This meeting combines what in the past have been three separate meetings:
US ATLAS developers and technical experts are being invited to the meeting so that it can be a substantive technical discussion and planning session for key US activities. Towards making it substantive and technical, the topics will be limited.
The meeting will be F2F only, no Vidyo.
EventLoop, ‘pROOT’-like functionality, xAOD analysis environment/framework, systematics framework, etc
This meeting comes shortly after the US ATLAS annual meeting where the Tier 3 white paper will be presented and discussed, so LBNL will be a good time to discuss moving forward to a focus on implementation. Topics can encompass things like data access for Tier 3s, physics support experience with FAX, ATLAS Connect, ... selectively, to make good use of 1/2 day
I heard they do catering and host dinners for the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco. Enough said!
Including common approach to PanDA integration and event service integration, athena porting, software access, ...
Develop the technical specifics and workplan for the MPI based Yoda concept for event service HPC integration. Plan a timeline consistent with demoing some form of Yoda at SC14. Same room as HPC session. Duration: until we've had enough.
Processing, storage management, (federated) data access, facility operations optimization, ...
This will be a closed session attended by S&C/PS and US ATLAS operations program management to examine the S&C/PS program, plan and budget, towards finalizing the FY15 program and budget.