29 November 2021 to 3 December 2021
Virtual and IBS Science Culture Center, Daejeon, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Graphene elastic degrees of freedom, a multi-loop approach.

contribution ID 656
Not scheduled
Orange (Gather.Town)



Poster Track 3: Computations in Theoretical Physics: Techniques and Methods Posters: Orange


Simon Metayer


In this talk, we shall discuss recent results for the elastic degrees of freedom of fluctuating surfaces obtained by multi-loop approaches. These surfaces are ubiquitous in physics, and are used to describe objects in various fields; from brane theory to membranes in biophysics and more recently, applied to graphene and graphene-like materials. We derive the three-loop order renormalization group equations that describe the flat phase of polymerized membranes within the modified minimal subtraction scheme, following the pioneering one-loop computation of Aronovitz and Lubensky [1988] and the recent two-loop order one of Coquand, Mouhanna and Teber [2020]. We analyze the fixed points of these equations and compute the associated field anomalous dimensions $\eta$ at three-loop order. Our results display a striking proximity with those obtained using nonperturbative techniques and re-expanded in powers of $\epsilon=4-D$. Moreover, the three-loop value that we get for $\eta$ at the stable fixed point, $\eta_4=0.8872$, in $D=2$, is in quantitative agreement with known theoretical and numerical values.



Speaker time zone Compatible with Europe



Dominique Mouhanna (LPTMC Sorbonne University) Sofian Teber (Université de Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie)

Presentation materials