Top Quark Physics at the Precision Frontier
Stewart Center
Purdue University
This workshop is part of the Top Quark Physics at the Precision Frontier workshop series, which started in 2018. The 3rd iteration has a strong focus on New probes such as entanglement, quantum tomography and latest on ML techniques to advance the top quark physics field.
The workshop series aims at discussing progress made so far in understanding the top quark sector. With the end of LHC Run 2, we have collected tens of millions of top quark events and we have first exciting result from Run 3. This opens a new precision frontier with top quarks, which is the focus of the workshop, providing a forum for detailed discussions on how to address new challenges with top quark related measurements of the "classics" on cross-sections, mass, properties, but also on novel quantum probes, AI/ML applications and of course developments by the theory community.
We currently envision a full 2-day event on Monday and Tuesday preceded by a Reception and time for closed discussion on Sunday October 1st. There is the potential for a more hands-on morning only session on Wednesday, Oct 4th (TBA).
Organizing Committee:
Kai-Feng Chen (National Taiwan University)
Timothy Hobbs (ANL)
Andreas Jung (Purdue U., Chair)
Giulia Negro (Purdue U.)
Marcel Vos (IFIC UV/CSIC Valencia)
AJ Wildridge (Purdue U.)
Local Organizing Committee:
Lingqiang He (Purdue U.)
Giulia Negro (Purdue U.)
AJ Wildridge (Purdue U.)