International Neutrino Summer School 2021

from Monday 2 August 2021 (09:00) to Friday 13 August 2021 (19:45)
CERN (Zoom only)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 Aug 2021
3 Aug 2021
4 Aug 2021
5 Aug 2021
6 Aug 2021
9 Aug 2021
10 Aug 2021
11 Aug 2021
12 Aug 2021
13 Aug 2021
14:30 Welcome Message by CERN's Director for Research and Computing - Joachim Mnich (CERN)   (Zoom only)
14:45 Introduction to the School / Mini-Projects - Joachim Kopp (CERN) Albert De Roeck (CERN) Bibhushan Shakya (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Claire Lee (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Zoom only)
15:00 Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations - Silvia Pascoli (IPPP Durham and Bologna U)   (Zoom only)
16:30 Making a Neutrino Beam - Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Zoom only)
18:00 Neutrino Interaction Cross Sections - Stephen Dolan (CERN)   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations - Silvia Pascoli (IPPP Durham and Bologna U)   (Zoom only)
16:30 Making a Neutrino Beam - Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Zoom only)
18:00 Neutrino Interaction Cross Sections - Stephen Dolan (CERN)   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Social Gathering ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations - Silvia Pascoli (IPPP Durham and Bologna U)   (Zoom only)
16:30 Neutrino Mass Models - Andre De Gouvea (Northwestern University)   (Zoom only)
18:00 Supernova Neutrinos - Irene Tamborra   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Water Čerenkov Detectors - Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University)   (Zoom only)
16:30 The CERN Neutrino Platform - Albert De Roeck (CERN)   (Zoom only)
17:30 Virtual Tour of the CMS Experiment   (Zoom only)
18:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay - Julia Harz (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   (Zoom only)
16:30 Neutrino Mass Models - Andre De Gouvea (Northwestern University)   (Zoom only)
18:00 Supernova Neutrinos - Irene Tamborra   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Neutrino Astronomy - Carlos A. Argüelles-Delgado (Harvard University)   (Zoom only)
16:30 Reactor Neutrinos - Patrick Huber   (Zoom only)
18:00 Direct Neutrino Mass Measurements - Joseph Formaggio   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Neutrino Astronomy - Carlos A. Argüelles-Delgado (Harvard University)   (Zoom only)
16:30 Neutrinos in Cosmology - Gabriela Barenboim (University of Valencia & IFIC (UV-CSIC))   (Zoom only)
18:00 Reactor Neutrinos - Patrick Huber   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Social Gathering ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Neutrinos and Dark Matter - Sandhya Choubey (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)   (Zoom only)
16:30 Neutrinos in Cosmology - Gabriela Barenboim (University of Valencia & IFIC (UV-CSIC))   (Zoom only)
18:00 Geo-Neutrinos - Ingrida Semenec (Queen's University)   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Liquid Argon Detectors - Flavio Cavanna (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Zoom only)
Mini-Project Presentations (until 17:45) (Zoom only)
16:30 To CCQE and Beyond - Group A   (Zoom only)
16:37 To CCQE and Beyond - Group B   (Zoom only)
16:44 To CCQE and Beyond - Group C   (Zoom only)
16:51 Supernova Hunting - Group A   (Zoom only)
16:58 Supernova Hunting - Group B   (Zoom only)
17:05 Sterile Neutrinos   (Zoom only)
17:12 Coherence in Neutrino Oscillations - Groups A & B   (Zoom only)
18:00 Virtual Tour of the ProtoDUNE Experiments   (Zoom only)
19:15 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
14:30 --- Break / Informal Get-Together ( ---
15:00 Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering - Kate Scholberg (Duke University)   (Zoom only)
Mini-Project Presentations (until 17:45) (Zoom only)
16:30 Sensitivity Studies with GLoBES - Group A   (Zoom only)
16:37 Sensitivity Studies with GLoBES - Group B   (Zoom only)
16:44 Sensitivity Studies with GLoBES - Group C   (Zoom only)
16:51 The Hunt for Red October   (Zoom only)
16:58 Are Neutrinos Dirac or Majorana Particles?   (Zoom only)
17:05 Core Collapse Neutrino Event Rates in Realistic Detectors - Group A   (Zoom only)
17:12 Core Collapse Neutrino Event Rates in Realistic Detectors - Group B   (Zoom only)
17:19 Core Collapse Neutrino Event Rates in Realistic Detectors - Group C   (Zoom only)
17:26 Two Subtleties Concerning Neutrino Masses and Oscillations   (Zoom only)
Mini-Project Presentations (until 19:15) (Zoom only)
18:00 Solar and Atmospheric Neutrinos   (Zoom only)
18:07 Neutrino Oscillations in Matter - Group A   (Zoom only)
18:14 Neutrino Oscillations in Matter - Group B   (Zoom only)
18:21 Neutrino Oscillations in Matter - Group C   (Zoom only)
18:28 Mössbauer Neutrinos   (Zoom only)
18:35 Making a Neutrino Beam - Group A   (Zoom only)
18:42 Making a Neutrino Beam - Group B   (Zoom only)
19:15 Farewell - Albert De Roeck (CERN) Bibhushan Shakya (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Claire Lee (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Joachim Kopp (CERN)   (Zoom only)