LIU Beam Studies Review
The main goal is to review the status of beam studies in the injectors and to define work priorities before LS1 in view of being able to:
- specify the equipment to be built for LIU,
- estimate achievable beam characteristics in the successive accelerators.
Giovanni Rumolo
Scientific secretaries:
PSB: Vivien Raginel
PS: Alexander Huschauer and Sandra Aumon
SPS: Wolfgang Bartmann and Helga Timko
External reviewers: Giuliano Franchetti (GSI), Dobrin Kaltchev (TRIUMF) and Alexey Burov (FNAL, currently at CERN)
Instructions for the speakers: The 20' talks are meant to be 15' (talk) + 5' (questions + discussion) and the 30' talks are meant to be 20' (talk) + 10' (questions + discussion).
Outcome: a summary report with a list of key items for study will be prepared by Giovanni Rumolo with the input of the scientific secretaries and the report from the external referees.
The organizers are pleased to invite you to the workshop lunch in Restaurant no.1 from 12.30 to 14.00. Please fill in the registration form to confirm your participation.
Alan James Findlay
Alba Sarrio Martinez
Alessandra Lombardi
Alexander Molodozhentsev
Alexey Burov
Antonio Perillo Marcone
Antony Newborough
Bettina Mikulec
Brennan Goddard
Carlo Rossi
Chandrashekhara Bhat
Christian Carli
David Hay
Django Manglunki
Elena Shaposhnikova
Elias Metral
Erk Jensen
Gianluigi Arduini
Giovanni Iadarola
Giovanni Rumolo
Giulia Bellodi
Giuliano Franchetti
Glen Mason
Glenn Vanbavinckhove
Guido Sterbini
Hannes Bartosik
Heiko Damerau
Helga Timko
Holger Neupert
Jan Borburgh
Jan Hansen
Jan Uythoven
Jocelyn Tan
John Molendijk
Juan Federico Esteban Muller
Klaus Hanke
Luc Sermeus
Malika Meddahi
Massimo Giovannozzi
Maurizio Vretenar
Mauro Paoluzzi
Michael Benedikt
Nicolo Biancacci
Olav Ejner Berrig
Oliver Bruning
Oliver Hans
Pedro Costa Pinto
Philippe Baudrenghien
Ramon Folch
Raymond Wasef
Rende Steerenberg
Roland Garoby
Rolf Michael Holz
Sandra Aumon
Sanja Damjanovic
Serena Persichelli
Silke Federmann
Simon Mataguez
Simone Gilardoni
Theodoros Argyropoulos
Thomas Bohl
Verena Kain
Vincenzo Forte
Vivien Raginel
Vladimir Kornilov
Wolfgang Bartmann
Yannis Papaphilippou