28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Exact sum rules for vector channel at finite temperature and their application to lattice QCD analysis

30 Aug 2016, 19:40
Terrace (Makedonia Palace)


Makedonia Palace


Dr Daisuke Satow


We derive three exact sum rules for the spectral function of the electromagnetic current channel at finite temperature, by using operator product expansion and hydrodynamics, focusing on zero spatial momentum case. We also discuss the possibility to use these sum rules to constrain and improve the functional form of the spectral function assumed in the lattice QCD analysis, and to evaluate the transport efficient at the second order, which does not directly appear in the spectral function, from the lattice QCD data.


We derive three exact sum rules for the spectral function of the electromagnetic current channel at finite temperature, by using operator product expansion and hydrodynamics, focusing on zero spatial momentum case. We also discuss the possibility to use these sum rules to constrain and improve the functional form of the spectral function assumed in the lattice QCD analysis, and to evaluate the transport efficient at the second order, which does not directly appear in the spectral function, from the lattice QCD data.

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