28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Polyakov line actions from SU(3) lattice gauge theory with dynamical fermions via relative weights

1 Sept 2016, 16:00
Amfitrion I (Makedonia Palace)

Amfitrion I

Makedonia Palace

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Section A


Dr Roman Höllwieser (NMSU/VUT)


We extract an effective Polyakov line action from an underlying SU(3) lattice gauge theory with dynamical fermions via the relative weights method. The center-symmetry breaking terms in the effective theory are fit to a form suggested by the hopping-parameter expansion, and the effective action is solved at finite chemical potential by a mean field approach. We show results for a small sample of lattice couplings, lattice actions, and lattice extensions in the time direction. We find in some instances that the long-range couplings in the effective action are very important to the phase structure, and that these couplings are responsible for long-lived metastable states in the effective theory. Only one of these states corresponds to the underlying lattice gauge theory.


We extract an effective Polyakov line action from an underlying SU(3) lattice gauge theory with dynamical fermions via the relative weights method. The center-symmetry breaking terms in the effective theory are fit to a form suggested by the hopping-parameter expansion, and the effective action is solved at finite chemical potential by a mean field approach. We show results for a small sample of lattice couplings, lattice actions, and lattice extensions in the time direction. We find in some instances that the long-range couplings in the effective action are very important to the phase structure, and that these couplings are responsible for long-lived metastable states in the effective theory. Only one of these states corresponds to the underlying lattice gauge theory.


Dr Roman Höllwieser (NMSU/VUT)


Prof. Jeff Greensite (SFSU)

Presentation materials