- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
CERN’s Experimental Physics department has defined a strategic R&D programme on Technologies for future experiments which was officially launched in January 2020.
The 2021 EP R&D day will serve to review the progress and plans of the 11 work packages after almost 2 years of research activities.
In view of gradual approval of the EIC project in the US, we devote the second half day to technological needs and possible cooperation with groups involved in detector R&D for the EIC.
We hoped that the event can be run in mixed mode, however we finally decided to run it via zoom only.
(including AC-LGAD) – this should emphasize the synergy with ALICE and CMS work and the separate needs for EIC, both barrel and forward disks, overlap with WP1: Silicon Sensors
this should emphasize both the efforts on novel scintillating glass development and the plans on longitudinally-segmented hadron calorimetry to reach resolution, overlap with WP3: Calorimetry + Light based
(GEM + MM) -- this should emphasize the efforts of material reduction for MMs and the work towards capacitive readout based uRWELL?, overlap with WP2: Gas Detectors, sub-topic GEMS, micro-megas or uRWELL
should be a mix of hpDIRC, mRICH, and dRICH?, overlap with WP3: Calorimetry and Light-Based, sub-topic RICH. Do we fold in SiPM and LAPPD tests here?
–– this should emphasize efforts towards streaming readout, ASICs, etc., overlap with WP5: IC Technologies, subtopic Design & micro Blocks
this should emphasize the project eAST efforts and advanced computing efforts (HPDF) towards a turnkey GEANT-based simulation software stack for detector R&D and frameworks for heterogeneous computing, overlap with WP7: Software