Plenary: Session I
- Michael Creutz (Brookhaven Lab)
Plenary: Session II
- Jose Ribeiro (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Plenary: Session III
- Gastao Krein (UNESP)
Plenary: Session IV
- Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona)
Plenary: Session V
- Wolfgang Lucha (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Plenary: Session VI
- Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University)
Plenary: Session VII
- Hagop Sazdjian (University Paris-Sud)
Plenary: Session VIII
- Antonio Vairo (TUM)
Plenary: Session IX
- Manfried Faber (Vienna University of Technology)
Plenary: Session X
- Alexander Andrianov (Saint Petersburg State University)
Plenary: Flash talks
- Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
Plenary: Session XI
- Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen)
Plenary: Session XII
- Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
QCD with chiral(axial) chemical potential will be reconstructed with the help of effective low energy Lagrangians and different models of NJL type. Their thermodynamic properties will be confronted to lattice predictions. Possible signatures of chiral imbalance will be guessed.
We will present new methods to compute the parton distributions, the proton charge radius and the neutron electric dipole moment. We will demonstrate the applicability of our methods using twisted mass fermion configurations and compare to the results of other lattice QCD collaborations. Finally we will discuss future directions and perspectives for baryon structure studies within lattice QCD.
The overarching science challenges for the coming decade are to discover the meaning of confinement, its relationship to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) - the origin of visible mass - and the connection between these two, key emergent phenomena. There is strong evidence to suggest that they are intimately connected with the appearance of momentum-dependent masses for gluons and...
The HEP Inquiry learning resources created over the last three-four years by the Inspiring Science Education and Go-lab European outreach projects will be reviewed. The resources are mostly addressed to high school students and the purpose is to ignite their interest on science. To that end, science exhibitions as well as science fairs (like the ones organized by this conference) try to reach...
We present a status report of our current knowledge of parton distribution functions in the nucleon, including the flavor and spin decomposition, using the latest information from experiments ranging from lower-energy fixed target facilities to the highest-energy hadron colliders.
I review recent work on the Roy-Steiner equations for pion-nucleon scattering. This allows to extract the S- and P-wave phase shifts in the low-energy and subtreshold regions and a precise extraction of the much debated pion-nucleon sigma term. I also discuss these results in view of recent sigma term determination from various lattice QCD collaborations.
Inclusive observables, insensitive to hadronization effects, are adequately described with the short-distance Operator Product Expansion. Higher-order perturbative calculations and improved experimental data sets make possible performing precise tests of QCD and accurate deteminations of the strong coupling at the NNNLO. The present status will be reviewed.
The discrepancy between the measured Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen and expectations from electron-proton scattering and hydrogen spectroscopy has become known as the proton radius puzzle, whose most "mundane" resolution requires a $\sim 5 \sigma$ shift in the value of the Rydberg constant. I review the status of spectroscopic and scattering measurements, recent theoretical developments, and...
There are a number of high profile, high impact experiments planned to probe the limits of the Standard Model through precision measurements at low energies in nuclear physics environments. These experiments include searches for: direct dark matter detection through the elastic recoil of large nuclei; CP-violation manifested in permanent electric dipole moments in nucleons and nuclei;...
Presented at Confinement XII
Precision measurements of flavour observables can provide powerful tests of many extensions of the Standard Model. I will present a review of recent heavy flavour results, focussing on places where tensions have started to appear between experimental measurements and Standard Model predictions. The talk will discuss possible explanations for these tensions and highlight areas where theoretical...
I review the motivation and evidence for the center vortex confinement mechanism, including the relevance of multiple-winding Wilson loops to the confinement problem, and the recent work of Trewartha, Kamleh, and Leinweber connecting center vortices with instantons and chiral symmetry breaking.
We review lattice calculations of the elementary Greens functions of QCD with a special emphasis on the Landau gauge. These lattice results have been of interest to continuum approaches to QCD over the past 20 years. They are used as reference for Dyson-Schwinger- and functional renormalization group equation calculations as well as for hadronic bound state equations. The lattice provides...
While the crucial role of gauge topology was recognized from 1970’s,
confinement was associated with monopoles and chiral symmetry breaking with instantons.
Recognizing presence of non-zero holonomy, van Baal and others discovered
splitting of the instantons into their constituents — the instanton-dyons.
Several groups now work out properties of their ensembles, which generate
both the...
Chiral anomaly induces a variety of novel macroscopic quantum phenomena in systems possessing charged chiral fermions, including the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). I will review the manifestations of CME in nuclear and condensed matter physics, and present recent results on the link between CME and evolution of magnetic helicity.
Following Plato’s definition of Knowledge as Justified True Belief, Aristotle understood Reality, and our description of Reality, as the emergence of actual-observable events (ενεργεία) from potentialities (δυναμει). This model is still the basis of relating models with observations, as illustrated by the following examples: 1) selecting admissible solutions from differential and difference...
We will review the frequentist methods used in High Energy Physics for deriving limits, establishing a discovery and making a measurement in the presence of Nuisance Parameters. In particular asymptotic methods and the Look Elsewhere Effect will be reviewed.
I will review some recent progress in studying the spectra of mesons using first-principles lattice QCD calculations. In particular, I will highlight some new results on resonances, near-threshold states and related scattering phenomena – this is an area which is very interesting experimentally and theoretically and where we have made significant advances in the last few years. An...
The X, Y and Z resonances observed by BaBar, Belle, BESIII, CDF, CLEO-c, CMS, D0 and LHCb Collaborations in the last years provide a challenge to our understanding of QCD. Among them the X(3872), first observed in 2003 by Belle, is the most famous one and the X(5568), observed this year by D0, would be (if confirmed) the most recently acquisition to the list of undoubtedly exotic mesons, since...
The hadron spectrum above the open charm threshold continues to surprise and challenges our understanding of confined systems of strongly interacting particles. While for the established mesons of the X,Y and Z families we have entered the era of precision measurements, new exotic resonances are still being discovered in the meson sector and lately in the baryon sector as well. This talk will...
I will discuss new results and open challenges in open heavy flavor and
quarkonium production in $p+p$ and $p+$Pb collisions at the LHC.
I will discuss (QCD)-techniques and calculations for dark matter production at the LHC, but also briefly review the physics case and the theoretical status of dark matter models.
I review current anomalies seen in the quark flavor sector at LHCb and the B factories. I then discuss a simple and minimal model, which can resolve these anomalies in an elegant way.
When an excess appears in LHC data, we should be comparing the data with entire classes of models, to get an immediate sense of which ones could conceivably be relevant. Often, the new physics is likely to be a relatively narrow s-channel resonance. In this case, a simplified model of the resonance can translate an estimated signal cross section into model-independent bounds on the product of...
I review the recent finite temperature lattice results that push
the simulations to the limits. The covered topics include the
hadronic degrees of freedom near Tc, very high temperatures,
finite density, and attempts to extract real time physics from
Euclidean correlators.
Recent theoretical developments in the description of collisions involving jets will be discussed, as well as the insights they shed on the nature of jets and the experimental ramifications for pp and heavy ion collisions.
I will discuss the properties of neutron matter from very low to very high density.
At low densities dilute neutron matter is very similar to cold atoms with an energy nearly a constant times the Fermi gas and a very large pairing gap. At higher densities the superfluid pairing is dramatically reduced. Above saturation densities the equation of states controls the mass radius relation of...
There are many interesting problems in heavy-ion collisions and in cosmology that involve the interaction of a heavy particle with a medium. An example is the dissociation of heavy quarkonium seen in heavy-ion collisions. This was believed to be due to the screening of chromoelectric fields that prevents the heavy quarks from binding, however in the last years several perturbative and lattice...
The energy loss and degree of thermalization of charm and beauty quarks in a quark-gluon plasma is one of the key observables to probe this medium. Spectra and azimuthal anisotropies of open charm hadrons are reported on and first results on open beauty are becoming available. Of crucial relevance are also the total charm and beauty production cross sections. Quarkonia habe long been...
One of the main surprises brought by the heavy ion program at the LHC is the observation of long-range correlations in collisions involving relatively small systems, like proton-proton or proton-lead. Similar phenomena were previously observed in collisions between two heavy nuclei, like Au+Au (at RHIC) and Pb+Pb (at the LHC) and in that context they were associated with collective phenomena,...
Based on the new fit of hadron yield ratios within the multicomponent hadron resonance gas model we have found several remarkable irregularities at chemical freeze-out. In particular, 121 hadron multiplicity ratios measured in the nucleus-nucleus collisions at AGS, SPS and RHIC energies were successfully described within the new formulation of HRGM with $\chi^2/dof \simeq 63.978/65 \simeq...
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) was designed for the study of the strongly interacting medium created in heavy-ion collisions at LHC energies, the Quark-Gluon Plasma. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are very powerful probes to study this state of matter, since they are produced in the early stages of heavy-ion collisions and they traverse the QCD medium interacting with its...
We present a first-principles study of anomaly induced transport phenomena by performing real- time lattice simulations with dynamical fermions coupled simultaneously to non-Abelian SU(Nc) and Abelian U(1) gauge fields. We investigate the behavior of vector and axial currents
during a sphaleron transition in the presence of an external magnetic field, and demonstrate how the interplay of the...
We present novel method for the organisation of events. The method is based on comparing event-by-event histograms of a chosen quantity $Q$ that is measured for each particle in every event. The events are organised in such a way that those with similar shape of the $Q$-histograms end-up placed close to each other.
We apply the method on histograms of azimuthal angle of the produced hadrons...
The flexibility of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) facility to collide atomic nuclei of different sizes over a wide range of
energies provides the experimental leverage necessary to clarify the nature of QCD matter. RHIC launched a multi-step experimental program to investigate the phase diagram of strongly interacting nuclear matter. The exploratory phase I of the Beam Energy Scan...
While the current heavy-ion programmes at RHIC and LHC address QCD matter at the hoghest achievable energies, but vanishing net-baryon densities, nuclear collisions at lower energies give access to matter at large baryo-chemical potential. This region of the QCD phase diagram is hardly accessible by first-principle QCD calculations, but QCD-inspired models suggest it to have a rich structure....
The main goal of physics program at the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility
(NICA) accelerator complex is a search for the possible mixed phase of quark matter and
baryon rich hadronic matter as a consequence of the first order phase transition.
Fixed target experiment Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) and collider experiment Multi Pupose Detector (MPD) at the NICA facility will work...
In a few years — right before and after the November Revolution of 1974 — particle physics, with full wind in its sails, changed very significantly. Quarks, somewhat reluctantly invented during the 1963/64 Christmas holidays, turned out to be for real. QCD and the rest of the Standard Model evolved from being considered a tropical disease affecting an overwhelmed minority of field theorists to...