We are pleased to announce a Workshop on “Compact and Low Consumption Magnet Design for Future Linear and Circular Colliders”, which will be organized at CERN, Geneva, from Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 November 2014.
The Workshop intends to bring together experts from Laboratories and Industry working on magnet design mainly focusing on the two aspects of consumption and compactness. A variety of magnet technologies will be considered in the scope of the Workshop, i.e.: - Normal conducting electromagnets - Permanent magnets - Hybrid (EM+PM) magnets - Super-ferric magnets - Pulsed magnets (reducing r.m.s. current and consumption, with a potential cost saving).
The Workshop is officially supported by EUCARD-2 WP3: Energy Efficiency (EnEfficient)
Attendance and Contributions: The workshop is by invitation only.
Proposals for Workshop presentations should be addressed to the Program Committee members.