Third EuCAPT Annual Symposium

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Gongjun Choi (CERN), Valerie Domcke (CERN)

The European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT, is a new initiative, with central hub at CERN, that aims to bring together the European community of theoretical astroparticle physicists and cosmologists. Our goals are to increase the exchange of ideas and knowledge; to coordinate scientific and training activities; to help scientists attract adequate resources for their projects; and to promote a stimulating, fair and open environment in which young scientists can thrive.     

After two online meetings in 2021 and 2022, we are delighted to announce the third edition of the EuCAPT annual symposium, the flagship event of our consortium, that aims to provide an interdisciplinary Europe-wide forum to discuss opportunities and challenges in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology. The symposium will take place at CERN, with online participation possible. We invite all scientists (PhD students, postdocs, and staff) active in these fields of research to join us remotely from May 31 to June 2, 2023. The symposium will feature invited presentations, and young scientists will have the opportunity to present their work with lightning talks.

For EuCAPT council members, please note that there will be a council meeting on May 30 (afternoon) at CERN. 

Invited speakers:  
Alexandra Amon (Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge)  
Angelo Esposito (University of Rome La Sapienza)  
Jose Maria Ezquiga (Niels Bohr Institute)   
Gabriele Franciolini (University of Rome La Sapienza)   
Julia Harz (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Matthew Lewandowski (ETH, Zurich)   
Mathew Madhavacheril (University of Pennsylvania)   
Silvia Manconi (LAPTh, CNRS)   
Mehrdad Mirbabayi (ICTP, Trieste)   
Andrea Mitridate (DESY Hamburg)   
Foteini Oikonomou (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)   
Ville Vaskonen (NICPB Tallinn & Padua University)   
Eduardo Vitagliano (Hebrew University)
Jorinde van der Vis (Utrecht University)
Sam Witte (Grappa Institute)   
