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The Joint Accelerator Performance Workshop (JAPW) will take place from 5 to 8 December 2022.
The workshop will take place at the Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (30/7-018).
The Workshop aims to bring together the clients and accelerator teams across the complex to focus on lessons from 2022, the desiderata for 2023 and to update the longer-term perspective.
Themes covered will include updates to experimental requirements, accelerator and equipment performance, energy usage, reproducibility, stability, metrics, efficiency, communication and priorities.
The outcome will be a summary of present performance limitations and priorities, and a set of specific action proposals for the complex improvements to follow up through the IEFC, LMC and other channels.
The WS should provide input to Chamonix 2023 Strategy Workshop on expected performance, limitations and priorities for themes of work.
The WS is intended to be a forum for open and detailed technical discussion, with the focus firmly on new topics and results.
Please note that attendance is by invitation only.
Modern early-time cosmology and astrophysics relies on increasingly precise knowledge of the particle physics established in accelerator-based experiments. Vice-versa, some of the strongest motivations for future accelerator-based experiments arise from recent findings of observational cosmology and astrophysics. In this talk, I sketch with a broad brush this fruitful interdependence of research into the smallest and into the largest physical systems, and I ask how it can be continued at CERN into the future along the intensity and energy frontier.