28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Dyson-Schwinger approach to Hamiltonian QCD

29 Aug 2016, 19:10
Alexandros II (Makedonia Palace)

Alexandros II

Makedonia Palace

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Section A


Davide Campagnari (Universität Tübingen)


Dyson-Schwinger equations are an established, powerful non-perturbative tool for QCD. In the Hamiltonian formulation of a quantum field theory they can be used to perform variational calculations with wave functionals going beyond the Gaussian approximation. The various $n$-point functions, needed in expectation values of observables like the Hamilton operator, can be thus expressed in terms of the variational kernels of our trial ansatz. Finally, the equations of motion for these variational kernels are derived by minimizing the energy density.

Primary author

Davide Campagnari (Universität Tübingen)


Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen) Markus Huber (University of Graz)

Presentation materials