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LHC on the March

Conference Hall (IHEP, Theoretical Division)

Conference Hall

IHEP, Theoretical Division

142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
Nikolai Tyurin (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))


Institute for High Energy Physics is planning to organize the International Workshop “LHC on the March” 16–18 November, 2011, in Protvino, Moscow region, Russia.

The main goal of the workshop is a thorough discussion of the present experimental results from the LHC collaborations ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, ALICE, TOTEM and LHCf and their theoretical interpretations.

The following topics are to be discussed:

* Status and plans of LHC machine

* Status and performance of the experiments

* QCD studies

* Forward physics

* EW studies (W/Z productions)

Top quark production and properties

* Heavy quarkonia

* Higgs boson and Exotic searches

* Heavy Ions Collisions


CONFERENCE FEE (cash only, in rub.)

- 5000 rub. for applications before 25/09/2011
- 8000 rub. for applications after 25/09/2011

Includes visa payments, transportation from/to the airport, coffee breaks,
conference dinner, welcome and farewell parties, complete set for the participant.


June 6, 2011
- start of the registration procedure and abstract submission
September 25, 2011 - 1rst registration deadline for those who needs Russian visa
change of the registration fee (5000 rub. to 8000 rub.)
October 1, 2011 - start of the presentation upload
October 25, 2011 -      2nd registration deadline for those who needs Russian visa
November 7, 2011 -    registration deadline for domestic participants
November 7, 2011 - end of the registration procedure and abstract submission                               

Since visa formalities may take a long time, please, try to send us the information
as early as possible (it is better before October 1)

Please, send us the title of your talk (may be preliminary) before November 7, 2011 and

try to upload your presentation by web interface (will be open after October 1,2011)

or send it by e-mail
before November 7, 2011. Please inform

organizers about any changes.


About 50 scientists from Russia and other countries are expected to participate. The sessions will be held in the Conference Hall of the Theory Division Building. The reports will be given in the form of plenary talks (20-40 min). The Proceedings of the Workshop will be published by the IHEP publication office.


The Workshop will be held in Protvino, a small town 100 km to the south of Moscow. The town is situated nearby the State Research Center of Russia—IHEP (Serpukhov 76 Gev accelerator) inside a pine forest and near the Protva river. The participants will be accommodated in the “Protva” hotel in single or double rooms. Prices for one night are from $30 to $70. The total living expenses (including breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be about $10 a day. The participants can have their meal in the restaurant and snack-bar of the Hotel and in the restaurant of the Club of Scientists.


All the participants will be transported from the Sheremetievo or Domodedovo airports to Protvino by the IHEP transport. The information on flights or trains and the date of arrival should be communicated to the Scientific Secretary of the Organizing Committee a few days in advance.

  • Alexander Vorobiev
  • Alexandre Zaitsev
  • Alexey Luchinsky
  • Alexey Myagkov
  • Alexey Vyushin
  • Anatoly Likhoded
  • Andrea Favareto
  • Anton Godizov
  • Anton Toldonov
  • Artur Kalinowski
  • Barbara Guerzoni
  • Boris Polishchuk
  • Dmitry Kirpichnikov
  • Edmund Noel Dawe
  • Emlyn Hughes
  • Francesco Bossu
  • Igor Katkov
  • Ioannis Nomidis
  • Irina Machikhiliyan
  • Justin Griffiths
  • Lidia Smirnova
  • Liudmila Malinina
  • Manfred Jeitler
  • Maria Ilaria Besana
  • Mikhail Kirsanov
  • Mikhail Mikhasenko
  • Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek
  • Nenad Vranjes
  • Nikolai Tyurin
  • Oleg Vikhlyantsev
  • Oleg Yuschenko
  • Ralf Averbeck
  • Roman Ryutin
  • Ryadovikov Vasily
  • Satyajit Jena
  • Sergey Pavlov
  • Valentina Santina Gallo
  • Vladimir Grechushkin
  • Vladimir Obraztsov
  • Vladimir Petrov
  • Vladimir Shakirov
  • Yuri Kharlov
  • Yury Musienko
  • Yury Ryabov
    • Morning Session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 1
        Opening address
        Speaker: Nikolai Tyurin (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
      • 2
        Jets, transverse missing energy and tau reconstruction in ATLAS
        Speaker: Noel Dawe (SFU Simon Fraser University (CA))
      • 3
        Experience of long-term operation under ALICE experiment of the automated cooling system of electromagnetic calorimeter PHOS
        Speaker: Oleg Vikhlyantsev (Russian Federal Nuclear Center (VNIIEF))
      • 4
        Electron and photon identification and reconstruction in ATLAS
        Speaker: Valentina Gallo (Universitaet Bern (CH))
    • 12:10
    • Morning Session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 5
        New photosensors for the CMS HCAL upgrade
        Speaker: Dr Yuri Musienko (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)/INR(Moscow))
      • 6
        Charged track reconstruction and b-tagging performance in ATLAS
        Speaker: Andrea Favareto (Sezione di Milano (INFN)-Universita e INFN)
      • 7
        Structure of control over electromagnetic calorimeter PHOS in ALICE experiment
        Speaker: Alexey Vyushin (Russian Federal Nuclear Center (RU))
      • 8
        Identified primary hadrons spectra in p p and Pb Pb collisions with the ALICE detector at the LHC
        Speaker: Barbara Guerzoni (Universita e INFN (IT))
    • 14:30
    • Evening session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 9
        QCD studies with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Emlyn Hughes (Columbia University (US))
      • 10
        QCD and forward results from CMS
        Speaker: Igor Katkov (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • 11
        Top models of diffractive scattering to falsify at the LHC
        Speaker: Dr Anton Godizov (IHEP, Protvino)
      • 12
        K/π ratio and strangeness suppression in pp collisions at the LHC
        Speaker: Lidia Smirnova (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))
    • 17:40
    • Evening session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 13
        EWK results from CMS
        Speaker: Letizia Lusito (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 14
        Electroweak physics in ATLAS
        Speaker: Justin Griffiths (University of Washington (US))
      • 15
        Heavy-flavor measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC
        Speaker: Ralf Averbeck (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
      • 16
        pi0 and eta meson production in pp collisions at 0.9,2.76 and 7 TeV measured with ALICE
        Speaker: Boris Polishchuk (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
      • 17
        Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, grandfather of russian space science (Short introduction towards the Thursday excursion to Kaluga)
        Speaker: Vladimir Petrov (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
    • 20:30
      Welcome drink Hall


      IHEP, Theoretical Division

    • Excursion to Kaluga Kaluga, Museum of Сosmonautics

      Kaluga, Museum of Сosmonautics


      The State Museum of the history of cosmonautics named by K.E. Tsiolkovsky

      The Tsiolkovsky Memorial House

      • 18
        The State Museum of the history of cosmonautics named by K.E. Tsiolkovsky
        Speaker: ...
      • 19
        The Tsiolkovsky Memorial House
        Speaker: ...
    • 16:00
      Meal and rest
    • Evening session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
    • 20:30
      Conference dinner Club of scientists

      Club of scientists

    • Morning Session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 24
        ALICE femtoscopy results of PbPb and pp collisions at LHC
        Speaker: Ludmila Malinina (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
      • 25
        J/psi production measurements in pp and PbPb collisions with ALICE at LHC
        Speaker: Francesco Bossu (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 26
        B-Physics studies with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Ioannis Nomidis (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR))
    • 11:30
    • Morning Session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 27
        bbar b quarkonia production at LHCb
        Speaker: Vladimir Obraztsov (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
      • 28
        Bc production at LHCb
        Speaker: Oleg Yushchenko (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
      • 29
        Heavy quark vs heavy hadron production
        Speaker: Anatoli Likhoded (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
      • 30
        Tetraquarks composed of 4 heavy quarks
        Speaker: Alexey Luchinsky (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia)
      • 31
        Vector bosons escaping from the brane
        Speaker: Dmitry Kirpichnikov (INR RAS, MSU, Moscow, Russia)
    • 14:20
    • Evening session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 32
        Top physics in ATLAS
        Speaker: Maria Ilaria Besana (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
      • 33
        Search for a heavy neutrino and right-handed W of the left-right symmetric model in pp collisions at sqrt(s) =7 TeV (CMS)
        Speaker: Mikhail Kirsanov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
      • 34
        SUSY searches in ATLAS
        Speaker: Mirjam Lena Fehling (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
    • 16:50
    • Evening session Conference Hall

      Conference Hall

      IHEP, Theoretical Division

      142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, Institute for High Energy Physics, Theoretical Division
      • 35
        SUSY and exotica searches by CMS
        Speaker: Mikhail Kirsanov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
      • 36
        Exotics searches in ATLAS
        Speaker: Nenad Vranjes (University of Belgrade (RS))
      • 37
        Higgs searches in ATLAS (SM and MSSM)
        Speaker: Nansi Andari (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
      • 38
        Higgs search by CMS
        Speaker: Artur Kalinowski (University of Warsaw (PL))
      • 39
        Closing address
    • 19:20
      Farewell drink Hall (IHEP, Theoretical Division)

      Hall (IHEP, Theoretical Division)