Súčasné technológie neumožňujú experimentálne študovať a overovať naše teoretické modely
a predstavy o fundamentálnych fyzikálnych javoch prebiehajúcich v takých astro-fyzikálnych
objektoch, akými sú čierne diery. Zatiaľ jediným spôsobom ako experimentálne verifikovať
tieto modely (a predstavy) o fyzike čiernych dier je nájsť laboratórny fyzikálny systém, ktorý
s istými obmedzeniami...
Quantum walks represent a generalization of the random walk to the coherent evolution of the
quantum particle on a graph or a lattice. We provide an overview of the concept, focusing on
the discrete-time quantum walk, and illustrate the applications in quantum simulations and
quantum computation. Finally, we introduce a very successful experimental implementation
of quantum walks which is...
Neutrinos are together with photons the most abandon particles in the Universe. The
knowledge of the neutrino mass is important not only for particle physics but also for
cosmology. Oscillation experiments proved that at least two of the known three neutrino mass
states have the mass different from zero, while at least one of these states has the mass greater
than 0.05 eV. Precision...
Magnetic nanoparticles (NPs), especially SPIO nanoparticles, have long been used as MRI
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) contrast agents and as advantageous nanoplatforms for drug
delivery, taking advantage of their unique magnetic properties and ability to function at the
molecular and cellular level. In our centre smart design and development of SPIO
nanoparticles in mild conditions with...
Why are the III-nitride semiconductors so unique that they became the second most important
semiconductor material after silicon? Why it was so difficult to prepare high quality nitride
layers? It was so difficult that scientist, which have partly solved this problem were five years
ago awarded by Nobel Prize. What are the most perspective applications for nitrides? What
problems have to...
Photovoltaic solar energy conversion years has become a decisive part of the
electricity generation. The global installed photovoltaic (PV) capacity surpassed 600 GW in
2020 and the terawatt installed capacity is going to be achieved within the following decade.
The dramatic fall of costs made PV the cheapest source of new electricity generation (without
subsidies) in large part of the...
Recent breakthroughs in electrical detection and manipulation of antiferromagnets have
opened a new avenue in the research of non-volatile spintronic devices. Antiparallel spins in
antiferromagnets lead to the insensitivity to magnetic field perturbations, multi-level stability
and ultra-fast spin dynamics, which is also a major experimental challenge [1]. In this
contribution we show how...
Present state of elementary particles to be specified by a set of quantum numbers is
summarized. An existence of four types of interactions between elementary particles is
reminded with an emphasis that not all particles are able of all four interactions. Those to be
able of strong interactions are named “hadrons”- compound of “quarks”. Compound from
quark-antiquark are “mesons” and...
The ATLAS experiment is the largest particle physics detector installed at the Large Hadron
Collider at CERN, which measures the proton-proton (or lead-lead) collisions at the world-
highest energies. The precision measurements of the physics processes and particles'
properties probe our current theory of elementary particles, the so-called Standard Model
(SM). The discovery of the...
Recent detection of gravitational waves from merging black holes and neutron stars opened a
new window for studying the Universe and further accelerated the tremendous progress in
multiwavelength time-domain astronomy. This talk will review exciting new developments in
the quest for uncovering the origin of chemical elements in the Universe and understanding
the birth of neutron stars and...
The COMPASS tokamak, originally constructed and operated at UKAEA in UK, has been
reinstalled at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS in 2009 and experienced a fruitful
decade of scientific exploration. In this contribution, we will summarize the main
achievements, which have contributed to the physics understanding of tokamak plasmas and
development of nuclear fusion related...
Czech Republic is aspirant member of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)
since March 2019. Unique new European Large Research Infrastructure FAIR is currently
built up at the campus of German national laboratory for heavy ion research GSI Darmstadt.
It will cover research in nuclear and hadron physics as well as in associated fields. It is
included in the European Strategy...
The discovery of graphene – the archetype two-dimensional (2D) system, stimulated the
frantic pace of research in the area of 2D materials (2DM). The rapid progress of the field,
particularly in the growth technologies, is enabling expanding the research interests in other
2DM with outstanding optical, transport, magnetic and other properties giving rise to a
plethora of tailored...