Federico Pilo
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project is an experiment for the detection of Extensive Atmospheric Showers of energy greater than $10^{11}$ eV. It consists of an array of telescopes hosted in High Schools spread on the Italian territory, each made of three Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers very similar to the ones built for the Time Of Flight system of the ALICE experiment at CERN.
Katherine Rawlins
(University of Alaska Anchorage)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Snow overburden is a part of the IceTop detector at the South Pole, and becoming more significant over time as snowdrift buries the array. Snow attenuates the electromagnetic component of cosmic ray air showers before they reach the detectors, reducing the measured signals $S$, raising the threshold of the array in general, and introducing a potential source of systematic error in measuring...
Stefano Mastroianni
(INFN, sec. Naples),
michele iacovacci
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The determination of the primary cosmic ray all-particle spectrum with ground-based air shower experiments usually depends on the assumed elemental composition and hadronic interaction model. Here we show that an energy estimator independent of the primary mass composition can be defined by means of shower parameters measured in the core region , as carried out in the ARGO-YBJ experiment. An...
Laura Rossetto
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The LOw Frequency ARay (LOFAR) is a multipurpose radio antenna array aimed to detect radio signals in the frequency range 10$-$240 MHz, covering a large surface in Northern Europe with a higher density in Northern Netherlands.
The detection of the radio signal emitted by cosmic ray induced air showers allows to reconstruct the geometry of the observed cascade. Thus, several properties of...
Andrea Chiavassa
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The LHAASO experiment will operate in the Sichuan province (China) at high altitude ($4410$ $m$ $a.s.l.$) sampling the electromagnetic and muonic EAS components in a 1 $km^2$ surface with an unprecedented high ratio between the active and the effective area. The EAS electromagnetic component will be measured by 5635 1 $m^2$ plastic scintillator detectors and the muonic one by 1211 water...
Henrike Fleischhack
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The energy-dependent abundance of elements in cosmic rays plays an important role in understanding their acceleration and propagation. Most current results are obtained either from direct measurements by balloon- or satellite-borne detectors, or from indirect measurements by air shower detector arrays on the Earth's surface. Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), used primarily for...
Aerosol in spring-summer-autumn-winter cycles by observation at Yakutsk EAS array in 2004-2013.
Igor Petrov
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Long-term set of data of aerosol composition and transparency of the atmosphere in the region of Yakutsk analyzed. Season variation of the characteristics are found in the annual cycle. Season variation taken into account in air shower analysis.
Vasily Prosin
(Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The first stage of the Tunka-HiSCORE prototype array operated in the Tunka Valley in March and April of 2014. It consisted of 9 optical stations with the total area of 0.3x0.3 km^2. Reconstruction methods of extensive air shower parameters are based on the experience of the Tunka-133 data processing. Primary energy spectrum in the energy range of 200 TeV – 30 PeV is obtained as the first...
Gordana Tešić
(Penn State)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON) will link the world's leading high-energy neutrino, cosmic-ray, gamma-ray and gravitational wave observatories by performing real-time coincidence searches for multimessenger sources from observatory subthreshold data streams. The resulting coincidences will be distributed to interested parties in the form of electronic alerts for...
Davide Badoni
(INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
An Electric Field Detector (EFD) for space applications has been designed and built in the framework of the CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) mission. The instrument has been conceived for space-borne measurements of electromagnetic phenomena such as seimo-electromagnetic perturbations and more in general to investigate lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere EM coupling. The EFD ...
Segev BenZvi
(University of Rochester)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The recent observation of PeV neutrinos at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory has revived interest in deploying large-exposure optical air shower detectors at the South Pole. The main challenge for such detectors, which were last deployed at the Pole in the 1990s, is the poor atmospheric conditions prevalent during austral winter. To investigate the clarity of the atmosphere we have studied...
M. Wiedenbeck
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS) on NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft has been making precise measurements of cosmic-ray elemental and isotopic composition and energy spectra for nearly 18 years. This instrument uses the dE/dx versus total energy technique to identify nuclei that stop in thick stacks of silicon solid-state detectors and to measure their energy....
lingling Ma
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
On the base of its high altitude and nearly full coverage, the ARGO-YBJ experiment could play an important role in understanding the energy scale. In this work the light component (proton + helium like) of cosmic rays can be selected from the shower lateral information. By combining the westward displacement of moon shadow position due to the effect of the geomagnetic field, we carefully...
Ivan De Mitri
(Univ. of Salento and INFN, Lecce, Italy)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
In a latest paper the ARGO-YBJ experiment proved the effect of the geomagnetic field (GeoMF) on the development of extensive air showers (EAS) and the dependence of the trigger rate ($\lambda$) on the coupling angle ($\xi$) between GeoMF and EAS axis, according to the formula $\lambda$ = $\lambda_0 (1-\eta \ sin^2 \xi)$. The value $\lambda_0$ depends on the EAS zenith angle, while the...
G. Chiritoi
(Institute of Space Science (Ro) for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
One of the major issues in the detection of the UV yield of orbital UV telescopes is the optical calibration of the focal surface detector, which in turn requires advanced knowledge of the atmosphere in the FoV of the telescope. As such, we report here on the evaluation of the GLS as a ground-based optical system for the in-orbit calibration of orbital instruments such as the Mini-EUSO,...
Lev Pustilnik
(Israel Cosmic Ray Center, and Tel Aviv University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Estimation of barometric coefficient for neutron component of cosmic rays was performed for Antarctic station Mirny and Mt. Hermon in Israel taking into account effect of dynamic pressure caused by wind in the atmosphere. Hourly data of continue monitoring of neutron component and data of the local meteo station have been used for the period 2007-2014. Wind velocity at the observatory Mirny...
Igor Moskalenko
(Stanford University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The fully Bayesian approach to the problem of deriving constraints for cosmic ray (CR) model parameters has several advantages. These are: (i) an efficient global scan of the whole parameter space allowing us to explore and take into account parameter correlations and degeneracies, (ii) a best-fit point and statistically well-defined errors on the parameters, (iii) the ability to include and...
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Characteristic features of NM counts in relation to CMEs and Magnetic fields
Rajesh K. Mishra 1 and Rekha Agarwal 2
1 Computer and Information Technology Section, Tropical Forest Research Institute,
P.O.: RFRC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur (M.P.) India 482 021
2 Department of Physics, Govt. Model Science College (Autonomous),
Jabalpur (M.P.) 482 001, India
E-mail: rkm_30@yahoo.com,...
Paolo Desiati
(Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole functions as a detector for high-energy atmospheric muons and neutrinos produced by cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere. At the lowest energies, pion and kaon decays contribute the most to leptonic fluxes. Above a couple of hundred TeV, the prompt decay of charmed mesons becomes more important. The production processes of these prompt...
Victor Kindin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Cherenkov water detector (CWD) with the volume of 2000 m3 (a pool with the dimensions of 26 m x 9 m x 9 m) is the basis of the NEVOD experimental complex which is designed for studying of various cosmic ray components, including muons generated by the neutrinos from the lower hemisphere. Inside the pool the detecting system in form of a spatial lattice of quasi-spherical modules (QSMs) is...
Vladimir Makhmutov
(Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
We summarize the results of analysis of cosmic ray (CR) measurements in the Earth’s atmosphere at several latitudes on October 20 and 24, 2014. The cosmic ray fluxes in the atmosphere were recorded during balloon flight in Zaragoza (Spain; 41°39′N, 0°54′W) by two detectors constructed at the Reading University, UK and at the Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia. We compare these data with...
Tijana Prodanovic
(University of Novi Sad)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
It is known that close galactic fly-bys and interactions give rise to shock waves that disrupt the interstellar medium of galaxies and impact their morphologies. These large-scale shocks that form in the interstellar medium of interacting systems will be the sites of particle acceleration giving rise to a population of tidal cosmic rays, in addition to standard galactic cosmic rays present in...
Johannes Schumacher
(RWTH Aachen University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have replaced traditional photomultiplier tubes bit by bit in high-energy physics experiments in the last years. This includes the scientific fields where the demand for highly efficient and stable photo sensors outweigh the need for large active areas. Silicon photomultipliers offer high photon detection efficiencies, low supply voltages and stable operation...
Igor Petrov
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Radio emission at Yakutsk Array registers at frequency 32 MHz and radio antennas co-located with scintillation and Cherenkov detectors of Yakutsk Array. The co-location with particle detectors brings as a profit the reconstruction of fundamental air shower parameters, such as shower axis, energy and arrival direction (azimuthal and zenith angles).
The paper presents data obtained in the new...
Jason Link
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass for the International Space Station (ISS-CREAM) is a new instrument developed to measure the composition and spectrum of cosmic-ray particles up to close to the knee of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum 10^12 – 10^15 eV. The instrument utilizes two modified detectors from the highly successful CREAM balloon instrument, a sampling calorimeter and silicon charge...
Jik Lee
(Sungkyunkwan Univeristy)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The ISS-CREAM experiment is a space-borne mission designed for the precision measurement of energy and elemental composition of cosmic rays. It will be launched to the International Space Station. The Silicon Charge Detector (SCD) is an instrument equipped with four layers of high-precision silicon pad sensors and readout electronics arranged in such a manner that it is free of dead area....
Justin Vandenbroucke
(University of Wisconsin)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
In 2014 the number of active cell phones worldwide for the first time surpassed the number of humans. Cell phone camera quality and onboard processing power (both CPU and GPU) continue to improve rapidly. In addition to their primary purpose of detecting photons, camera image sensors on cell phones and other ubiquitous devices such as tablets, laptops and digital cameras can detect ionizing...
Yusaku Katayose
(Yokohama National University (JP))
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
To measure the cosmic-ray composition at the knee energy region, Yangbajing Air shower Core (YAC) -III
experiment is planned in Tibet, China.
We developed a front-end electronics to read out charge signal from YAC detectors.
The readout system consists of a charge-to-time converter circuit and a time-to-digital converter circuit.
The system has a linearity from less than 1 pC to more...
Sergey Sharakin
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
KLYPVE is an orbital detector of ultra high energy cosmic rays to be deployed on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station. An important part of the detector, which determines its physical parameters (energy threshold, field of view) is an optical system. For the project, a two-component system composed from a large area mirror-concentrator and a correcting Fresnel lens was...
Ivan De Mitri
(Univ. of Salento and INFN, Lecce, Italy)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The ARGO-YBJ experiment, a full coverage extensive air shower (EAS) detector located at high altitude (4300 m a.s.l.) in Tibet-China, has been operated with very high stability from the fall 2007 to the beginning of 2013. The array consisted of a carpet of about 7000 m$^2$ Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) operated in streamer mode and equipped with both digital and analog readout, providing the...
lingling Ma
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The measurement of the lateral distribution of extensive air showers by the ARGO-YBJ experiment is presented. The ARGO-YBJ experiment has two kinds of readout: a digital readout for small particle densities (<23 strips/m2) and an analog readout for large particle densities (up to 10^4/m2). For lateral distribution studies, the inner core region is measured by the analog readout, while farther...
Valentina Antonova
(National Center for Space Research and Technology)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Results of the study of data of the detection of high-energy and thermal neutrons on Tien-Shan experimental complex at different stages of thunderstorm activity are presented. We found that the standard deviation of minute values of the neutron monitor data during thunderstorms always exceeds values under fair weather conditions. We selected events during the passage of thunderstorm clouds...
Xunxiu Zhou
(School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
It has been found that most of the near earth thunderstorms electric field strength at YBJ (4300 m a.s.l., Tibet, China) is within the range of 1000V/cm from ARGO-YBJ data. In this work, Monte Carlo simulations were performed by CORSIKA to study the intensity change of the ground cosmic rays in near earth thunderstorms electric fields. We found that the number of electrons in secondary...
Alexandru Gherghel-Lascu
(IFIN-HH Bucharest)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
In previous studies based on CORSIKA EAS simulations with the QGSJet-II-02 hadronic interaction model, the observables S(200) and S(500) (the charged particle densities at 200m and 500m from the shower axis) were found to be good candidates for mass discrimination and energy estimation.
In order to study the effects of new hadronic interaction models on the reconstruction of EAS from the...
Huanyu Jia
(School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Studies on energy changes of cosmic ray electron in thunderstorms electric field are very important to understand the acceleration mechanism of secondary charged particles caused by electric field. In this paper, Monte Carlo simulations were performed by CORSIKA to study the energy of cosmic ray electron in two typical electric fields. One is upper than the threshold field strength resulting...
Oleg Shchegolev
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia, Moscow)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
PRISMA-YBJ is a novel type array to study Extensive Air Showers (EAS) in the range of 10^14-10^16 eV. The main feature of this type array is the simultaneous measurement of the electron and the neutron components of EAS on all area of array with the same scintillator detectors (en-detectors). This allows detailed studies of low-investigated hadronic component in the "knee" region. The...
Rocío García Gínez
(Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The operating principles of Neutron Monitors are nuclear reactions within the proportional counters. The output signal of these is an electric pulse for every secondary cosmic ray particle that interacts with the detector. Then, the amplitude of the pulse signal reflects the amount of charge generated on each individual interaction. The estimated pulse height distribution provides an energy...
Alexander Borisov
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
One-year exposition data on absorption of high-energy cosmic ray hadrons with energies of tens of TeV in two-tier X-ray emulsion chamber (XREC) with large air gap ($\sim$ 2.2 m) are presented. The experiment was carried out at the Tien Shan High Mountain Research Station located at the altitude of 3340 m a.s.l. It is shown that the abnormal behavior of the hadron absorption curve, which was...
Saba Mortazavi Moghaddam
(Semnan University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The first phase of the Alborz Observatory Array (Alborz-I) is designed to have 20 scintillation detectors to study the cosmic ray spectrum in the energy range of $10^{12}$ eV to $10^{16}$ eV. In order to collect data under stable environmental conditions, a sub-array consists of 5 plastic scintillation detectors on a pentagon with side of 5 m similar to the central cluster of the Alborz-I have...
Nicola Mori
(University of Florence and INFN Florence)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Muon radiography is a well-estabilished technique which is widely used in investigating the internal density structure of targets of different size and composition. Some examples of successful applications are the search for hidden chambers in archaeological sites and the monitoring of geological structures like volcanoes. The two main approaches to muon radiography are based on the effects of...
Marek Siluszyk
(Siedlce University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Data of super neutron monitors, Bx, By, Bz components of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) have been used to study relations of the long-period variations of the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) intensity with IMF turbulence for the period of 1968-2014. We find that the changes of the rigidity spectrum exponent γ of the GCR intensity variations and the exponents vy, νz, νx of the Power...
Olaf Reimer
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
We present results obtained from our newly developed Galactic cosmic
ray transport code Picard, that solves the cosmic ray transport
equation. This code allows for the computation of cosmic ray spectra
and the resulting gamma-ray emission. Relying on contemporary
numerical solvers allows for efficient computation of deca-parsec
scale resolution models. Picard can handle locally...
Moritz Hütten
(DESY Zeuthen)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The questions about the origin and type of cosmic particles are not only fascinating for scientists in astrophysics, but also for young enthusiastic high school students. To make them familiar with research in astroparticle physics, the Pierre Auger Collaboration agreed to make 1% of its data public available. The Pierre Auger Observatory investigates the cosmic rays at the highest energies...
Douglas Bergman
(University of Utah)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Air showers with primary energies between 3 and 100 PeV which are pointed toward TALE give rise to an optical signal dominated by Cherenkov radiation rather than fluorescence light. The reconstruction of these showers can be greatly improved for a sample of these showers by placing a small (400 m square) array of non-imaging Cherenkov counters (25 counters) below the field of view of TALE....
Anna Uryson
(Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The main problem of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) is where they come from. Point UHECR sources seem to be appropriate but they are not discovered. Information about UHECR origin is obtained from particle energy spectrum. In space, particles lose energy in interaction with cosmic microwave background. This results in a lack of particles at E>10^20 eV at the Earth (GZK-effect) if UHECRs...
Jaroslaw Stasielak
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Kraków, Poland)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
We investigate the feasibility of the radar technique for extensive air shower detection. A set of simulations of radio wave reflection off the short-lived plasma produced by the high-energy showers in the air is performed, considering various radar setups and shower geometries. We show that the plasma produced by air showers should be treated always as underdense. Thus, we use the Thomson...
Mario Bertaina
(Univ. & INFN Torino)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Previous results obtained by KASCADE-Grande using QGSjetII-02, EPOS1.99 and SIBYLL hadronic interaction models have shown that the energy spectrum of cosmic rays between 10^16 eV and 10^18 eV exhibits a significant hardening at approximately 2 x 10^16 eV, a slight but statistically significant steepening close to 10^17 eV, the `knee', caused by the heavy component of primary cosmic rays, and...
Mikhail Amelchakov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The URAN array for EAS study is now under construction in MEPhI in collaboration with INR RAS. The basic element detector for the array is EN-detector sensitive to both thermal neutron and electromagnetic components. For this study we developed a novel type of EN-detector based on a thin layer of alloyed mixture of inorganic scintillator ZnS(Ag) with B_2О_3 as a target for neutrons. Main...
Roberto Iuppa
(University of Rome Tor Vergata),
giuseppe di sciascio
(INFN Roma Tor Vergata)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Understanding the energy spectrum and the mass composition in the range 10 TeV - 10 PeV is crucial to establish a robust model of galactic cosmic rays. To do that, precise measurements are needed, with systematic uncertainties sufficiently low to discriminate among models. In this regard, the issues of the energy and the mass of the knee are scientific cases of particular importance. Contrary...
(Nagoya University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Nuclear emulsion is a high resolution 3D tracking device. 0.2 $\mu$m AgBr crystals penetrated by a charged particle grow into 0.8 $\mu$m silver grains which can be observed as a track by a microscope via chemical development process. The recent fully automated readout systems enabled not only high resolution measurements but also large-scale experiments (accelerator experiments, balloon-borne...
Schoo Sven
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The KASCADE-Grande Muon Tracking Detector allowed measurements with high accuracy
for the directions of EAS muons having energy above 0.8 GeV. Combining information about the
direction of the extensive air shower, obtained with the KASCADE-Grande particle detector array,
and the directions of reconstructed muon tracks we have investigated the muon production heights
by means of the...
Igor Petrov
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
In the paper are present the new results for the mass composition of cosmic rays, obtained of the energy region 10^16 – 10^18 eV. The data were obtained at Small Cherenkov array over a 20 - year period of continuous observation. The our experimental data are indicate at changed in the mass composition in the energy range 10^16 - 10^18 eV and it’s confirmed by independent results obtained by...
Zhen Tian
(Institute of high energy physics)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
In gamma-ray astronomy, the time structure of the shower front is crucial to improve the angular resolution of primaries for ground-based experiments. With its full coverage detection area, high time resolution and excellent spatial granularity, the ARGO-YBJ experiment offers a good opportunity to study in detail the temporal behavior of the gamma-ray shower fronts. In this work, by using the...
Stephanie Wissel
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The SLAC T-510 experiment provides the first beam-test of radio- frequency radiation from a charged particle cascade in the presence of a magnetic field (up to 1kG), a model system for radio-frequency emission from a cosmic ray air shower. The primary purpose of this experiment is to provide a suite of controlled laboratory tests to compare to models based on particle-level models of RF...
Semen Khokhlov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The NEVOD-EAS detector designed for the registration of extensive air showers in the primary particle energy range of 10^15 – 10^17 eV is currently being created on the basis of the experimental complex NEVOD-DECOR. The measuring system of the NEVOD-EAS detector has a cluster organization and is located in the MEPhI campus (Moscow, Russia). In total, the detector includes 12 clusters of...
Zigfried Hampel-Arias
(UW Madison)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory records the air showers produced by cosmic rays and gamma rays at a rate of about 15 kHz. While the events observed by HAWC are 99.9% hadronic cosmic rays, this background can be strongly suppressed using topological cuts that preferentially select electromagnetic air showers. Using this capability of HAWC, we can create a sample of air...
Anne Zilles
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The SLAC T-510 experiment was designed to verify established microscopic models for simulation of radio emission from air showers by reproducing the physics under controlled lab conditions. For this verification, the simulation toolkit Geant4 was expanded by the calculation of the emitted radio signal with the "end-point" and the "ZHS" formalisms in
parallel. We present and compare the...
Martin Schrön
(Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Neutron monitors on Earth are usually used to track the dynamics of incoming cosmic-ray particles under the assumption that local environmental conditions do not influence the highly shielded signal. Oppositely, in a young research field the local dynamics of environmental water is monitored by detecting less moderated cosmic-ray neutrons. Water in soil, air, snow and vegetation determines...
Alexandre Ghelfi
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)),
David Alain Maurin
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)),
Laurent Yves Marie Derome
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Galactic cosmic-ray fluxes (GCR) and neutron monitor (NM) cout rates depend on Solar activity. The modulation levels estimated in previous studies strongly depend on the datasets used (from different NM stations or GCR data) and on the different assumptions made (unknown interstellar flux, NM yield functions, ... ). We discuss an improved method to estimate the modulation parameter φ for any...
Igor Moskalenko
(Stanford University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
A dramatic increase in the accuracy and statistics of space-borne cosmic ray (CR) measurements has yielded several breakthroughs over the last several years. The most puzzling is the rise in the positron fraction above 10 GeV over the predictions of the propagation models assuming pure secondary production. Antiprotons are produced in CR interactions with interstellar gas and are, therefore,...
Kenji Shinozaki
(Unverisity of Tubingen)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The chemical composition of the very high energy cosmic rays (VHECRs) is an important piece of information to investigate their origin and acceleration mechanism. Possible change of chemical composition at the knee energy range has been reported by air shower experiments based on sampling of muons or Cherenkov photons. So far low flux of VHECRs along with uncertainties due to indirect...
Kinya Hibino
(Kanagawa University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
To measure the correlation between thundercloud and atmospheric charged particles, we have installed some atmospheric electric field meter at a site on the Tibet Air hower Array 4,300m a.s.l.) since February 2010. In this paper, we report some results of coincident observation of data from the array and atmospheric electric field during thunderstorm.
In addition, we present comparisons of a...
Hongbo Hu
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The standard model of cosmic ray propagation has been very successful in explaining all kinds of the
Galactic cosmic ray spectra. However, high precision
measurement recently revealed the appreciable discrepancy between data and model expectation,
from spectrum observations of $\gamma$-rays, $e^+/e^-$ and probably the $B/C$ ratio starting from $\sim$10 GeV energy.
In this work, we...
Danislav Sapundjiev
(Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The neutron monitor (NM) remains the best available instrument for monitoring the secondary nucleonic component of the galactic cosmic rays for more than 80 years. Today, NMs have been given another role related to satellite-based technologies for monitoring and forecasting of space weather events. At many sites around the world, the old neutron monitors were refurbished and synchronised into...
Vladimir Ryabov
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The problem of searching for highest-energy cosmic rays and neutrinos in the Universe is reviewed. Possibilities for using the radio method for detecting particles of energies above the CZK cut-off are analyzed. The method is based on the registration of coherent Cherenkov radio emission produced by cascades of most energetic particles in radio-transparent lunar regolith. The Luna-26 space...
Photon Counting with a Fully Digital FDIRC (Focused Differential Internal Reflection Cherenkov)
Pier Simone Marrocchesi
(University of Siena (IT) and INFN Pisa)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
A prototype of an Internal Reflection Cherenkov, with a SiO2 (Fused Silica) radiator bar optically connected to a cylindrical mirror, was tested at CERN SPS in March 2015 with a beam of relativistic ions obtained from fragmentation of primary argon nuclei at energies 13 and 30 GeV/n. The detector, designed to identify cosmic nuclei, features an imaging focal plane of dimensions ~4 cm x 3 cm...
Shoushan Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The PMT array is the most important detection unit for IACT. The high precision Cosmic ray energy spectrum measurement relies on the performance of the PMT array. The PMT gain can be ageing over time, which can impact the performance of the PMT array. A facility of photoelectron meter is developed for high precision online nonlinearity calibration and monitoring the performance of the PMT...
Alexandru Gherghel-Lascu
(IFIN-HH Bucharest)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The primary energy of cosmic rays is reconstructed at KASCADE-Grande using different approaches based on different sets of recorded observables. We present the results of an approach based on the S(500) observable which is the charged particle density recorded at 500 m distance from the shower axis. Previous investigations based on CORSIKA simulations (with QGSJet-II-2 model embedded for high...
michele iacovacci
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
By means of the analog readout, the ARGO-YBJ experiment is able to image the very hot region of
the shower core up to particle density of many 10^4/m^2. Exploiting this feature the number of
particles within 10 m from the core and the local age have been carefully studied. This
cascade region is mainly developed from particles produced in the first interactions with pseudorapidity eta > 7,...
A.W. Strong
(MPE Garching)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Recent extensions to GALPROP
Some recent extensions to the GALPROP cosmic-ray propagation package will be described.
These are built on the public version released a few years ago.
The enhancements include: an accurate solution option, improved convection formulation, alternative spatial boundary conditions, polarized synchrotron emission,
new magnetic field models, updated...
Florian Gaté
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Cosmic rays have a wide energy spectrum and their flux decreases quickly with the energy. For the most energetic events (above $10^{17}$ eV), the mass composition is not well known, due to shower to shower fluctuations. The knowledge of the mass composition would allow us to constrain theoretical models which predict different types of source and acceleration mechanism according to the mass of...
Changqing Feng
(University and Science and Technology of China)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
A satellite-borne high energy cosmic ray detector to be launched in the near future, named DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), is now being developed in China. The major scientific objectives of DAMPE mission are primary cosmic ray, gamma ray astronomy and dark matter particles, by observing cosmic rays with an energy range from 5 GeV to 10 TeV. An electromagnetic calorimeter, which...
Tim Huege
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
One of the main aims of the LOPES experiment was the evaluation of the absolute
amplitude of the radio signal of air showers. This is of special interest since
the radio technique offers the possibility for an independent and highly precise
determination of the energy scale of cosmic rays on the basis of signal
predictions from first principles. For the calibration of the amplitude...
giuseppe di sciascio
(INFN Roma Tor Vergata)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Detection of gamma rays from the annihilation or decay of dark matter particles is a promising method for identifying dark matter, understanding its intrinsic properties, and mapping its distribution in the universe.
The searches feature many different target types, including dwarf spheroidal galaxies, galaxy clusters, the Milky Way halo and inner Galaxy and unassociated Fermi-LAT...
Dmitri Ivanov
(University of Utah)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
From about 1-3 EeV, results from the HiRes, Telescope Array, and Pierre Auger experiments all indicate that cosmic ray composition is light, probably protonic. Since this energy range is above the critical energy of the galactic magnetic field, if these cosmic rays are of galactic origin there should be an anisotropy in their arrival directions at the earth. We will present a calculation of...
Gordana Tešić
(Penn State)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Primordial black holes (PBHs) are expected to explode violently during the last few seconds of their lives, producing jets of high energy particles. These particles could be detected in coincidence by several observatories with large fields of view, such as IceCube and ANTARES (neutrinos), HAWC and Fermi LAT (gamma rays) and Pierre Auger (neutrons). The short temporal structure of the...
Shuwang Cui
(Hebei Normal University, China)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The PRISMA project developed for cosmic ray study above 30 TeV is now realized as 2 prototypes at different altitudes. Special en-detectors are used for both electron and neutron components recording. An array of 4 such detectors is running in Yang Ba Jing (Tibet, China) at altitude 4300 m a. s. l. since January 2013. To be sure that thermal neutron background is stable we also study its...
Renat Sibatov
(Ulyanovsk State University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Blasi and Amato [1] studied diffusive propagation of cosmic rays (CR) in the Galaxy, taking into account spatial and temporal distribution of supernova remnants, diffusion in halo and spallation of nuclei. In frames of this model based on classic diffusion equation, they calculated the energy spectrum, chemical composition and anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays observed at Earth. They carried...
(Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The isotopes $^{2}$H and $^{3}$He in the cosmic radiation are mainly secondary products from interactions of primary cosmic rays in the interstellar medium. Secondary-to-primary ratios give important information on processes that occurred during the propagation of cosmic rays, independent of the unknown source spectrum. Boron-to-Carbon ratio data have been primarily used to study cosmic-ray...
Yifeng Wei
(University of Science and Technology of China)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is an orbital experiment which aims at searching dark matter by measuring the spectra of gamma, electron and positron originating from space. The BGO electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is one of the core sub-detectors of DAMPE for energy measurement from 5 GeV to 10 TeV. The Calorimeter consists of 308 BGO crystal bars with the dimension of...
Anatoly Ivanov
(Shafer Institute for Cosmophysical Research & Aeronomy)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
We are analysing temporal characteristics of signals from the wide field-of-view (WFOV) Cherenkov telescope detecting extensive air showers (EAS) of cosmic rays (CR) in coincidence with surface detectors of the Yakutsk array. Our aim is to reveal causal relationships between measured characteristics and physical properties of EAS.
Daisuke Ikeda
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
We are carrying out an R&D project to search for radar echoes from cosmic ray induced extensive air showers. For the verification of the radar echo technique, we have used the electron beam as a pseudo air shower generated by the Electron Light Source (ELS). The radio receivers consist of two wide-band log-periodic antennas and digital receivers, and the transmitter consists of a Yagi antenna....
Laura Valore
(University of Naples / INFN Naples)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The Atmospheric Research for Climate and Astroparticle Detection (ARCADE) project aims to a better comprehension of the limits of applicability, systematics and possible enhancements of the typical techniques used for the measurement of the aerosol attenuation profiles of UV light in cosmic rays and gamma rays experiments. Aerosols are indeed the most variable component in the atmosphere on a...
Anatoly Petrukhin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The large-scale coordinate-tracking detector TREK for registration of near-horizontal muon flux generated by ultrahigh energy primary particles is being developed in MEPhI. Detector is based on the multiwire drift chambers from the neutrino experiment at the IHEP U-70 accelerator, their key advantages are a large effective area (1.85 m2), good coordinate and angular resolution with a small...
Satyendra Thoudam
(Radboud University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The LOFAR Radboud Air Shower Array (LORA) is an array of 20 plastic scintillation detectors installed in the center of the LOFAR radio telescope in the Netherlands to measure extensive air showers induced by cosmic rays in the Earth's atmosphere. The primary purpose of LORA is to trigger the read-out of the LOFAR radio antennas to record radio signals from air showers, and to assist the...
Gudlaugur Johannesson
(Science Institute, University of Iceland)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
A study of interstellar emissions from radio to high-energy gamma rays (> 100 MeV) arising from CR interactions with interstellar gas, radiation and magnetic fields is currently the best way to gain insight into the physics of CRs throughout the Milky Way. To properly utilize the high quality data of modern instruments such as the Fermi-LAT, a detailed model of these interstellar emissions is...
Leonid Tkachev
(JINR, Dubna)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Marcelo Leigui de Oliveira
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
MonRAt is a compact telescope designed to detect photons generated by ultra-high energy cosmic ray particles in the atmosphere. The telescope is composed of a 64-pixel multianode photomultiplier tube in the focus of a parabolic mirror. Ultraviolet-passing filters are positioned in front of the photocathode to select photons within the wavelength range of nitrogen fluorescence. The data...
Sven Schoo
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
KCDC is a web-platform for distributing air-shower events measured by the KASCADE and KASCADE-Grande experiments.
In addition to the data, an extensive documentation on the experiments and the published observables is provided to ease the use of the data in analyses performed by the cosmic ray community. Since the experiments have been funded by tax-payers, access is not restricted to...
Vladimir Ryabov
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The results of the test data collection run held at the new shower installation of the Tien Shan mountain cosmic ray station are discussed. At time, the system consists of $\sim$100 detector points built on the basis of plastic scintillator plates with sensitive area of 0.25 m$^2$ and 1 m$^2$. In the core region these detectors form two rather dense carpets with the 3 m$\times$4 m uniform...
Atsushi Iyono
(Okayama University of Science)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Observation experiments of Cosmic rays have been carried out since 1996
in Okayama University of Science, the primary energy spectrum in energy
range of 10^16eV to 10^19.5eV has been obtained by using a mini array
consist of 8 plastic scintillation counters and an extensive air shower
(EAS) time structure since 2006. And, in order to improve the energy
resolution of the mini array...
Anatoly Erlykin
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The dependence of the cosmic ray intensity on Galactocentric distance is known to be much less rapid than that of the thought-to-be sources: supernova remnants. This is an old problem ('the radial gradient problem') which has led to a number of possible 'scenarios'. Here, we use recent data on the supernova remnant's radial distribution and correlate it with measured HII electron temperature...
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The relationship between galactic cosmic rays and solar wind is investigated using an extended time- dependent and anisotropic force field model, where galactic cosmic rays flux is found to be related to the solar wind speed through the local interstellar spectrum and a modulation parameter. Galactic cosmic ray flux calculated at 1au within the energy range (0.2 – 88)GeV using the model is...
Lev Timofeev
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
This report presents an observation method of Cherenkov light from extensive air showers (EAS) generated by cosmic rays (CRs) above 1016 eV and preliminary observations. The interest in Cherenkov light differential detectors of EAS is caused by the possibility to measure the depth of cascade maximum, Xmax, and/or the shower age via angular and temporal distributions of the Cherenkov signal. In...
Yoann Genolini
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
PAMELA and, more recently, AMS-02, are ushering us into a new era of greatly reduced statistical uncertainties in experimental measurements of cosmic ray fluxes. In particular, new determinations of traditional diagnostic tools such as the boron to carbon ratio (B/C) are expected to significantly reduce errors on cosmic-ray diffusion parameters, with important implications for astroparticle...
Jeongmin Park
(Kyunpook National University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
It is important to measure the cosmic ray spectrum to understand the origin, acceleration and propagation mechanisms of high-energy cosmic rays. The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) experiment will be launched in 2015 to the International Space Station (ISS) to measure cosmic ray elemental spectra up to energies beyond the reach of balloon instruments. The Top Counting Detector (TCD) and...
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The purpose of this research paper is to develop efficient sites array of using CRAYFIS(Cosmic Rays Found in smart phone)which gives real time radiation weather map on temporal and spatial scales. It is suggested how a map can be prepared in terms of exact azimuth zenith and altitude angles so that the direction of the cosmic rays sources could be estimated.
Juan A. Garzon
(LabCAF - Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Cosmic rays, coming either from the Sun, our galaxy or other galaxies, are permanently arriving to the Earth after having been affected by the intergalactic magnetic fields, the solar activity and the terrestrial atmosphere, being a very valuable source of information of our surrounding Universe.
Since the last year, a new RPC-based tracking detector, TRAGALDABAS (acronym of "TRAsGo for...
Andrzej Śmiałkowski
(University of Lodz)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Based on shower simulations we show that the electron distribution $ f(\theta,r,E;s) $, describing fully the fraction of electrons with energy $E$,at shower age $s$, at the distance from the axis $r$ and having angle $\theta$ is the same for any shower, independently of the primary energy or mass and shower fluctuations. We find an analytic description of this function
fitting it best in...
Yoshinori Sasai
(Nagoya University)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
SciCRT (SciBar Cosmic Ray Telescope) is a new project to observe cosmic rays via a full active scintillator tracker. Our aim is to detect high energy solar neutrons produced by the interaction between accelerated ions and the solar atmosphere and to observe the anisotropy of galactic cosmic-ray muons. In the previous ICRC in Brazil, we reported that the detector has been installed at Mt....
Igor Yashin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI - Moscow),
Juan A. Garzon
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Cosmic Rays research is of great interest both because it improves our knowledge of how Cosmic Rays are produced and accelerated and because it provides a great deal of information about the interstellar and interplanetary media, the solar activity and the Earth’s surroundings.
In order to deepen our understanding of several phenomena related with the cosmic rays, two complementary...
Yury Balabin
(Polar geophysical institute)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Low energy gamma-rays background in the polar atmosphere (Apatity (67° N) and Barenzburg (78° N)) is studied. Continuous measurements of gamma-ray differential spectrum in Apatity and integral one in Barenzburg are conducted since 2009. There is a seasonal variation of gamma-ray flux falling down from upper hemisphere. The same variations in thermal neutron and low energy charged particle...
Andrew Romero-Wolf
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Techology),
Stephanie Wissel
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
Recent comparison studies of cosmic ray arrival directions and active galactic nuclei have resulted in evidence for correlation with weak significance against an isotropic source distribution. In this paper we address the question of what sample size is needed to measure a highly statistical significant correlation to a parent source catalog. We compare several scenarios for the directional...
Stijn Buitink
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB))
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The radio emission from air showers is used to accurately reconstruct the depth of the shower maximum (Xmax). We present a method based on using the full two-dimensional radiation profile as observed on the ground. While the density of shower particles reaching the ground is usually described with a 1D lateral distribution function, the intensity of the radio pulse is a complex function of...
Alexander Borisov
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia)
01/08/2015, 15:30
Poster contribution
The project of a new experiment is proposed in order to obtain direct data on the value of production cross section of charmed particles in interactions of cosmic ray hadrons on lead nuclei at energy $E \sim 75$ TeV in the forward kinematic cone and to determine a contribution of prompt muons to the overall flow of superhigh energy muons within EAS at mountain altitudes. The proposed...