Workshop on Quality Issues in Current and Future Silicon Detectors

222/R-001 (CERN)



Building 222-R-001
Show room on map
The workshop will bring together experts from the LHC and other high energy physics experiments using large silicon tracking detectors. Those involved in the design, construction, commissioning and operation of the current detectors as well as those involved in the R&D, design or construction of future detectors are invited to attend. The focus of this workshop is to review in more detail the challenges and unexpected problems encountered in recent large silicon detector construction and operation. In this way we can help communicate the lessons learned so that these can be applied to the next generation of detectors. The main topics concerning silicon detectors we would like to examine are those believed to have had the most QA issues, namely, the sensors, the modules, the integration, and the cooling systems. The focus should always be on the quality issues encountered in the construction, testing, integration, commissioning and operation of the components, modules, on up to the full detector system. Although the primary focus is the LHC detectors, other large silicon detector projects are included in the scope of the workshop.
  • Mohsen Khakzad
  • Abraham Gallas Torreira
  • Adam Drozd
  • Adrian Bevan
  • Alan Honma
  • Alessandro La Rosa
  • Alexander Dierlamm
  • Alexander Kluge
  • Andre Rummler
  • Andreas Kornmayer
  • Anirvan Sircar
  • Anna Peisert
  • arturo tauro
  • Ashley Greenall
  • Audrey DEIDDA
  • Bart Hommels
  • Bart Verlaat
  • Beniamino Di Girolamo
  • Bruce Gallop
  • Carles Mateu
  • Carlos Garcia Argos
  • Caroline Borja
  • Christian Gallrapp
  • Christian Jung
  • Christopher Betancourt
  • Cinzia Da Via
  • Clara Nellist
  • Claudio Bortolin
  • Claus Goessling
  • Daniel Dobos
  • Daniel Esperante
  • Daniel Muenstermann
  • Daniela Calvo
  • Dave Robinson
  • David Quirion
  • Didier Ferrere
  • Divic Rapin
  • Dominik Dannheim
  • Duccio Abbaneo
  • Erik HEIJNE
  • Erik Van Der Kraaij
  • Federico Ravotti
  • Fergus Wilson
  • Fido Dittus
  • Florentina Manolescu
  • Frank Hartmann
  • GANAU Patrick
  • Georges Blanchot
  • Gian Franco Dalla Betta
  • Giulio Pellegrini
  • Graham Beck
  • Hartmut HILLEMANNS
  • Ian Mcgill
  • Ingo Bloch
  • Ingrid-Maria Gregor
  • Irina Rashevskaya
  • Jan Buytaert
  • Jan Godlewski
  • Javier Sanchez Lopez
  • Jean-Marie Le Goff
  • Jennifer Jentzsch
  • Jens Dopke
  • Jerome Daguin
  • Johann Heuser
  • John Lipp
  • Jon Kapustinsky
  • Jorgen Christiansen
  • Kazuhisa Yamamura
  • Luciano Bosisio
  • Lukasz Zwalinski
  • Manfred Krammer
  • Mar Capeans
  • Marcel Stanitzki
  • Marcello Mannelli
  • Marco Meschini
  • Marian Krivda
  • Marius Metzger
  • Mark Tobin
  • Markus Keil
  • Martin Van Beuzekom
  • Massimiliano Fiorini
  • Mathieu Benoit
  • Maurizio Boscardin
  • Michael Moll
  • Michel Morel
  • Michele Battistin
  • Nick Lumb
  • Paola Tropea
  • Paolo Petagna
  • Paula Collins
  • Petra Riedler
  • Philip Patrick Allport
  • Philipp Azzarello
  • Philipp Roloff
  • Philippe Farthouat
  • Reiner Klingenberg
  • Remi Cornat
  • Richard French
  • Romualdo Santoro
  • Rosario Turrisi
  • Rui de Oliveira
  • Sami Vähänen
  • Sandra Saornil
  • Sergio Gonzalez Sevilla
  • Shintaro Kamada
  • Silke Altenheiner
  • Sotirios Fragkiskos
  • Stefano Mersi
  • Stephen Gibson
  • Stephen Mcmahon
  • Steven David Welch
  • Sylvain Kaufmann
  • Thomas Bergauer
  • Thomas Fritzsch
  • Tilman Rohe
  • Tim Jones
  • Tobias Wittig
  • Tony Affolder
  • Tony Weidberg
  • Ulrich Parzefall
  • Veronique Wedlake
  • Xavier Pons
  • Yoichi Ikegami