28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

A precise determination of the $N_{\rm f}=3$ QCD $\Lambda$-parameter from lattice QCD

1 Sept 2016, 16:15
Kalliopi (Makedonia Palace)


Makedonia Palace

Section E: QCD and New Physics Section E


Mattia Dalla Brida (DESY - Zeuthen)


In this talk we present the ALPHA-collaboration computation of the three-flavour QCD $\Lambda$-parameter. Starting from the value of $\Lambda$ in units of an intermediate energy scale $\mu=1/L_0 \sim 4\, {\rm GeV}$ (cf. talk by S. Sint), we first discuss the connection of this scale and a given hadronic scale, $1/L_{\rm had}$, of a few hundred MeV. The latter is obtained very precisely by determining the non-perturbative scale-evolution of the recently proposed gradient flow coupling between these scales. In a second step, $1/L_{\rm had}$ is expressed in terms of some measurable hadronic quantity using results from the CLS-collaboration effort. This allows the $\Lambda$-parameter to be determined in physical units.

Primary author

Mattia Dalla Brida (DESY - Zeuthen)


Alberto Ramos Martinez (CERN) Hubert Simma (DESY) Mattia Bruno (BNL) Patrick Fritzsch (H) Rainer Paul Sommer (DESY) Stefan Schaefer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Stefan Sint (Trinity College Dublin (IE)) Tomasz Korzec (University of Wuppertal)

Presentation materials