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28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

QCD threshold logarithms analystic resumming

2 Sept 2016, 19:10
Amfitrion II (Makedonia Palace)

Amfitrion II

Makedonia Palace

Section C: Heavy Quarks Section C


Prof. Giulia Ricciardi (Dipartimento di Fisica E Pancini Università di Napoli Federico II)


We present a new technique to resum analytically large threshold logarithms in heavy quark decay which simplifies multi-scale problems and apply it to the B -> X_s gamma decay


We present a new technique to resum analytically large threshold logarithms in heavy quark decay which simplifies multi-scale problems and apply it to the B -> X_s gamma decay

Primary author

Prof. Giulia Ricciardi (Dipartimento di Fisica E Pancini Università di Napoli Federico II)

Presentation materials