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August 28, 2016 to September 4, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Aristotle’s Apprehension of Reality

Aug 31, 2016, 12:05 PM
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Ceremony Hall of AUTH, Egnatia 737 54636 Thessaloniki
Plenary sessions Plenary


Prof. Ioannis Antoniou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mathematics Department)


Following Plato’s definition of Knowledge as Justified True Belief, Aristotle understood Reality, and our description of Reality, as the emergence of actual-observable events (ενεργεία) from potentialities (δυναμει). This model is still the basis of relating models with observations, as illustrated by the following examples: 1) selecting admissible solutions from differential and difference equations (boundary conditions, asymptotic conditions), in electromagnetism, diffusion, scattering, 2) Theory of Phase Transitions, 3) non-equilibrium transitions of self-organizing complex systems, resulting from bifurcations, 4) The measurement problem in Quantum Theory, 5) Statistical Mechanics, Irreversibility and Chaos, 6) Network Dynamics.

The Aristotelian transition to actuality is conditioned by entelechy, filtering or shaping the actual from the possibilities inherent in our models.

Primary author

Prof. Ioannis Antoniou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mathematics Department)

Presentation materials