
from Monday 5 September 2022 (08:00) to Thursday 8 September 2022 (20:00)
Brussels (Solvay Room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
5 Sept 2022
6 Sept 2022
7 Sept 2022
8 Sept 2022
Check in - (The check in will also take place next to Solvay room during the coffee breaks and lunch of the Monday) (until 09:30) (Solvay Room)
09:30 Welcome   (Solvay Room)
Talks (until 10:50) (Solvay Room)
09:40 Baryon Number, Lepton Number - Goran Senjanovic   (Solvay Room)
10:15 Search for Baryon Violation at the LHC - Lauren Melissa Osojnak (University of Pennsylvania (US))   (Solvay Room)
10:50 --- Coffee ---
Talks - Chair: Sacha Davidson (until 12:40) (Solvay Room)
11:15 Accidental dark B from scalar/gauge dynamic - Daniele Teresi (CERN)   (Solvay Room)
11:40 Baryon Number as a Local Gauge Symmetry - Alexis Plascencia   (Solvay Room)
12:05 The muon g-2: present status - Markus Knecht (PSI)   (Solvay Room)
Talks - Chair: Belen Gavela (until 11:05) (Solvay Room)
09:30 Baryogenesis via relativistic bubble walls - Miguel Vanvlasselaer   (Solvay Room)
09:55 CPV sources during an electroweak phase transition - Graham White   (Solvay Room)
10:20 Lepton FLavour Violation in EFT - Sacha Davidson (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Solvay Room)
11:05 --- Coffee ---
Talks - Chair: Carlos Arguelles Delgado (until 13:00) (Solvay Room)
11:30 Lepton flavour and number violation measurements at Belle II - Justine Serrano   (Solvay Room)
11:55 Searches for lepton creation in nuclear double-beta decays - Matteo Agostini   (Solvay Room)
12:30 New developments in the the theory of neutrinoless double beta decay - Jordy de Vries   (Solvay Room)
Talks - Chair: Maxim Pospelov (until 11:05) (Solvay Room)
09:30 Developments in sub-GeV dark matter direct detection - Carlos Blanco   (Solvay Room)
10:05 Searches for Dark Matter at the LHC - Ellis Kay (University of Victoria (CA))   (Solvay Room)
10:30 Updated status of the EW phase transition and EW baryogenesis in minimal composite Higgs models - Geraldine Servant (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Solvay Room)
11:05 --- Coffee ---
Talks - Jean Orloff (until 12:20) (Solvay Room)
11:30 Probing high-scale Baryogenesis with TeV-scale Physics - Dr Julia Harz (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   (Solvay Room)
11:55 Neutrino Masses and Lepton Number Violation in Searches for Long-Lived Particles - Marco Drewes (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   (Solvay Room)
Talks - Laura Lopez-Honorez (until 10:55) (Solvay Room)
09:40 Search for heavy neutral lepton at the LHC - Didar Dobur (Ghent University (BE))   (Solvay Room)
10:05 Long lived particles at LHC - David Rousso (University of Cambridge (GB))   (Solvay Room)
10:30 Experimental efforts and future physics capabilities of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering - Jacob Zettlemoyer   (Solvay Room)
10:55 --- Coffee ---
Talks - Michele Frigerio (until 13:03) (Solvay Room)
11:20 Opportunities and Challenges in Current and Next-Generation Neutrino Experiments - Carlos A. Argüelles-Delgado (Harvard University)   (Solvay Room)
11:55 Data-driven neutrino floor in DM direct detection experiments - Diego Aristizabal (LNF (INFN)) Diego Aristizabal (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (USM))   (Solvay Room)
12:30 Neutrino transition in dark matter - Eung-Jin Chun   (Solvay Room)
12:55 Junior talk: Predictions for flavorful Z' models from asymptotic safety - Dr Wojciech Kotlarski Enrico Maria Sessolo (NCBJ, Warsaw) Dr Kamila Kowalska (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Mr Abhishek Chikkaballi (National Center for Nuclear Research, Warsaw) Daniele Rizzo (NCBJ)   (Solvay Room)
Junior session talks: I - Chair: Sacha Davidson (until 13:05) (Solvay Room)
12:40 Junior session: Prospects for a flavour violating Z' explanation of Delta a_{\mu,e} - Emanuelle Pinsard   (Solvay Room)
12:48 Junior session: Baryogenesis and Dark Matter with an Inert Doublet - Sven Fabian (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)   (Solvay Room)
12:56 Junior session: Complex scalar singlet assited Leptogenesis - Henrique Brito Câmara   (Solvay Room)
13:05 --- Lunch ---
Talks - Chair: Sébastien Descotes-Genon (until 16:00) (Solvay Room)
14:00 Experimental Overview of Charged Lepton Flavour Violation - Yoshitaka KUNO   (Solvay Room)
14:35 Search for L violating and lepton flavor violating processes at LHC - Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University (US))   (Solvay Room)
15:10 Searches with the MEG-II Experiment - Gianluca Cavoto (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (Solvay Room)
15:35 Search for Lepton number and flavor violation at LHCb - Kristof de Bruyn   (Solvay Room)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Talks - Chair: Bhupal Dev (until 17:35) (Solvay Room)
16:25 Novel Cosmological Roles and Experimental Searches of (QCD) Axions - Dr Raymond Co (University of Minnesota)   (Solvay Room)
17:00 Unconventional axions and ALPs - Belen Gavela Legazpi (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES))   (Solvay Room)
Junior session talks II - Chair: Bhupal Dev (until 18:08) (Solvay Room)
17:35 Junior session: Mapping the viable parameter space for testable leptogenesis - Yannis Georis   (Solvay Room)
17:43 Junior session: Unitarity constraints, thermal masses, and their cylindrical diagrammatic representation in leptogenesis - Viktor Zaujec (Comenius University in Bratislava)   (Solvay Room)
17:51 Junior session: Light vectors from baryonic and lepton family numbers with harmless Wess-Zumino terms - Claudio Toni   (Solvay Room)
17:59 Imprint of the seesaw mechanism on feebly interacting dark matter and the baryon asymmetry - Arghyajit Datta   (Solvay Room)
18:15 --- Reception ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Talks - Chair: Eung-Jin Chun (until 16:10) (Solvay Room)
14:00 New avenues to the baryon asymmetry: wash-in leptogenesis, leptoflavorgenesis, and beyond - Kai Schmitz (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (DE))   (Solvay Room)
14:35 Leptogenesis in minimal models for neutrino masses: some recent ideas" - Rabindra Mohapatra   (Solvay Room)
15:10 Mesogenesis - Gilly Elor   (Solvay Room)
15:35 CP-violating quantum transport in electroweak baryogenesis - Kimmo Juhani Kainulainen (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))   (Solvay Room)
16:10 --- Coffee ---
Talks - Gianluca Cavoto (until 18:10) (Solvay Room)
16:35 Stellar probes of dark matter - Dr Raghuveer Garani Ramesh (INFN, Florence)   (Solvay Room)
17:10 Lepton Flavor Violation and Dilepton Tails at the LHC - Dr Olcyr Sumensari (University of Zurich)   (Solvay Room)
17:35 The muEDM search at PSI - Angela Papa   (Solvay Room)
Junior session talks III (until 13:00) (Solvay Room)
12:20 Junior session: CUORE experiment results - Mr Shihong Fu (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) - INFN)   (Solvay Room)
12:28 Junior session: Characterisation of Germanium Detectors for LEGEND-200 - Abigail M Alexander   (Solvay Room)
12:36 Junior session: The HIBEAM/NNBAR Experiment for the European Spallation Source - Sze Chun Yiu   (Solvay Room)
12:44 Junior session: Heavy Neutrinos at Future Linear e+e- Colliders - Mr Krzysztof Mekala   (Solvay Room)
12:52 Junior session: Lyman-alpha constraints on Freeze-in and SuperWIMP's - Quentin Decant (ULB)   (Solvay Room)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Talks - Géraldine Servant (until 15:35) (Solvay Room)
14:00 The landscape of baryon number violation - Julian Heeck   (Solvay Room)
14:35 Baryon Number Violation in Neutrino Experiments - Dr Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis)   (Solvay Room)
15:10 Confronting GUTs with proton decay and gravitational waves - Jessica Turner   (Solvay Room)
16:30 --- Social Event: Atomium guided visit ---
19:00 --- Dinner at Atomium top restaurant ---
13:05 --- Lunch ---
Talks - Chair: Marc Knecht (until 15:35) (Solvay Room)
14:00 B anomalies - Sebastien Descotes-Genon (IJCLab)   (Solvay Room)
14:35 Interpreting the flavour anomalies: New Physics at the TeV scale - Clara Murgui   (Solvay Room)
15:10 Search for leptoquarks at the LHC - Ben Kilminster (University of Zurich (CH))   (Solvay Room)
15:35 --- Coffee ---
Talks - Chair: Yoshitaka Kuno (until 18:00) (Solvay Room)
16:00 Dark QED from Inflation - Marios Galanis   (Solvay Room)
16:35 Aspects of dark QED - Michel Tytgat   (Solvay Room)
17:10 SM CP violation and EDMs + Concluding Remarks - Maxim Pospelov   (Solvay Room)