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4 September 2020 to 2 October 2020
Europe/Athens timezone
After the physical conference, an internet only session took place 1 and 2 October 2020. This program appears in the timetable as well.

Gluons, Heavy and Light Quarks in the Instanton Liquid Model

5 Sept 2020, 11:25
Room 3

Room 3


Prof. Mirzayusuf Musakhanov (National University of Uzbekistan)


We are extending ILM to gluons, heavy quarks, and heavy-light quarks systems.
In ILM $4N_c$ instanton collective coordinates = size $\rho\approx\bar\rho$, color orientation, position.
$\rho\approx 0.3\,{\rm fm}$, inter-instanton distance $ R\approx 1\,{\rm fm}$, packing parameter $\lambda=\rho^4/R^4\approx 0.01.$
ILM vacuum energy density $\approx - 500\,{\rm MeV}/{\rm fm^3}$.

Instanton vs hadron sizes.
$r_{J/\psi}= 0.25$ fm, $r_{\Upsilon}= 0.14$ fm, $r_N\sim 0.3-0.5$ fm.
Small quark core size hadrons are insensitive to the confinement, ILM safely applicable.

Light quarks in ILM. Dynamical quark mass $M(q)$.
$M(0)\approx 360$ MeV $\sim \lambda^{1/2}\rho^{-1}$ $\sim$ strength of light quark-instanton interaction.
Successful reproducing of light hadrons physics with $O(m,1/N_c,m/N_c)$ corrections.

Gluons in ILM. Dynamical gluon mass $M_g(q)$.
$M_g(0)\approx M(0)$ $\sim \lambda^{1/2}\rho^{-1}\sim$ strength of gluon-instanton interaction.

Heavy quarks in ILM. ILM contribution to heavy quark mass $\Delta M(q)$.
$\Delta M(0)\approx 70$ MeV $\sim \lambda\rho^{-1}\sim$ strength of heavy quark-instanton interaction.
Heavy quark-antiquark potential $V(r)$ = ILM modified one gluon exchange $V_{ILM,g}(r)$ + direct instanton $V_{\rm dir}(r)$ + confinement $V_{\rm conf}(r)$ potentials.
$V_{\rm cornell}(r)$ = one gluon exchange $V_g(r)$ + confinement $V_{\rm conf}(r)$ potentials.
$V(r)$ vs $V_{\rm cornell}(r)$ $\Rightarrow$ $+5\div 10\,\%$ correction for charmonium $(c\bar c)$ ground state energy.

Heavy+light quarks in ILM. $(c\bar c)'\rightarrow (c\bar c) \pi\pi$.
Light quark factor $F_{\pi Q}\approx 0.6 F_{\pi}$.
Heavy quark factor = dipole approximation$(1 + c\, r^2_{J/\psi}/\rho^2+...)$.
$ c\, r^2_{J/\psi}/\rho^2\approx -0.372\,r^2_{J/\psi}/\rho^2\approx - 0.26 $.
Standard approach = dipole approximation. Request for ILM reconsideration of heavy quarkonium light hadrons emission processes and light-heavy quarks meson states.

ILM is a framework for uniform and consistent description of light and heavy quark physics.


Mirzayusuf Musakhanov, Professor, National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan,

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Primary author

Prof. Mirzayusuf Musakhanov (National University of Uzbekistan)

Presentation materials