4 September 2020 to 2 October 2020
Europe/Athens timezone
After the physical conference, an internet only session took place 1 and 2 October 2020. This program appears in the timetable as well.

Modeling (anti-)deuteron formation at RHIC with a geometric coalescence model

10 Sept 2020, 11:25
Room 2

Room 2


Apiwit Kittiratpattana (Suranaree University of Technology)


We study (anti-)deuteron formation rates in heavy-ion collisions in the framework of a coalescence model. Our main assumption hereby is that nucleons are emitted from a spherically symmetric fireball volume, antinucleons from a spherical shell to account for nucleon-antinucleon annihilations at lower beam energies. Comparison with experimental data on the coalescence parameter in the range $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=4.7-200$ GeV allows us to extract radii of the respective source geometries. Our results are qualitatively supported by data from the UrQMD transport model which shows a comparable trend in the geometric radii as a function of beam energy. We find that at low energies the central region of the fireball suffers from the annihilation effects more than at higher energies


Apiwit Kittiratpattana, Mr., Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand, www.sut.ac.th

Is this abstract from experiment? No
Name of experiment and experimental site N/A
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes

Primary authors

Apiwit Kittiratpattana (Suranaree University of Technology) Michael Florian Wondrak (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)) Medina Hamzic (University of Sarajevo) Marcus Bleicher (Uni Frankfurt) Christoph Herold (Suranaree University of Technology) Ayut Limphirat (Suranaree University of Technology (TH))

Presentation materials