Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects
This is to be a small, informal workshop between the LHCb collaboration and interested theorists. It follows similar meetings held 10-11 Nov. 2011, 16-18 April 2012 (which resulted in a paper published in EPJ C 73 (2013) 2373) and 14-16 Oct. 2013.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider the latest results from LHCb, discuss possible interpretations and identify important channels and observables to test leading theoretical frameworks in the near future of LHCb data-taking.
The meeting will be arranged in four main streams, listed below along with the relevant conveners:
- CPV in B decays (with highlights gamma, phi_s and charmless B decays): Jennifer Girrbach, Sneha Malde, Fernando Rodrigues
- Rare B decays (Mostly b->sll family) : Sebastian Jäger, Fatima Soomro, Kostas Petridis
- New physics searches in charm, tau and kaon decays: Andreas Crivellin, Francesco Dettori, Angelo di Canto
- Forward electroweak physics, including pA: Juan Rojo, Zhenwei Yang, Simone Bifani
All interested theorists are welcome to participate, and are encouraged to register at the workshop INDICO page (there is no registration fee). To express interest in giving a presentation, please contact the conveners of the relevant stream. Unfortunately, to allow informal discussion, we must restrict the participation to exclude members of competing experiments.
Each participant should arrange their own accommodation (e.g. at the CERN hostel). For any administrative matters (e.g. concerning external access to CERN), please contact the LHCb Secretariat.
For general matters, please contact the organising committee:
John Ellis, Tim Gershon, Gino Isidori, Patrick Koppenburg, Gilad Perez, Frederic Teubert, Vincenzo Vagnoni, Andreas Weiler
Some navigation help : Main page - LHCb style agenda
Ahmed Ali
Albert Puig Navarro
Alberto Correa Dos Reis
Alessandro Morda
Alexander Khodjamirian
Alexis Vallier
Andrea Contu
Andreas Schopper
Angelo Di Canto
Anna Lupato
Avelino Vicente
Barbara Sciascia
Barbara Storaci
Basem Khanji
Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya
Carla Göbel
Chris Thomas
Christian Linn
Christoph Michael Langenbruch
Christophe Grojean
Christopher Mark Burr
Claudia Vacca
Daniel Johnson
Danny van Dyk
David London
David Straub
Diego Guadagnoli
Diego Martinez Santos
Diptimoy Ghosh
Eduardo Rodrigues
Elena Graverini
Emi Kou
Espen Eie Bowen
Evelina Mihova Gersabeck
Fatima Soomro
Flavio Archilli
Francesco Dettori
Gaia Lanfranchi
Giancarlo D'Ambrosio
Giulio Dujany
Greig Cowan
Gudrun Hiller
Gustavo C. Branco
Guy Wilkinson
Harry Victor Cliff
Jennifer Girrbach-Noe
Jernej F. Kamenik
Jibo He
Joachim Brod
Joaquim Matias
Johannes Albrecht
Jolanta Brodzicka
Jonas Rademacker
Jonathan Flynn
Jordi Garra Tico
Jorge Martin Camalich
Julian Wishahi
Justine Serrano
jérémy hebinger
Karim Trabelsi
Katharina Mueller
Luca Trentadue
Manuel Tobias Schiller
Marc Olivier Bettler
Marcello Rotondo
Marcin Chrzaszcz
Marco Gersabeck
Marco Nardecchia
Margarida N. Rebelo
Margarida N. Rebelo
Maria Ubiali
Marta Calvi
Martin Gorbahn
Martin Jung
Martino Borsato
Matteo Rama
Maurizio Martinelli
Maxim Pospelov
Michael Schmelling
Michel De Cian
Mika Vesterinen
Mirco Dorigo
Miriam Lucio Martinez
Mitesh Patel
Monica Pepe-Altarelli
Nazila Mahmoudi
Nestor Armesto
Olivier Leroy
Paolo Gandini
Patrick Haworth Owen
Patrick Koppenburg
Patrick Robbe
Philip Ilten
Pierluigi Campana
Rhorry Gauld
Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
Rob Knegjens
Roman Zwicky
Sajan Easo
Sebastian Jaeger
Sevda Esen
Siavash Neshatpour
Siim Tolk
Simone Bifani
Sneha Sirirshkumar Malde
Sophie Renner
Stefano Gallorini
Stephen Farry
Stephen Playfer
Sven Faller
Svende Annelies Braun
Thomas Blake
Thomas Teubner
Timothy Gershon
Tobias Hurth
Ulrik Egede
Vicente Jose Rives Molina
Victor Coco
Vincent Tisserand
Vincenzo Vagnoni
Vladimir Gligorov
Walaa Kanso
Yasmine Sara Amhis
Zhenwei Yang
Zoltan Ligeti