and is the preferred vertical size of the file, yet more height can be viewed by scrolling (see the concept space). File size can be max 500kB
  • The poster itself, which should be a .png or .jpg with a width of at least 1000 pixels. Height can be chosen freely, and depends on the amount of scrolling you want the reader to do. In this image, zooming is possible. Please check the concept gather space to see how this works. The main limitation here is the file size, which can be max. 3 MB

Please note that these limits are strict, and no poster will be uploaded if these instructions are not followed. PDF or PowerPoint files will not be accepted!
Also note that these 3 files do not need to have the same content! Particularly the preview can be a teaser or graphical abstract to attract people to your poster.

As there are many posters to be implemented in the platform, these files should be sent to by June 15th. The three files should be named "abstractID_LastName_icon", "abstractID_LastName_preview" and "abstractID_LastName_poster", respectively. As an example, if my poster would be #314, this would be '314_Boone_icon.png'.




Poster pitches

A selection of poster presenters will also be offered the possibility to give their posters (and the poster session in general) additional visibility during the poster pitch sessions. The selected presenters get the opportunity to present the main aspects of their poster during 2' pitches. 

The poster pitches will be organized in a Zoom session. To limit technical issues, we will pre-assemble the presentation and play this with a strict time limit of 2' for one single slide. The presentation is live, and the speaker will be muted after 2'. 


Oral presentation

Oral contributions are limited to 15 minutes and 5 minutes for questions.

Due to the digital conference, there are no restrictions on file type, aspect ratio, ... 

The presentations will be organized fully live, and no pre-recorded backup will be foreseen. In case of technical problems, a 20' break is organized! Please make sure you are acquainted with the Zoom platform prior to the conference and that your presentation sharing and audio is working correctly!

We strongly encourage presentation for a live audience, where possible. In many countries, University buildings are open and lecture rooms can be used for small meetings where you can present in front of colleagues, students or any other real audience. We believe this makes a presentation easier to follow, and many people find it easier to present.