28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Liberation on walls in gauge theories and quantum anti-ferromagnets

1 Sept 2016, 17:30
9th floor (Makedonia Palace)

9th floor

Makedonia Palace

Section A Focus Subsection: Emergent gauge fields and chiral fermions Section A: Focus Subsection


Tin Sulejmanpasic


I will discuss the phenomenon of quark liberation on domain walls in gauge theories which are confining in the bulk. Specifically I will discuss confinement-preserving compactifications of such theories. These are confining due to the magnetic bion mechanism. I will show that liberation on domain walls becomes natural in such theories. I will also discuss the spin-1/2 or “spinon” confinement in the valence bond solid phase of quantum anti-ferromagnets in two spatial dimensions. This phase generically has a degenerate ground state and allows for stable domain walls. I will discuss the circumstances under which spinon excitations are liberated on the domain wall, and present numerical evidence of this phenomenon.


I will discuss the phenomenon of quark liberation on domain walls in gauge theories which are confining in the bulk. Specifically I will discuss confinement-preserving compactifications of such theories. These are confining due to the magnetic bion mechanism. I will show that liberation on domain walls becomes natural in such theories. I will also discuss the spin-1/2 or “spinon” confinement in the valence bond solid phase of quantum anti-ferromagnets in two spatial dimensions. This phase generically has a degenerate ground state and allows for stable domain walls. I will discuss the circumstances under which spinon excitations are liberated on the domain wall, and present numerical evidence of this phenomenon.


Presentation materials